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1、B3M2.单词思忆 1_n收入 2_n贫穷 3_n发展 4_vt.测定;测量;评估 5_n位置 6_n数字 7_adj.拥挤的 8_n类似;相似 9_n交通工具 10_n交换11_n饥饿_adj.饥饿的 12_vt.教育;培养;训练_n教育 13_adj.不幸的;遗憾的_adj.幸运的 14_n娱乐_v使娱乐 .短语回顾 1_to直到;到为止 2_the top/bottom of在顶端/底部 3_sure确定;弄清楚 4_progress取得进步 5_effort努力 6_particular尤其;特别 7be connected _与有联系;与有关 8be close _接近;靠近Read

2、ing :Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para.1 Examples of successful development in 2003.Para.2 The most five important goals of the report.Para.3 Developed countries should give more financial help.Para.4 The H.D Index measures a countrys achievementPara.5 How the Human Development Report ca

3、me out.Step Detailed readingRead the text quickly and silently and find the answers to the questions.1. What did world leaders agree to do in 2000?2. What does the Human Development Index measure?3. What are the first two Development Goals?4. What progress have we made towards these goals?5. What do

4、 developed countries need to do?1. 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 agree to do sth _ He agrees to help other students with their homework ._agree with表示“同意某人的意见、主意或所说的事项”,with后常接表示人的名词或代词,也可接意见、看法等名词,但不含协力合作之意。此外,它还可以表示“某人(不)适应(食物、气候等)”。 eg: What you did didnt agr

5、ee with what you said. _ The weather doesnt agree with me. _agree to 同意计划/安排 agree on 就达成一致意见2. From this agreement came the Human Development Report. _是完全倒装句3.The index has some surprises.surprise 为一个可数名词,属于抽象名次的具体化,类似的词还有success, youth, beauty, power, necessity,dangerYour coming is a pleasant surp

6、rise. _If you follow the teacher, you will be a success._China has a great power. _4. at the top of _ at number 7 _ in the thirteenth position _ in the middle of _ at the bottom of _5.The UK is in the 13th position, while China is in the middle of the list._ while 在此意为“然而,可是”具有轻微的转折和对比的含义。Mother is

7、busy cooking while Father is watching TV after work._ 6. fight v. fought 作战, 打仗, 打架, 斗争fight + n/pron He fought cancer and lived to be 80. _fight against 为反对而战 They are fighting against the enemy. _fight with 和作战,与并肩作战In such terrible situation, who would like to fight with us. _fight for 为 (争取事业、自由

8、、权力) 而斗争They are fighting for freedom. _7.For example ,in nine years,China increased life expectancy by 13 years._by :prep,表示数量,比率方面的用法 to the amount or degree of程度达到 (数字、差额)The price of oil fell by $ 2 a barrel. _-连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。从结构上说,英语连接词分两大类:并列连词(coordinating conjunct

9、ions)和从属连词(subordinating conjunctions)。1.并列连词用来连接两个或两个以上地位平等且属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词、短语(当然包括介词短语了)或句子。如:and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, however, for, hence, as well as, bothand, not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, (and)then等等。2.从属连词只能用来引导名词从句和各类的状语从句。常见的有:after, although, because, before, if, l

10、est,once, since, that, till, unless, until, when, where, whether, while 等。e.g.He lives where the climate is mild.他住在一个气候温暖的地方并列连词连接两个或两个以上地位平等的字、词组或分句。例 如:(1) Air and water are indispensable to me. (2) She likes going out with friends or playing outdoor games. (3) Most workers have a good income, so

11、 they look very happy. 从属连词连接两个或两个以上的分句,形成复杂句中的从属分句。例如: (4) He said that he did not want to go . (5) Many things have happened since I last saw him. (6) You may come if you want to.上述连词的用法,看起来不难,但错误也难免。下面是些好例子: (1) This book may be used both as a text as well as a reference book. 这里的“as well as”和“bo

12、th”不能搭配,应该将“as well ”改为“and”,使“both.and.”变成关联连词( correlative conjunction) (2) He not only speaks Mandarin but also English. 这里的“not only”应该移到“speaks”后面,使这个动词兼顾两个等立宾语:“Mandarin”和“English”。 (3) Although he is fat, but he is very weak. 英语里的“although”和“but”是不见面的 ,因此这句里的“ but”要去掉,不然“although”就要出来。 (4) Ji

13、m is not so strong like you. 这里的“not so”必须和“as”连成一体;介词“like”是不适宜的。(5) No sooner had we reached our destination, they left. No sooner必须和than 配成关联连词,把than 省掉是不对的,应该补上: No sooner had we reached our destination than they left. 这句子的意思也可透过“as soon as”反映出来: “As soon as we reached our destination, they left

14、.” (6) I took a taxi and which took me to the station. 这里的并列连词“and”是多余的,必须去掉。如果要保留“and ”也可,但是形容词分句(定语从句)里的关系代词“Which”要改成主语“it” ,使整个句子变成并列分句如下: I took a taxi and it took me to the station. (7) My friend came up to me and held my hand, said good-bye excitedly. 这里的“and”应该用来连接最后两个谓语才对: My friend came up

15、 to me, held my hand, and said good-bye excitedly. 不然,就要把“said”改成“saying”。 My friend came up to me and held my hand, saying good-bye excitedly .佳句仿练 1From this agreement came the Human Development Report.(表示方位或方式的介词短语放在句首时,句子要用完全倒装形式。) 树下有些孩子。 _ 2Norway is at the top of the list,while the US.is at n

