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1、From Siyuan Junior School,Welcome to the food world!,orange,strawberry,pear,banana,tomato,hamburger,bread,salad,Fast food,Fast food,Dessert and drink,ice-cream,milk,Task 1 Reading 看谁读得准,a tomato,a hamburger,a strawberry,three tomatoes,two hamburgers,seven strawberries,Countable nouns 可数名词,可数名词真是好 数数

2、就能知多少 冠词在前哈哈笑 复数变化他不恼,hamburger,a,some hamburger,s,a pear,three pears,an,orange,strawberry,a,two tomato,es,five strawberr,ies,a,tomato,four oranges,读这些短语,小组讨论归纳可数名词有哪些特点,bread,some bread,milk,some milk,a,a,s,s,背背记记,不可数名词有点怪 直接数他数不开 复数变化他不睬 冠词在前他不爱,Uncountable nouns不可数名词,bread,some bread,milk,some mi

3、lk,Attention: salad and ice-cream 一般情况不可数,指份数时可数哦 !,ice-cream,some ice-cream,an orange,six pears,some bread,Whats this ? Its What are these ? They are ,Attention: 注意可数名词和不可数名词的正确表达哦,Task 2 Talking 说说你看到了什么,看谁说得又快又准,a strawberry,a banana,two tomatoes,three hamburgers,some bread,some milk,Match the co

4、nversation with the correct Pictures 将对话与图片配对,正确顺序:,2,1,3,A: Do you like ?B: Yes, I do./No, I dont.,A: Do you like best ?,B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,Task 3,Task 6 : Write and report 在表中写下你喜欢和不喜欢的的食物并向大家汇报,Report :I like but I dont like I like but I dont like And I like but dont like ,oranges and ban

5、anas,pears,hamburgers,bread,ice-cream,salad and milk,Fruit: orange banana pear strawberry Fast food:bread hamburger salad Others: ice-cream milk,Exercises,1. Whats this ? Its . (an orange, oranges ) 2. I can see two . ( strawberry, strawberries 3. Do you like ? ( milk, milks ) 4. I bananas. ( like,

6、likes ) 5. you like salad? ( Do, Does ),选词填空 。,an orange,strawberries,milk,( milk ,milks ),like,Do,Lets sing,Do you like bananas ? Do you like bananas ? Yes, I do . Yes , I do . Do you like salad ? Do you like salad ? No, I dont . No ,I dont .,Homework 1. What food do your family like? Ask and write

7、 them down 2. Look up more information about salad, hamburgers and ice-cream on the Internet.,Goodbye,可数名词复数形式的构成 1,加-s,1. -s在清辅音后读s,2. -s在浊辅音后读z,3. -s在元音后读z,4. 以音素 s , z , , 结尾的,读iz,desks,apples,trees,oranges,以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的,加-es,-es读iz,boxes,watches,以 f 或 fe 结尾的,改f或fe为v 再加-es,-ves读vz,wives,i

8、ce cream,some ice cream,Whats this ? Its . What are these ? They are .,Task 3 Ask and answer,Pairwork,A: Do you like tomatoes/ice cream.? B: Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Do you like ?,No, I dont.,Yes, Ido.,No, I dont.,salad,some salad,Task 3 Ask and answer,Whats this ?,Its a/an ,What are these?,Theyre ,Wh

9、ats this,Its ,tomatoes,an orange,oranges,pears,a pear,pears,a pear,hamburgers,a hamburger,a strawberry,strawberries,把这些名词按可数和不可数分类,Countable and uncountable nouns,ice cream,salad,(1) (2) (3),定义:是可以计数的名词。,可数名词前可以用 a , an 限定,表一个.。,可数名词前可以用 one, two , three 限定。,可数名词有复数形式,可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词,(4),A :Do you like bananas ? B : A: Do you like salad ? B : A: Do you like oranges ? B : ,Pairwork,两人问答,Task 3 Listening Listen and number the conversations 听并且标出你所听到的对话顺序,2,A: Do you like salad? B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,1,3,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do y


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