已阅读5页,还剩65页未读 继续免费阅读




1、,Unit3Conclusion of Business,达成交易,BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,大连理工大学出版社,Contents,introduction,Lesson 8 An Order,Lesson 9 Sending contract,Sum-up,2,4,introduction,背景介绍 在国际贸易中,双方经过交易磋商,确立契约关系。在外贸函电往来中,业务达成的体现为报盘或还盘得到双方认可,或买方发出订单并得到卖方的确认,拟定合同。达成交易后,往往另行签订书面合同。订立合同是指对以往磋商过程中达成的协议、共同接受的交易条件达成的书面确

2、认形式。合同具有法律效力,一经订立,以后的贸易活动都应以合同条款为依据。这是因为通过签订合同,把往来函电中有所变更的条件,最终归纳于一份规范的合同文本中,并由双方签署。这样的合同,既是一份完整、有效的法律文件,也是一份完整、明确的履约依据。合同的内 容通常包括三个部分: 约首:包括合同名称、编号以及双方当事人名称、地址、电传或传真号码等。 本文:合同条款,即对各项交易条件的具体规定,包括品名条款、品质条款、数量条款、包装条款、价格条款、装运条款、保险条款、支付条款、商检条款、索赔条款、不可抗力条款、仲裁条款等条款。 约尾:指明合同的正本份数、使用的文字效力、合同的准据法等,并由双方签字当事人落

3、款签字。,写作要点及要求 订单要点: 开头:1)确认交易条件,说明订货意图 正文:2) 订单的主要内容,详述所订购商品的名称、数量、规格、价格、 货号等 3) 说明其他要求,如包装、目的地、装运时间等 结尾:4) 期望;希望订单得到回复,表达合作的愿望等 回信要点: 接受订单的回信: 开头:1)感谢对方的订单及信任 正文:2)对订单的确认,并说明如何处理订单 结尾:3)表示合作的愿望 合同信函要点: 开头:1)确认交易达成 正文:2)发送合同,说明合同号(附有详细条款的合同) 3)提醒对方注意交易的重要事项,如付款方式、装运条件等 结尾:4)期望;尽快签署合同 每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要

4、根据实际情况加以调整。,Contents,introduction,Lesson 8 An Order,Lesson 9 Sending contract,Sum-up,2,4,Lesson 8 An Order订货,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,3. Main points,Specimen 1 a. sending the order; b. requirements of quality and payment;

5、 c. requirements (shipment etc.); d. expectation of confirmation. Specimen 2 a. receipt of the order and confirmation; b. assurance of shipment and acceptance of payment; c. expectation of future co-operation.,Chinese Version,信件一 东北进出口贸易公司 加拿大多伦多深合区约斯大街35号 华鑫贸易有限责任公司 中国上海金林路676号帝王之星大厦14楼 敬启者: 事由:女士衬

6、衫 感谢你方10月6日来信对女式衬衫的报价,我们很满意产品的质量并很高兴 地随函寄去322号订单,订购你方最新商品目录中提到的尺寸的商品。 我们注意到你方能供应现货,希望能在11月装运。如装运延误,我们保留撤 消或拒绝接收货物的权利。 供参考,我方希望采用60天即期付款交单,请来函确认。 (签名) 格兰. P. 约翰逊 经理 谨上 2006年10月15日,订 单 322号 中国天津 请供应以下货物,信件二 华鑫贸易有限责任公司 中国上海金林路676号帝王之星大厦14楼 东北进出口贸易公司 加拿大多伦多深合区约斯大街35号 敬启者: 事由:女士衬衫 非常感谢你方10月15日寄来的订单,很高兴确认

7、你方关于女式衬衫的 订货。我公司的发货部门正在处理你们的订单,发运货物准备好就会通知 你方的。 关于付款条件是可以接受的。装运后公司就通过银行递上相关的单据。衷心希望此次试订会带来以后的续订。 (签名) 黄凯 经理 谨上 2006年10月27日,4. Make yourself skilled,I. Basic Training 1.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words: satisfied reference effect regard result dispatch purchase acceptable consi

