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1、How to Become A Good Speaker,Kai-Fu Lee Corporate Vice President Microsoft Corporation,Why Be a Good Speaker?,“The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.” Pericles Not just “presentation”, but also “persuasion” Get peoples “mindshar

2、e” Influence a friend, colleague, or boss Tell people what you did, and why it matters,What Youll Learn Today:,First Topic: Learn Speaking Skills,“Without effective delivery, a speech of the highest mental capacity can be held in no esteem.With effective delivery, even one with moderate abilities ma

3、y surpass those of the highest talent.” Cicero,Speaking Skills Are Important,What Are Speaking Skills?,Verbal (words spoken) Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice) Visual (physical appearance, gestures, eye contact),7% 38% 55%,Delivery Skills,Most Important: Enthusiasm,“There is just one

4、sure cure for bad speeches Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.” Robert Montgomery Dont accept a talk without enthusiasm Could be from interest, experience, environment Example: Martin Luther King I have a dream that one day this nation will

5、 rise up;live out the true meaning to its creed.We hold these truths to be self-evidentthat all men are created equal. Not how loud, but how sincere,Verbal Skills Be Simple ask what you can do for your country”. Quayle vs. Benson Debate: Quayle: I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kenn

6、edy did when he sought the presidency. Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer 2: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“,Visual Skills,US Election 1960 was won on visual skills Components of Visual Ski

7、lls: Eyes Body Hands Face,Visual Skills Eyes,Look forward at audience (trust) Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in corner Dont look too much at computer screen or notes Look at peoples faces (not eyes) 3-6 seconds per person Shift randomly Nod, smile, use facial expression,Visual Skills Body,Stand up w

8、hen talking Walk around = informal Dont: Rock, shake Lean too much,Visual Skills Hands,Gesture complements talk Should come naturally, without thinking Make sure they match! Need to exaggerate a little Especially with large audience Dont fidget or put in pocket Videotape whole talk hold the lectern

9、Speak loudly Take a deep breath Dont have to look at audiences eyes Look at a friendly face Look above peoples heads,Humor,Good humor: Relevant Respectful Short How to tell a joke? Prepare audience Pause after “punch line” Move on naturally if no reaction! Plan your humor: Remember what worked Use i

10、t again!,Audience Participation,Ask audience a question Anticipate their answer(s)! Respond with something interesting AND relevant Also OK to ask before talk I see and I remember; I do and I understand.”,Be Yourself,Dont copy others styles Many styles could be effective You must be yourself to be credible Adapt your style, but stay within “comfort zone”,Last Topic:,Q It just takes : a


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