Grameen Bank_第1页
Grameen Bank_第2页
Grameen Bank_第3页
Grameen Bank_第4页
Grameen Bank_第5页
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1、Grameen bank,Ziyi Zhao,after 1978 Deng xiaping s theory one of his theory is that to increase wealth of some people at first,what、Grameen bank、Only for poor、Muhammad Yunus has worked for nearly four decades to eradicate poverty through micro-lending the objectivity the 16 decisions of Grameen We sha

2、ll follow and advance the four principles of Grameen bank-discipline,unity,courage and hard work in 我们会给家人带来富裕。we shall not live in dilapidated houses . we shall repair our houses and work towards constructing new houses at the earliest .我们不想住在老房子里。we shall grow vege tables all the year round .we sh

3、all eat plenty of them and sell the surplus。我们一年四季都要种菜,多吃蔬菜,卖额外的蔬菜。we shall plan to keep our families small . we shall minimize our expenditures . we shall look after our health。我们想维持小型家庭。想节约。要照顾自己的健康。we shall educate our children and ensure that they can earn to pay for their education。我们应该教育孩子们挣学费

4、。we shall always keep our children and the environment clean。我们要和我们的孩子保持环境清洁。We shall build and use pit-latrines。我们将建造和使用坑厕所。We shall drink water from tube wells . if it is not available,We shall boil water or use alum。我们将喝井里的水。we shall not take any dowry at our sons weddings,Neither shall we give a

5、ny dowry at our daughters wedding . we shall keep our centre free from the curres禁止童婚。we shall not inflict any injustice on any one,neither shall we allow any one to do so。我们不侵犯任何人,不允许任何人侵犯他人。we shall collectively under take bigger investments for higher in comes。我们将集体进行更大的投资,以获得更高的收益。we shall alway

6、s be ready to help each other . if any one is in difficulty,we shall all helphim or her .我们总是准备徐璐帮助。一个人遇难,大家徐璐帮忙。if We come to know of any breach of discipline in any centre,We shall all go there and help restore discipline We shall take part in all social activity我们将集体参与所有社会活动。,Success,Model of charity capitalism 98.89% repayment rate half of 6.3 million borrowers eliminated poverty remaining profitable usisis it applicable to all over the world?is it a truth that lead poor people get away from poverty,or vampirism?摘要、impossible possible


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