已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精“备” “巧”抓,注重实效,南梨园中学 宋桂芳,一、介绍我校情况 二、备课组团结合作,一、介绍我校情况,我校上学年区统考成绩排名,二、备课组团结合作四“备”,备目标 备方法 备活动 备学生,备目标,(一)知识目标:,(二)能力目标:,二、备课组团结合作二“抓”,1、抓检测 2、抓背诵,备目标,1、本单元单词总量是多少,其中哪些单词在中考说明中要求掌握,哪些单词属于理解,哪些单词要求会运用; 以第8单元为例: 本单元单词总量24个,其中词频为三:pound, asas possible,oil, 词频为二hot、divide, heat、tablespoon、circle,词频为一:veget

2、able、bowl、sugar、salt星号词:edge, *golden, *ham, *flatten, salad, spoonful,中考说明中没出现的词: mushroom, onion, mix, flour, pour, mixture。所以本单元词汇目标为掌握单词:pound, asas possible,oil, hot、divide, heat、tablespoon、circle,能够理解下列单词vegetable、bowl、sugar、salt,edge, *golden, *ham, *flatten, salad, spoonful,mushroom, onion,

3、mix, flour, pour, mixture。 2、掌握句型:How much do you want me to get? 3、掌握物质名词的数量,Listen to a dialogue and answer the question:,1. How much milk ,tomato sauce and sugar does the woman need?,2.How many cookies, apples and oranges does the woman need?,3.Why does the woman need so many things?,She needs tw

4、o big bottles of milk, three cans of tomato sauce and a bag of sugar.,She needs five boxes of cookies, 10 apples and 15 oranges.,备活动,1、小组合作学习,2、创设活动情景要具有连贯性,3 、活动的设计要有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,一是同学之间互帮互学,以优带差;二是增加学生发言的机会,培养学生倾听别人意见的习惯;三是为学生创设辩论的机会,在辩论中锻炼思维的敏捷性;四是培养合作意识、团队精神。,3 、活动的设计要有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巧妙设计导入,游戏导入

5、歌曲导入 图片导入,精心设计形式多样的课堂教学活动,多样化的课堂活动:individual work, pair work, group work, class work, chain drills等, 活动的形式上: Guessing, Role Play, Interview等problem-solving 在课堂的互动模式上有师生互动,生生互动,学生与文本的互动等。,备方法,(一)中学生英语词汇的学习与记忆,1、思维发散记忆法 2、字形速记五字编码:加、减、换、插、联记忆法: 3、语音归类记忆法:按照国际音标的分类:五个元音字母 4、单词分类联想:见词说义 5、巧记动词的过去时,过去分词

6、 6、同义,近义;同音;反义记忆法 7、词组归类记忆法,一、中学生英语词汇的学习与记忆,北京市中考英语考试说明附录(三)中的 词汇表(短语95个): 单词按照3,2,1的词频标注;其中,高频词526 个;中频词368个;低频词216个;共1110个; 还有292个加*号的词;198未标注的词汇和13 个热点词汇 -526(3) + 368(2)+ 216(1) =1110个(词频); -1110 + 292* + 198() = 1600个(总词汇); -1600 + 13(热点词汇) = 1613(考试用词范围),备方法,clothes,coat jacket jeans suit sock

7、s scarf shoes T-shirt trousers underwear underskirt uniform,articles,brown blue green gold gray pink purple white silver snowy,colors,acryl cashmere cotton polyester nylon natural fabric silk synthetic fabric wool,beautiful comfortable fashion fit nice ordinary pretty suitable soft style,department

8、store shopping mall supermarket secondhand store,shop place,(一)思维发散记忆法,(二)字形速记五字编码:加、减、换、插、联记忆法:,1.加字母: an + d = and h + and = hand l + and = land k + now = know m + eat = meat n + ever = never new + s = news pain + t = paint rain + y = rainy t + here = there war + m = warm y + ear = year,2减字母: ago