8、gnment delivery 1) We would like to claim beforehand that if the quality of the goods _ by you is not in accordance with the contract, we have a right to refuse the goods. 2) Owing to heavy commitments, the goods for _ by the end of this year have been sold out. 3) Since the _ is made on FOB basis,

9、you are to ship the goods from Liverpool on a steamer to be designated by us. 4) With _ to our previous letters and cables we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment.,dispatched,delivery,purchase,reference,5) You may rest ass

10、ured that we shall _ shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit. 6) As _ sole agent, we would like to go into details. 7) The negotiations between us have _ in a conclusion of a transaction of $ 3000. 8) We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery da

11、te can be _ to us, we shall place our order with you immediately. 9) Mr. Wood guarantees that Mr. Li will be _ with their equipment. 10) _ apply to transactions with small amount involved.,regards,resulted,acceptable,satisfied,Consignments,effect,2.Complete the following sentences in English: 1) Ple

12、ase inform us _. a. 你们对我们的供货情况是否满意。(be satisfied with) b. 你们的进口数量供我方参考。(for ones reference) c. 你们要求的装运日期。(delivery date) 2) Please rest assured that we _. a. 准备装运上述货物。(effect shipment) b. 及时发运你们的订单。(dispatch) c. 发运的货物价格公道,品质优良。(consign),if you are satisfied with our supply.,of the quantities you imp

13、ort for our reference.,the delivery date you required.,are ready to effect shipment the goods mentioned above.,will dispatch your order in time.,will consign goods of high quality at reasonable price.,3) In reply, we _. a.可以以寄售货物的方式做生意。(on consignment) b. 确认由于往来电报而带来的成交。(confirm, exchange) c 遗憾地说你方所

14、报的价格我方不能接受。(acceptable),can do business on consignment.,confirm the transaction resulting from cable exchanged.,regret to inform you that your offer is unacceptable to us.,3. Improving Training Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 我们希望货物能在8月份前发运。(consignment, dispatch) 2) 我们相信11月15日前可以

15、交货。(make delivery) 3) 我们相信此次的首次订货会导致将来贸易的进一步发展。(be sure, result in) 4) 由于我方急需,如你方尽早安排发货我们将不胜感激。(dispatch v.),We hope that the consignments will be dispatched before August.,We believe that delivery can be made before November 15.,We are sure that this initial order will result in further business in

16、 the future.,As we are in badly demand of the goods, we shall appreciate it if you dispatch the goods at early date.,5)我们高兴地确认从你处购进50公吨的花生。(confirm, purchase) 6) 十分抱歉,由于天气原因,我方不可能在本月底以前装运货物。(effect) 7) 我们会确保货物准时发运至你方港口。(dispatch n.) 8)由于你方的报价有竞争力而且能让我们接受,我们考虑大量的购买。(acceptable, large quantities),We a

17、re pleased to confirm having purchased from you 50 metric tons of peanuts.,We regret to inform that, owing to the bad weather, we are unable to effect shipment before the end of the month.,Well ensure the prompt dispatch of the goods to your port.,As your quotation is competitive and acceptable to u

18、s, we are considering orders of large quantities.,4. Letter-writing practice: Please write a letter of an order with the given words, phrases and the list that show the requirements about the goods. inform sport supplies a steady market ship an irrevocable L/C payment in urgent need acceptance of th

19、e order delay cancel,Letter-writing practice:,Dear sirs, We are delighted to inform you that your sport supplies have found a steady market here. Please ship us the goods according to the following requirements: As usual, the payment for the above goods is going to be made by an irrevocable L/C open

20、 in your favor ten days after your acceptance of the order. Since our customers are in urgent need of the goods, please ship them by the first available vessel no later than July 30. For any delay in shipment, we will have the right to cancel the order. Looking forward to the arrival of our order in

21、 time. Yours faithfully,More exercises,Translate the following expressions into Chinese: repeat orders purchase confirmation delivery date dispatch department consignment goods D/P at 30 days sight,续订,购货确认书,交货期,寄售部门,发运货物,30天即期付款交单,2.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of given words:,effect satisfy

22、 result regard purchase dispatched accept refer 1) At present, supply can be _ only in small quantities. 2) The quality of your new products _ us in every respect 3) As a _ of our endeavor, we have obtained supplies for you. 4) In international business, sales confirmation is a document _ as a contr

