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1、,LOGO,Unit4 Body language,1. Find the word from the text for each of these meanings.,1 action of defending oneself against an enemys attack 2 very probably,Discovering useful words and expressions:,defence,likely,3 European country that is shaped like a boot 4 small restaurant provided by a school f

2、or its students or by a company for its employees 5 to be chosen to speak or act in place of someone,Italy,canteen,represent,6 to run or travel somewhere in a great hurry 7 to come nearer to something or someone from a great distance 8 group of people organized for a special purpose,dash,approach,as

3、sociation,9 either side or the face below the eye 10 the act of flying, especially scheduled on a plane,cheek,flight,身势语 2.微笑的面孔 3. 很可能 4.向 介绍 5.向点头 6. 与握手 7. 相反地 8. 站得很近 9.伸出手 10.避免交际中的困难 11.好奇地向四周张望 _ 12.用口头语言交流 _ 13.一般来说,总的来说 _,body language,a smiling face,be likely to,introduce to,nod at / to ,s

4、hake hands with,reach ones hand out,on the contrary,stand very close to; approach sb. closely,avoid difficulties in communication,Phrases,look around curiously,communicate with spoken language,in general / generally speaking,14.学生会 15.防卫 16.冲过 17.随后紧跟着 18. 亲某人的脸 19.往后退,defend against / be in defence

5、,dash through,be closely followed by,kiss sb. on the cheek,step back,student association,When I was a college student in my third year, I _ my school to join in the Yiwu International Commodity Fair _ (act) as an interpreter. At that time, I kept an American businessman _ to look around each booth.

6、Then came his French friend. After I had been introduced to him, I _ him with a _ (smile) face. Just at that moment, however, the French man _ me, touched my shoulder and kissed me _. I stepped back and put up my hands, as if _. Believe it or not, it is the first time that I _ (be) kissed by a man.

7、My face turned red at once. This is the first cultural _ I have ever experienced.,misunderstanding,company,nodded at,in defense,represented,approached,on the cheek,acting,have been,smiling,When I was a college student in my third year, I _ my school to join in the Yiwu International Commodity Fair _

8、 (act) as an interpreter. At that time, I kept an American businessman _ to look around each booth. Then came his French friend. After I had been introduced to him, I _ him with a _ (smile) face. Just at that moment, however, the French man _ me, touched my shoulder and kissed me _. I stepped back a

9、nd put up my hands, as if _. Believe it or not, it is the first time that I _ kissed by a man. My face turned red at once. This is the first cultural _ I have ever experienced.,misunderstanding,nodded at,in defense,represented,approached,on the cheek,acting,have been,smiling,company,stand for,1) Wha

10、t does the hand gesture represent/stand for?,It represents/stands for “I love you”.,2) I represented my school to join in the Yiwu International Commodity Fair.,Representing my school, I joined in the Yiwu International Commodity Fair.,represent :,It represents/stands for victory.,When I was a colle

11、ge student in my third year, I _ my school to join in the Yiwu International Commodity Fair _ (act) as an interpreter. At that time, I kept an American businessman _ looking around each booth. Then came his French friend. After I had been introduced to him, I _ him with a _ (smile) face. Just at tha

12、t moment, however, the French man _ me, touched my shoulder and kissed me _. I stepped back and put up my hands, as if _. Believe it or not, it is the first time that I _ kissed by a man. My face turned red at once. This is the first cultural _ I have ever experienced.,misunderstanding,nodded at,in

13、defense,represented,approached,on the cheek,acting,have been,Having been introduced to him,company,smiling,1. Winter is approaching. 2. We heard the approach of the train. 3. The school decided to solve the problem with a new approach. 4. The approach to the house was a narrow path.,approach,寓词于境,自我

14、归纳,approach 可作为_(句1)译为_此外, approach 可作为_ 译为_(句2); _(句3); _(句4).,动词,接近;靠近,名词,接近,方法,道路;路径,即学即练,1. 随着冬天的接近,天气变得更冷了。,With the _ of winter, the weather became colder.,2. 所有通往镇上的路径都被阻断(block)了。,All the _ to the town were blocked.,3. 他们正在讨论这个课题(subject)的正确方法。,They are discussing _ the subject.,a correct ap

15、proach to,approach,approaches,approach,n. way, to (doing) sth,The monthly exam is coming / drawing near / approaching / around the corner / on the way , how will you prepare for it?,With the monthly exam approaching, I plan to,Translation: 我认为学习一门外语最好的方法是学习口语。 In my opinion, the best approach to lea

16、rning a foreign language is the study of its spoken language.,vt 即将达到,来临,方法,通道,approach sb/sth v 靠近,接近 an approach to sth/doing sth n 方法,通道,途径 小男孩好奇地向那个戴面纱的女士走去。 The curious boy approached that woman wearing a veil. 大笑很可能会是减轻压力的新方法。 Laughing is likely to be a new approach to reducing peoples stress.

