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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?,Section A 1a-2d,Learning aims,To learn to discuss preferences using superlatives To learn the usage of superlative of adjective in regular forms and irregular forms To learn new words: theater, comfortable, close, ticket, worse, comfortably,Words review,theater c

2、omfortable seat screen close ticket worst,n. (=theatre) 剧场;戏院 adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的 n. 座位;坐处 (如椅子等) n. 银幕;屏幕 adj. (在空间、时间上)接近 n. 票;入场券 adj.&adv. (bad和badly的最高级) 最差(的);最坏(的);最糟(的),Words review,cheaply song DJ choose,adv. 便宜地;低廉地 n. 歌;歌曲 n. (电台;电视台;俱乐部的)音乐节目主持人 v. 选择;挑选,Words review,carefully reporter so far

3、 fresh comfortably,adv. 细致地;小心地; 谨慎地 n. 记者 到目前为止;迄今为止 adj. 新鲜的;清新的 adv. 舒服地;舒适地,Good , better , best, Never let it rest , Till good be better , And better best . Bad , worse ,worst , Never fight against , Get better and better, And youll be the best.,GOOD , BETTER, BEST,英 文 顺 口 溜,This computer is ch

4、eap.,This computer is cheaper than that one.,This one is the cheapest of all.,¥6999,¥4999,¥3999,The weather is bad.,The weather is worse.,The weather is the worst.,This car is the best of the three.,good,better,This apple is the biggest of all.,big,bigger,10 yuan,20 yuan,50 yuan,This pen is the most

5、 expensive of the three.,expensive,more expensive,What is the highest of adjectives and adverbs:,1.当三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较时,形容词和副词要用最高级.,2.最高级之后常常用of ,in 等短语来限定比较的范围。,Can you tell me the construction form of adjectives and adverbs :,1.大多数形容词副词之后直接加,2.以e 结尾的形容词和副词加 st , eg:nicenicer nic

6、est,3.以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词副词变y为i再加,-est, eg:earlyearlierearliest,4.以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词副词双写末尾的辅音字母再加est, eg:bigbiggerbiggest,5多音节的形容词副词的比较级最高级加-most, eg;beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful,shortest,6.不规则变化: many/muchmoremost good/wellbetterbest bad/badlyworseworst littlelessleast farfartherfarthest,Le

7、ts try to read them.,B: heavy easy tidy dry busy happy healthy hungry early,变y为i加est,C: large late nice,加st,biggest,D: big hot thin wet fat,hottest,“双写”,thinnest,wettest,fattest,delicious dangerous interesting popular beautiful careful carefully,the most adj .,1. good better best 2. comfortable more

8、 most 3. big bigger biggest 4. happy happier happiest 5. cheap cheaper cheapest 6. many more most 7. difficult more most 8. little less least,1.Im the shortest in my class.,Tell the usage of adjectives and adverbs of the highest according to these sentences,2.He runs fastest of us three.,3.Which is

9、the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth?,4.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world,5.He is the third tallest boy in our team.,adj必须有the,有in所修饰的范围。,adv可以不加the,有of所修饰的范围。,Which/Who+ 最高级,A ,B or C?,one of+ 最高级+名词复数 表示最之一,the +序数词+最高级+名词单数 表示第几.,1. Li Lei speaks English _ (well) in

10、 his group. 2. Which goes _ (slowly), Tom , Jim or Sam? 3.This book is _ (interesting) of the three.,best,most slowly,The most interesting,根据所给词的适当形式填空,4. She works _ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed _ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is _ (delicious) of all.,the most carefully,

11、latest,the most delicious,7. He is one of _ (tall ) boys in my class . 8.Yellow River is the second_( (long) river in China. 9. He is _ (bad) at learning maths. He is much_ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _ (bad) at English in his class.,longest,bad,worse,worst,the tallest,Discuss Do you like to go t

12、o the movies? Who is your favorite movie star? Why do you like him / her?,cinema,Where do you want to go ?Why?,theater,radio station,Movie theater,=,cinema,comfortable seats,舒适的座位,big screen,friendly service,qualities,good quality,Blue Moon,Super Cinema,Red Star,My house,300 m,400m,500m,is close to

13、my home.,Red Star Cinema,Super Cinema,is closer to my home.,is the closest to my home.,Blue Moon Cinema,¥40,¥20,¥10,is cheap.,Super Cinema,Red star Cinema,is cheaper.,is the cheapest.,Blue Moon Cinema,is popular.,Blue Moon Cinema,Super Cinema,is more popular.,is the most popular.,Red star Cinema,has

14、 a big screen.,Super Cinema,Blue Moon Cinema,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,Red star Cinema,has friendly service.,Super Cinema,Blue Moon Cinema,has friendlier service.,has the friendliest service.,Red star Cinema,has comfortable seats.,Super Cinema,Blue Moon Cinema,has more comfortable

15、 seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,Red Star Cinema,How do you choose a cinema to go to? Which is important?Which is not important?,comfortable seats,big screen,friendly service,new movies,distance from home,in a fun part of town,popular,cheap tickets,1a How do you choose what movie theater to g

16、o to? Write the things in the box under “Important” or “Not important”.,comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popular,big screens comfortable seats best sound popular,close to home cheap new movies buy tickets quickly,What is the most important f

17、or you in a movie theater?,A: I think comfortable seats are the most important for me . B: For me, and are the most important in a movie theater. C: But I think is the most important. D: In my opinion, I think is the most important,Group work 1a,1b Listen and match thestatements with the movie theat

18、ers. Write down the names.,Movie World,Screen City,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,Whats the best movie theater?,Showtime Cinema. Its the cheapest.,But I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats.,It has the biggest screens. Its the most popular. Its the closest to home. Its the cheapest

19、. It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats.,A: Whats the best movie theater? B: Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest. C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: For me, F: In my opinion, ,1c,Talk about the movie you know,2a Listen to a reporter interview a boy. C

20、ircle the boys answer.,Green City Survey 1.Which is the best clothes store? Millers Blue Moon c. Dream Clothes 2.Which is the best radio station? a. 970AM b. 97.9FM c. 107.9FM,2b Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement.,Clothes Stores _Its the most expensive. _

21、It has the best clothes. _ Its the worst store. _You can buy clothes the most cheaply there.,Blue Moon,Dream Clothes,Millers,Millers,Radio stations _ It has the worst music. _ They play the most boring songs. _ The DJs choose songs the most carefully. _ Its the most popular.,970 AM 97.9 FM 107.9 FM,

22、107.9 FM,970 AM,97.9 FM,97.9 FM,Pairwork 2c: Role play,A: Hello! Im a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure. A: Whats the best / the worst clothing store in town? B: I think Millers is the best / .is the worst. A: Why do you think so? B: Well Millers has .,2d Role- play the conversation.,G

23、reg: Hi, Im Greg. Im new in town. Helen: Hi, Im Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! How do you like it so far? Greg: Its fantastic, but I still dont really know my way around. Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there. Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cine

24、ma around there? I love watching movies. Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. Greg:Thanks for telling me. Helen: No problem.,1.Tom is the tallest in our class. This apple is the biggest of all.,1)形容词最高级: 用于三者或三者以上的人或 事物相比较。 2)标志词:表比较范围时用in/of 3) 形容词最高级前须加the.,Language points,2.观察句子: Which do you like best? Chinese, English or math? Tom is one of the tallest boys in his class. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,常用句式:,1) Who/ Which+ 最高级, A, B or C ? 2) one of +the +形容词最高级 +名词复数形式, 意为“最之一”。


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