23、act.,effected,satisfied,result,regarded,5) _to our enquiry of Oct. 25, we invite your attention to it. 6) We are _ these goods for our own account. 7) We would like to claim beforehand that if the quality of the goods _ by you is not in accordance with the contract, we have a right to refuse the goo

24、ds. 8) We are not sure that our quotation is _ to you.,Referring,purchasing,dispatched,acceptable,3 Write a routine order letter, using the information below:,1) 对上次的原色布料供货表示满意。 2) 要求再次订货: 商品货号 数量 价格 9715 100,000码 1.5 美元(码) 9716 150,000码 1.2美元(码) 9623 120,000码 1.4美元(码) 3) 要求对方接到订货信后三周内装运,最迟不能晚于9月30

25、日,因为顾客急需这批货物。 4) 计划用D/P即期方式付款。,Dear sirs, We are satisfied with the quality of your gray cotton sheets, your supply have found a steady market here. We are herewith placing a repeat order as follows: We hope that you will make delivery in three weeks on receipt of our order. Shipment should be effec

26、ted no later than September 30 because our customers are in bad need of the goods. For your reference, we wish to effect payment by D/P at sight. Please kindly let us have your confirmation. Yours faithfully,Contents,introduction,Lesson 8 An Order,Lesson 9 Sending contract,Sum-up,2,4,Lesson 9 Sendin

27、g Contract寄送合同,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,* 部分合同条款的表达,1.品名条款 e.g. Name of Commodity: Chinese Tung Oil(桐油) 2.品质条款品质条款是外贸合同中最重要的条款,必须明确约定商品的品质。 (1)常用表述:一些商品按不同规格 (specification)来说明品质。有些商品不能用规格描述,就直 接用双方认可的等级(grade)表示品质。 (2)品质

28、描述 质量以卖方样品为准。Quality as per sellers sample. 质量以买方样品为准。Quality as per buyers sample. 凭规格、等级或标准买卖。Sales by specification, grade or standard. 良好平均品质。Fair average quality, (F. A. Q.). 上好可销品质。Good merchantable quality, (G. M. Q.). 凭商标或牌号买卖。Sales by trademark or brand. 说明书买卖。Sales by specification. .,(3)

29、品质的实例参考表述: e.g. 以*在装运港出具的品质证书为最后依据。 Quality certificate by * at loading port to be taken as final 以制造者工厂检验为准。 Makers inspection in the factory to be final 以独立公正行装运时的检验质量为准。 Quality inspected by independent public surveyor at the time of shipment to be final。 卖方凭样品售货,必须保证货到时的质量同样品完全一致。 Goods sold by

30、sample shall be guaranteed by the seller to be fully equal to sample upon arrival at destination. 装运地装货时的良好平均品质,以伦敦谷物贸易协会官方良好 平均品质为准。 Fair average quality at the time and place of loading shall be assessed upon the basis of London Corn Trade Associations official s F. A. Q. standard. 质量完全以卖方*日提供的样品为

31、准。 Quality to be strictly as per sample submitted by the seller on *(date).,3.数量条款 Quantity: (1)、计量单位: 数量 件package (pkg.) 个、只piece (pc.) 箱 case (c/s), chest, crate (crt.) 纸箱carton (ctn.) 匹 piece 包 bale 桶 drum (dr.), barrel (bl.; br.), cask (ck.), keg 袋bag, sack (sk.) 捆 bundle 筐(篓)basket 坛 jar 双 pair

32、 打 dozen (dz.) 罗 gross 大罗 great gross 张sheet 令 ream 卷 roll 盒 box 听(罐)tin, can 瓶 bottle 套 set, 重量 公吨 Metric Ton (M/T) 公斤kilogram (kg.)盎司 ounce 磅pound(lb.) 长度 米Meter英尺Foot英寸inch码 yard 面积 平方米 Square Meter 平方英尺 Square Foot 平方码 Square yard 体积 立方米Cubic Meter 立方英尺Cubic Foot 立方码 Cubic yard 容积 公升Liter 加仑Gall