16、umber 7.(while表对比,意为“然而”。) 一些人赞同他的计划,而其他人反对。 _3The bottom ten countries are all African countries,with Sierra Leone(in West Africa)at the bottom of the list.(with复合结构在句中作状语。) 老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。 _ 4Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and which have similar features such as to

17、urism,industry,culture and entertainment. (“of某些抽象名词”可用来描述人或事物的特征,该结构在句中可作表语或定语。) 这本书很有价值。 _【温馨提示】(1)measure表示“措施”时,常用其复数形式。 (2)measure表示“量;有长(宽、高)等”时,是不及物动词,后跟量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态。作定语和状语时,要用现在分词形式。make to ones measures 按照某人的尺寸做take measures( to do sth.) 采取措施做(某事)be measured by/in 用来衡量1.用measure的适当形式填空

18、They took strong_against dangerous drivers. The room_12 feet by 13 feet. The bridge _as long as 20 metres needs repairing. in a position 处于的地位/处境in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置take up (ones ) position 就位hold the position of 担任的职务2.(2009陕西高考)From their_ on the top of the TV Tower,visitors can have a bet

19、ter view of the city. AstageBposition Ccondition Dsituation 完成句子 椅子的位置都不合适,我们应把它们移走。 The chairs are all_. We should move them away. 他在一家大公司担任销售部主任一职。 He _Sales Director in a large company. keep ones figure 保持身材figure out 想出,理解;弄明白,看透figure on 期待,指望,依赖figure in 把列入计算/考虑3. 完成句子 她每天早上做运动以保持体形。 She does

20、 exercise every morning to_. 我无法理解她为什么这样说。 I cant _why she said so. exchange A for B 以A换Bexchange sth. With sb. 与某人交换某物in exchange 作为交换make an exchange 交换4.完成句子 他一赢了钱就把他的旧车换成了一辆新款式的车。 He _his old car_a new model as soon as he had won the money. 按照传统,比赛结束时两队球员互换球衣。 At the end of the game players trad

21、itionally_shirts _each other. 我送给玛丽一个苹果换我最喜欢吃的香蕉。 I gave Mary an apple _my favourite banana. 达到数目up to 高至程度 直到(时间) = up tillbe up to 打算做/正做(不好的事);胜任Its up to sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任;应由某人做某事Its up to you. 由你做主。/取决于你。5.完成句子 我的德语达不到能翻译那封信的程度。 My German isnt_that letter. 迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作。 Michael is not re

22、ally _. 这次由你决定去哪里。 _decide where to go this time. an effortmake efforts + to do sth. 尽一切努力做某事 every effortspare no effort 不遗余力with effort 努力地without effort 不费力地,容易地6.完成句子 我要不遗余力地帮助穷人。 Ill _to help the poor. 他毫不费力地把箱子搬了起来。 He lifted the box_. a close game 势均力敌的比赛close down (工厂等)的关闭;歇业close up 关闭;靠拢;靠

23、近closev. 关闭;adj. 接近的;严密的,亲密的;adv.靠近地,做副词时,主要指从距离上来说较近closelyadv.密切地,紧紧地,仔细地,主要指程度或关系的紧密.7. It is hard for the firefighters to get _to the burning building. Aclosely Bclosed Cclose Dclosingwhile 的各种用法while做名词表示“一会儿” while做从属连词 while做并列连词,表示“而”for a while 在时 虽然,但是 与同时(发生) but表转折,while表对比8.People in we

24、stern countries usually celebrate Christmas,_people in China observe the Spring Festival. Aso Bbecause Cwhich Dwhile be of +抽象名词=be+该抽象名词的形容词形式be of great (much) value / importance / use / help / interest = be very valuable / important / useful / helpful / interesting还有些抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,只能用“be + of +

25、n.”结构。如:be of the same size/weight/height/depth/length/age/colour/shape/kind/type9.句型转换 I have something very important to discuss with you. I have something_ to discuss with you. This pair of shoes is not the same in size. This pair of shoes is not _. This dictionary is not helpful to English begin

26、ners. This dictionary is _to English beginners. .单词拼写 1If you want to double your_(收入),you must double your effort. 2I could see a _(人影)in the distance but I couldnt make out who it was. 3Parents should pay more attention to the mental _(发展)of their children. 4A jazz band provided the _(娱乐),while pe

27、ople ate and drank under the stars. 5The company will arrange the _(交通工具)from the airport. 6Many people could die from cold and h_ that winter as the war continued. 7Im not sure what I would do if I were in your p_. 8Our government is taking m_ to protect the rivers against pollution. 9Can you tell

28、me what you would give me in e_ for my recorder? 10The train was c_ with so many people,and we had to stand. .完成句子 1我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作。 I cant _ why he quit his job. 2把你的地址填写在申请表下端。 Write your address _ the application form. 3到目前为止,我们在治理污染方面取得了很大进步。 Up to now,we _ in dealing with pollution. 4我把我的录音机给你,那

29、你用什么交换呢?What would you give me _my recorder? 5我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 We should _to beautify our environment. 6就在我们家门前耸立着一棵高高的有一千多年历史的树。 Just in front of our house _ with a history of more than 1,000 years. III.语法专练 用but, however, although, while填空1Im sorry,_I cant stay any longer. 2He was feeling bad._,he went to work and tried to concentrate. 3_you didnt pass the exam,I know you have tried your best. 4She hopes to be a doctor,_her parents want her to study business. 5He can not speak Russ


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