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1、Unit 7 section B,New words,advocate,vt.提倡,主张,拥护 They advocate environmental education while on the job ,but are wasteful and pulluting at home. 他们在工作中提倡环境教育,但在家中却依然浪费资源,污染环境。 This process works perfectly well to accomplish the goal,but there are two reasons why Ido not advocate it. 这个过程能够完美地实现目标,但我出

2、于两个原因不提倡使用它。,n.拥护者,提倡者,辩护律师,(为某一类人)谋利益者n.拥护者,提倡者,辩护律师,(为某一类人)谋利益者,He got the best advocate in the town to defend him. 他请最好的律师为他辩护。 Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prison and very ofen cruel. 动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。 devils advocate 故意持相反意见的人 He is just playing the

3、devils advocate with me. 他只是故意和我唱反调而已。,Omit,Omitted omitted omitting Vt.省略,遗漏,删掉,未做 Omit no harsh line ,smooth away no displeasing irregularity. 不能省略任何刺眼的纹路,不能掩饰任何讨厌的丑处。 One solution is to omit the least important feature. 一种处理的办法就是删去次要的要素。 omit forget neglect overlook ignore 等的区别 Forget:普通用词,侧重某是不重

4、要或太复杂而未能记住,也指有意疏忽或忘掉。,Omit:指有意或无意的忘记某事,也指删去被视作不重要、 不合意的东西。,neglect:侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。 overlook:指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。 ignore:通常指有意不顾,或不理显而易见的事物。 Have we forgotten how to forget? 我们是否已经忘了如何去忘记? None can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of human. 谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。 This one is pretty basic but some

5、thing many people overlook. 这是很根本的一点,但很多人还是会忽略。,confront,Vt.1.使面对;出现在面前 The next big issume confronting the workers is the question of wages . 摆在工人面前的第二大问题是工资问题。 2.对峙,面对,遭遇 We must confront the future with optimism. 我们必须乐观地面对生活。 3.使当面对证,使对峙 They confronted him with evidence of his crime. 他们把他的罪证摆在他的

6、面前。,4.对照,对比,We should confront theory with practice. 我们应该用实践来对照检验理论。 confront with:使面临 be confront with 面临 Hardship is in everywhere ,you can not avoid from it ,but to confront with it . 困难无处不在,你无法回避,只有面对。,n. confrontation对抗,面对,对峙,现身说法(向某人描述自身行为及后果),We can both benefit from coorperation ,not confron

7、tation. 合作,而不是对抗会让我们双方受益。 confrontation strategy 对抗战略 n.confrontionist 对抗主义者 adj.confrontational 对抗的,对抗性的,reveal,Vt.1.提示,揭露,泄露 I should be glad to give you any help if you reveal your thought to me . 2.展现,显示,使露出 Do you know your nails xan reveal clues to your overall health? 你知道你的指甲可以显示你整体的健康状况吗?,do

8、minate,vt.1.统治,支配, He completely doiminates the family. 这个家完全由他作主。 2.高耸之上,俯瞰,屹立 A tall pine dominated the landscape. 一棵高耸的松树俯瞰全景。 3.在中占首要地位,充满,赋予特色 The issume of gun contral will dominate the next election. 枪支管制问题将在下次竞选活动中成为主题。,vi.处于支配地位,,The superpower attempted to dominate over other countries. 超级大国企图支配其他国家。 2.高耸,居高临下 The castle dominating over the river. 高耸于河边的古堡。 adj.dominating 有支配力的,有影响力的 dominated 占主导地位的,强势的,Man does not reveal himself


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