33、on 蒲式耳 Bushel,(2)数量条款 一般表述 当合同货物包含不同货号或品种时,除描述总数量外,还应描述不同货号货物的数量 溢短装条款 e. g. : Quantity: 1000 M/T total. Quantity: 1000 M/T, 5% more or less at sellers option subject to contracted price Quantity: 1000 M/T, 3% more or less at buyers option; such excess or deficiency to be settled by contracted price

34、.,4. 包装条款 (1)、包装材料: 纸箱(carton)、木箱(wooden case, wooden crate)、编织袋 (poly bag, polythene bags)、 麻袋 (gunny bags)、单层旧/新麻袋sound/new single gunny bags、泡沫盒(foam box) 塑料编织袋 (pp woven bag) (2)、包装条款的内容:包装材料、包装规格、包装总件数 句型:Packed in of each, to be packed in , each containing, to 当合同货物包含不同货号或品种时,还应列明不同货号或品种货物各自的包

35、装件数,e. g. : Bee Honey 300 M/T. Packing: In wooden cases. 25 kgs. Net in a tin, 2 tins to a case, 60 cases total. Synthetic Camphor Powder 240M/T合成樟脑粉 Packing: In cartons of 25kgs net each with plastic bag sealed up inside, 240 cartons total. Gypsum in Lumps石膏块 Packing: In bulk. Talc Powder 60M/T滑石粉

36、Packing: In 5-ply craft paper bags of 25kgs net each, 150 bags total.,Tin Ingot 120M/T Packing: In bundles of 1000 kgs. net each. 120 bundles total Pyrol Vsite Powder 锰粉 60M/T Packing: In paper bags or plastic bags with outer woven bag of about 50kg net each. 1200 bags total. 100% Cotton Mens Shirt.

37、 600 dozen total. Packing: In cartons, one piece to a poly bag, one bag to a paper box. 3 dozen to a carton. Blue, white, yellow equally assorted. XL/3,L/6 and M/3 each dozen. 200 cartons total.,3.运输标志 shipping mark e. g. : Shipping Mark: At the Sellers option. Shipping Mark: At the Buyers option. T

38、he Shipping Mark must reach the Sellers one month before the time of Shipment. Shipping Mark: ABC New York Nos. 1-up SINGAPORE Shipping Mark: ABC New York S/C No. 12345 Nos. 1/up,5. 价格条款 (1) 单价条款:计价货币、单价金额、计量单位、贸易术语 e.g.: Unit Price: USD78.00 per piece FOB Nanning Unit Price: GBP 83.00 per set CIF H

39、amburg including 3% commission 或 GBP 83.00 per set CIFC3% Hamburg, Unit Price: JPY 2,400.00 per carton CFR Kobe less 4% discount 货币单位 USD United States Dollars GBP(Stg )Great Britain Pound (Pound Sterling) EUR Euro CAD Canadian Dollars AUD Australian Dollars CNY Chinese Yuan HKD Hong Kong Dollars JP

40、Y Japanese Yen,(2)、总价条款: e.g.: Total Amount: USD31,280.00 only. (Say U. S. Dollars Thirty One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Only) Total Amount: Stg14,297.50 only. (Say Pounds Sterling Fourteen Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Seven and 50% only),6. 装运条款: (1)、装运条款:起运港、目的港、装运期限、分批装运、转船 e.g.: Shipment

41、: From Yantian to Antwerp during Oct./Dec., 2005. Partial shipments areallowed, Transshipment is not allowed. Shipment: From Nanning to Los Angeles not later than July 31, 2005. Partial shipment and transshipment are permitted.,Shipment: From Shanghai to Sydney on or before May 31, 2005. Partial shi

42、pments and transshipment are prohibited. Shipment: From China port to Manchester in Sept., 2005. Partial shipments and transshipment are allowed. Terms of Shipment: Shipment to be effected from Guangzhou to Rotterdam during March/April/May, 2005 in three equal monthly lots, each 1000 M/T with transs

43、hipment at Singapore only.,(2)、以合同、信用证为基础规定装运期: e. g. : Time of Shipment: To be effected within 30 days after the date of contract. Time of Shipment: To be effected within 30 days after receipt of the relevant L/C. The L/C must reach the Sellers not later than xxx.,7. 保险条款: (1) FOB、CFR合同: e.g. : Ins

