七年级英语下册《Unit 4 I want to be an actor》学案1 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语下册《Unit 4 I want to be an actor》学案1 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语下册《Unit 4 I want to be an actor》学案1 人教新目标版_第3页




1、湖北省武汉市为明实验学校七年级英语下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor学案1 人教新目标版【学习目标】 1.掌握生词和短语。 2.培养和提高阅读能力。【重点、难点】 培养和提高阅读能力。【导学指导】自主互助学习 知识梳理 一、熟记下列词组1.打开open up 2.一个为期一年的项目on a one-year program 3.把.派到.send to. 4.高于海平面 above sea level 5.使某人做某事make sb. do sth. 6.同意agree with7.作出决定make ones decision=decide to do 8.两个都bo

2、thand 9.在.和.之间betweenand 10.听起来像 sound like11处于危险中in danger 12.照顾care for /look after 二、难句解析1. the thin air made her feel sick 稀薄的空气使她病了 make sb. do 使某人干某事(此处只能用动词原形,不能+to) 2.They love heaving volunteer teachers there. 他们喜爱让志愿者老师教他们。 Love doing (to do) 3.There often isnt money for education. 经常没有钱来受

3、教育。 4. I can open up my studentseyes to the outside world. 把学生们带到外部世界,我能开阔他们的视野。 5. give them a good start in life. 给他们一个生活的新起点 give sb. sth.给某人某物 6. She said she likes being a good influence in the childrens lives. 她说她愿意给孩子们的生活中起一个好的影响。 7. Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much. 杨蕾很愿意做一

4、个志愿者。 8. care for “Mother Earth” 关心“地球母亲” 9. care for wild animals in danger 关心处于危险中的野生动物 10. I cant do anything about that. 我对于那件事无能为力。11. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas. 每年他们都往中国的乡村地区派100名志愿者去教书。 send to 派,送到 12. Her village was 2000 meters above sea level. 她的村庄

5、位于海拔2千米。 学习过程:一、课前预习在单词表中找出词汇,大声朗读并记忆。ate(原形)_ thin(比较级)_ fortunately_ volunteer_村庄_贫穷的_ 地区_ 米_影响_ hometown_ open up_ care for_ 二、Game time三、Group workDiscuss with your partners what can you do for them?四、Reading1. scan skn 浏览 the passage, and choose the main idea of it.2. Read again,边读边把单词填到空白处。3.

6、Match the main idea with paragraph.Para 1 A. Give some examples for may not sound like fun to you.Para 2 B. The writer is going to tell what they are going to do.Para 3 C. Introduce the time she enjoyed.Para 4 D. Tell her experience in the mountains.Para 5 E. Tell something about the students at sch

7、ool.4. Discuss the similarities and differences with your partner.Yang leis students Youhometownmountain village in Gansu ProvincefoodteachersTime to get upTime to finish studying5 .Ask and answer these questions. What did Yang Leis mother say about her daughters volunteer work?_. What did the children say about their volunteer teachers?_ How did Yang Lei say she could help?_ What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer?_五


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