17、,be likely to do,likely adj. 可能的 He is the likely winner of the election.,2) be likely to do Hes likely to arrive a bit late.,Its likely that he will arrive a bit late.,Translation 他很可能会迟到。,He is likely to be late.,It is likely that he will be late.,= It is likely that,天可能要下雨了。,It is likely to rain.

18、,It is likely that it will rain.,curious (adj.),curiosity (n.),be curious about sth,be curious to do sth.,be full of curiosity,out of curiosity,satisfy ones curiosity,After I read the passage, I _ the greetings among international people. I think you may be _ as well. _, I tried to communicate with

19、some foreigners. Their different greetings _. If you _ greet people from other countries, youd better find a chance to experience by yourself.,was curious about,full of curiosity,Out of curiosity,satisfied my curiosity,are curious to,Jerry 对中国的肢体语言很好奇 Jerry is curious about Chinese body language Jer

20、ry 很想知道中国人是怎么用肢体语言交流的。 Jerry is curious to know how Chinese communicate with each other by using body language. 我对中国文化很了解,所以我可以满足Jerry 的好奇心。 I know Chinese culture well, so I can satisfy Jerrys curiosity.,Body Language in Different Cultures,People from different cultures _ each other in different wa

21、ys. People from Japan prefer to _ others, while the Canadians _ (大多数情况下) shake hands with others. For the men who come from Jordan, they stand _ the male friends. _, they keep a certain distance from the females and just _ them. The French not only shake hands with others, but also kiss them twice o

22、n each cheek. _ (总之), studying international customs helps avoid misunderstanding.,greet,bow to,in most cases,close to,On the contrary,nod at,transitional phrases,coming from,just nodding at,Not only do the,French shake hands with others,In general,Generally speaking,good sentences,Not all cultures

23、greet each other the same way.,All cultures dont greet each other the same way.,All hope was not lost. (M1 U4),=_.,Every student cant answer the question.,= _ _ student _ answer the question.,Not both of them are students.,=_ _ them _ _students.,Not all hope was lost,Not,every,can,Both,not,of,are,不是

24、所有看到的都是真的, 道听途说更不可信。,Not all that you see is true,Get to know Jims girl friend,2. probable: 常用于结构: it is probable +that 主语不能是人, 几 乎不能说it is probable to do sth.,possible 常常用于下列结构: It is possible for sb. to do sth. It is possible that 从句,主语不能是人,likely, probable, possible,possible, likely, probable,可能性

25、: possible likely probable,It is possible/probable/likely that,Sb be likely to do; It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.,Exx New drivers are far more to have accidents than experienced drivers. 2. Dont worry. He is to get in touch with you. 3. Could you open that window for me? (表示委婉请求),likely,likely,

26、possibly,Would she mind playing against her former teammates? _ She is willing to play against any tough players. (浙江2010) A. I think so. B. Im not surprised. C. Of course. D. Not likely! 【点拨】 选D。根据答语“她乐意和任何强劲的对手比赛”可知她不可能(not likely)介意与前队友进行比赛。,根据提示,完成下列句子。 1. _ (很有可能) that it will rain. 2. _ (我们很可能

27、犯错误) when we learn English. 3. _ (我有可能) finish the work within a week.,It is very likely,We are very likely to make mistakes,I am likely to,spoken English written English English-speaking countries,I dont do well in _ English. A. speaks B. to speak C. spoken D. speak We must practise _ English every

28、 day. A. to speak B. speak C. in speaking D. speaking,C,D,Yesterday, another student and I, our universitys , went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students. I saw several young people enter the waiting area . Tony Julia, her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. She stepped back and put up her hands, as if .,representing,student association,looking around curiously,approached,touched,appearing surprised,in defence,Sentences,all cu


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