44、urance: To be covered by the Buyer. Insurance: To be effected by the Buyer. (2) CIF合同: 投保人、投保金额、险别、险别依据 句型:To be covered by for against as per dated e.g.: Insurance: To be covered by the Seller for 110% of total invoice value against F. P. A. and War Risk as per and subject to the relevant Ocean Mar

45、ine Cargo Clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China , dated 1/1, 1981. Insurance: To be covered by the Seller for 110% of total invoice value against I. C. C. (A) and I. C. C. War Clause cargo as per and subject to Institute Cargo Clause dated 1/1,1982.,8. 支付条款: (1) 汇付方式 e.g. : Payment: The

46、Buyer shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds in advance by Demand Draft to reach the Sellers not later than Oct.15, 2005 Payment: The Buyers shall pay the total value of the goods to reach the Sellers in advance by T/T(M/T, D/D) not later than June 30, 2005,(2) 托收方式 Payment: By D/P at sight. (Upon fir

47、st presentation the Buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.) Payment: By D/P at 90 days sight. ( The Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at 90 days sight upon first pres

48、entation and make payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.) Payment: By D/A at 60 days sight. (The Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at 60 days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity. The shipp

49、ing documents are to be delivered against acceptance.),(3) 信用证方式 e. g. : Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight. Payment: The Buyer shall open through a bank acceptable to the Seller an Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to reach the Seller 45 days before the month of shipment, val

50、id for negotiation in Nanning, China till the 15th day after the latest date of shipment. Payment: By Confirmed Irrevocable L/C at 30 days sight.,Lesson 9 Sending Contract寄送合同,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,3. Main points of th

51、e letter,Specimen 1 a. confirming the business b. sending the sales contract and asking for counter-signature c. asking for the opening of L/C d. expectation-early reply Specimen 2a. receipt of the contract b. returning the counter-signature c. advising the opening of L/C and asking for shipment,Chi

52、nese Version,信件一 敬启者: 兹提及我们双方的电子邮件往来,很高兴与你方达成30公吨的花生仁交易。随函寄去354号销售合同一式两份,请会签并返还一份以便我方存档。 请早日开立相关的信用证,以及我方尽快安排装运。 盼即复。 谨上,信件二 敬启者: 我方及时收到你方关于30公吨的花生仁的354号销售合同一式两份。按你方要求,由此返还其中一份,上面有我方的签名。 我方已经通过在伦敦的中国银行开立了相关的信用证,相信很快寄达你方。一收到信用证,请立即安排装运并告知我方船名和开航日期。 谨上,4. Make Yourself Skilled,I. Basic Training 1.Tran

53、slate the following expressions into Chinese: counter-signature in duplicate shipping advice name of steamer foreign exchange Sales Contract date of sailing advising bank,通知行,会签,一式两份,装运通知,船名,外汇,销售合同,开航日期,2. Choose the best answer:,1)We hope you can give prompt attention to our request for the _ of t

54、he relative L/C. a. establishing b. establish c. establishment d. established 2)Referring to the latest _ of the letter we are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 100 tons of coal. a. exchanged b. exchanging c. being exchanged d. exchange 3)Thank you for your repeat order w

55、hich as usual is receiving our immediate attention. As _ we will effect the shipment well in time. a. advised b. referred c. requested d. concluded 4)We have made out and sent you our Sales Confirmation No.6060 _ and should you send back one copy duly countersigned. a. in duplicate b. of duplicate c

56、. of two copies d. in two copies 5)We will _ you of the time of delivery as soon as we make preparation. a. mention b. note c. learn d. advise,c,d,d,a,c,6)In order to ensure the requested shipment please open the covering L/C _ should reach us 30 days prior to the date of delivery. a. which b. in wh

57、ich c. on which d. of which 7)For your information we have recently _ with a Japanese exporter a transaction of $10,000 on the terms of D/P at sight. a. concludedb. brought c. realized d. come to 8)_ our order of June 17 we will keep you well advised of the relative development. a. With reference to b. Regards to c. Regards on d. With reference on 9)We return herewith one copy _ signe


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