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1、第三讲 组织结构的概念、方案和模式,引例:福特汔车公司混合动力车团队的组织结构 组织结构的概念 组织结构和信息处理 组织设计方案 组织结构模式 组织结构模式的应用 下一次课的讨论案例: 1、C involves frequent meetings and conflict resolution sessions Will not work unless participants understand it and adopt collegial rather than vertical-type relationships Requires great effort to maintain p

2、ower balance,Strengths and Weaknesses of Matrix Organization Structure,Source: Adapted from Robert Duncan, “What Is the Right Organization Structure? Decision Tree Analysis Provides the Answer,”Organizational Dynamics (Winter 1979): 429.,A Horizontal Structure,Sources: Based on Frank Ostroff, The Ho

3、rizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999); John A. Byrne, “The Horizontal Corporation,” Business Week, December 20, 1993, 76-81; and Thomas A. Stewart, “The Search for the Organization of Tomorrow,” Fortune, May 19, 1992, 92-98.,Strengths and Weaknesses of Horizontal Structure

4、,STRENGTHS: Flexibility and rapid response to changes in customer needs Directs the attention of everyone toward the production and delivery of value to the customer Each employee has a broader view of organizational goals Promotes a focus on teamwork and collaborationcommon commitment to meeting ob

5、jectives Improves quality of life for employees by offering them the opportunity to share responsibility, make decisions, and be accountable for outcomes,WEAKNESSES: Determining core processes to organize around is difficult and time-consuming Requires changes in culture, job design, management phil

6、osophy, and information and reward systems Traditional managers may balk when they have to give up power and authority Requires significant training of employees to work effectively in a horizontal team environment Can limit in-depth skill development,Sources: Based on Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal

7、Organization: What the Organization of the Future Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999); and Richard L. Daft, Organization Theory and Design, 6th ed., (Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing, 1998) 253.,Hybrid StructurePart 1. Sun Pe

8、trochemical Products,President,Technology Vice President,Financial Services Vice Pres.,Human Resources Director,Chief Counsel,Chemicals Vice President,Lubricants Vice President,Fuels Vice President,Sources: Based on Linda S. Ackerman, “Transition Management: An In-Depth Look at Managing Complex Chan

9、ge,” Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1982): 46-66; and Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), Fig. 2.1, 34.,Hybrid StructurePart 2. Ford Customer Service Division,Director and Process Owner,Director and Process Owner,Sources: Based on Linda S. Ackerman

10、, “Transition Management: An In-Depth Look at Managing Complex Change,” Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1982): 46-66; and Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), Fig. 2.1, 34.,Human Resources,Strategy and Communication,Finance,Vice President and General

11、 Manager,Teams,Teams,Director and Process Owner,Teams,Technical Support Group,Vehicle Service Group,Parts Supply / Logistics Group,Functional Structure,Horizontal Structure,Teams,Teams,The Relationship of Organization Design to Efficiency vs. Learning Outcomes,Horizontal Organization Designed for Le

12、arning,Vertical Organization Designed for Efficiency,Dominant Structural Approach,Horizontal structure is dominant Shared tasks, empowerment Relaxed hierarchy, few rules Horizontal, face-to-face communication Many teams and task forces Decentralized decision making,Vertical structure is dominant Spe

13、cialized tasks Strict hierarchy, many rules Vertical communication and reporting systems Few teams, task forces or integrators Centralized decision making,The Relationship of Structure to Organizations Need for Efficiency vs. Learning,Horizontal Structure,Dominant Structural Approach,Horizontal: Coo

14、rdination Learning Innovation Flexibility,Vertical: Control Efficiency Stability Reliability,Matrix Structure,Divisional Structure,Functional with cross-functional teams, integrators,Functional Structure,Modular Structure,第三讲 组织结构的概念、方案和模式,引例:福特汔车公司混合动力车团队的组织结构 组织结构的概念 组织结构和信息处理 组织设计方案 组织结构模式 组织结构模式

15、的应用 下一次课的讨论案例: 1、C&C杂货店公司的组织结构 2、宝瓶宫广告代理公司的组织结构,Symptoms of Structural Deficiency,Decision making is delayed or lacking in quality The organization does not respond innovatively to a changing environment Too much conflict is evident,组织结构模式的应用,结构选择中的决策时机问题。公司刚成立或公司出现结构无效的症状。结构无效的症状包括决策质量不高、不能有效地应对环境的变化、存在明显的过多冲突。 结构选择中对各选择方案之间关系的认识。不同结构模式之间的连续渐变关系。 结构选择中选择备选方案的根据因素。结构变化的权变因素:环境、战略与目标、技术、规模和文化。,第三讲 组织结构的概念、方案和模式,引例:福特汔


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