9、a = go alive a = live ball b = all beach b = each card d = car chair c = hair down d = own farm f = arm glove g = love gold g = old hill h = ill part p = art ready y = read sand s = and table t = able tour t = our,3.换字母: ago - age alone - along bad - bag bee - bed big - pig coat - boat box - boy bre

10、ad - break card - care clear - clean cook - book dare - dark pay - day dear - pear dish - fish deal - dead,4.插字母: eat - east dive - drive fat - fast fat - flat fee - free fog - frog got - goat god - gold had - hand had - head heat - heart lay - lady let - left move - movie nose - noise one - once,.联

11、想: some(一些)和time(时间)联在一起便为 sometime(某时),表示为: some time = sometime some times = sometimes of ten = often break fast = breakfast basket ball = basketball 在某种情况下,此方法又称为合成记忆法。,例如: 1. sea n. 海洋,see(看见) a = sea. tea n.茶,sea (海洋) t = tea. teach n. 教, tea(茶)+ ch = teach. teacher n.教师, teach(教) + er = teache

12、r. 2. fat adj. 肥胖的, f + at(在) = fat. father n. 父亲, fat(胖)her(她的)=father. mother n. 母亲, father(父亲) mo = mother. brother n. 兄弟, mother(母亲) br = brother. other adj. 别的, mother(母亲) m = other.,(三)语音归类记忆法:按照国际音标的分类:五个元音字母,(四)单词分类联想:见词说义,要全面,深入地掌握英语,绝非一 日之功。要学会比较科学地记生词的 方法,其中重要的在于学会串连,切 忌孤立地记忆单词。 -李赋宁教授漫谈英

13、语学习,(五):巧记动词的过去时,过去分词,(六)同义,近义;同音;反义记忆法,(七)词组归类记忆法,1. 动词词组; be able to, depend on, come true. 2. 介词短语;for example, in order to, in fact. 3. 数量词组;a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of. 4. 名(代)词组;each other, a map of China. 5. 其他词组;right away, as usual, ever since. 提示:所有词组在进行归类时都可以按照字 母的顺序进行排列,这样以便记忆.

14、,(八)派生、合成、转化联想记忆,1.派生记忆: 动词或形容词 +, = 名词 teach v - teacher n. 动词 + ion = 名词 invent v. - invention n. 动词 + ing, ed = 名词或形容词 meet v. - meeting 名词 + ese = 名词和形容词 China n. - Chinese 名词或动词 + ful = 形容词 care v. - careful adj. 动词 + able = 形容词 enjoy v. - enjoyable adj. 名词 + en = 形容词 wool n. - woolen adj. 名词 +

15、 y = 形容词 health n. - healthy adj. 形容词 + ly = 副词 quick adj. - quickly adv. 前缀un-(不,非) happy - unhappy; like - unlike.,2.词的合成 名词 +名词 = 名词 home + town = hometown; bath + room = bathroom. 形容词 + 名词 = 名词 black + board = blackboard; French + man = Frenchman. 介词 + 名词 = 名词 after + noon = afternoon; in + side

16、 = inside 名词 + 过去分词 = 形容词 kind + hearted = kindhearted 名词 + 名词 + =形容词 man + made = man-made 副词 + 名词 = 介词 down + stairs = downstairs; out + side = outside;,北京市中考考试说明附录(三)词汇表:合成词72个,3.词的转化 名词动词 rain - rain; water - water 形容词动词 clean - clean; tidy - tidy 形容词名词 back - back; light - light 动词名词 stop - sto

17、p; lift -lift 词形改变的转化 fill v. -full adj die v. - dead adj sing v.- song n live v. - life n 缩略词 bike - bicycle; exam - examination photo - photograph lab-laboratory,备方法,(二)归纳记忆法,(三)阅读方法,1、略读 2、跳读 3、组读 4、记忆,备学生分层教学,1、科学分层,2、分层备课及授课,3、分层辅导,4、分层评价,三、狠抓教学实效,(一 )抓检测,1、用课前5分钟换取课后半小时,2、注重当堂检测反馈,3、用课后10分钟换取高效巩固,(1)检测内容根据教学目标,学什么,练什么


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