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1、Administering IBM Lotus Domino 6,Managing Servers and Users Patty Liu,About This Course,Target audience Administrators new to Lotus Domino who are responsible for maintaining an existing Domino 6 server and user infrastructure Summary description Standard server maintenance and troubleshooting tasks

2、, also including maintain Lotus Notes and non-Notes users Course format and duration Instructor-led / Two day,About This Course(continued),Course goals Managing users & groups Managing non-Notes and Notes clients Managing servers Updating servers Setting up server monitoring Monitoring server perfor

3、mance Resolving server problems Resolving user problems,Course Agenda,Day 1 Module A: Maintaining Users Lesson 1: Managing Users and Groups Lesson 2: Managing Notes and non-Notes Clients Module B: Maintaining Servers Lesson 3: Managing Servers Lesson 4: Updating Servers,Course Agenda(continued),Day

4、2 Module C: Monitoring Domino Servers Lesson 5: Setting Up Server Monitoring Lesson 6: Monitoring Server Performance Module D: Troubleshooting the Domino Environment Lesson 7: Resolving Server Problems Lesson 8: Resolving User Problems,Reference Resources,Domino/Notes Help Notes Knowledge Base Onlin

5、e Documents and Reference manual ,Module A: Maintaining Users,Lesson 1: Managing Users and Groups Lesson 2: Managing Notes and non-Notes Clients,Lesson 1: Managing Users and Groups,120 Minutes Objectives Register new Lotus Notes users. Move a users mail database. Change a users name. Recertify a use

6、rs ID. Change a users location in the hierarchy. Delete a user. Create a roaming user. Manage user groups. Change a users group membership.,Classroom Scenario & Setup,Adding Users,Add new hires to WWCorps Directory SG Page2122 / 5 Minutes Components of a Notes ID,Facts About the Administration Proce

7、ss,AP要工作必要的工具 Names.nsf CertLog.nsf Admin4.nsf Adminp任务,Facts About the Administration Process (continued),Administration Process工作的条件 names.nsf必须有管理服务器,且服务器对names.nsf有管理权限(Editor with Create documents access, or UserModifier role to the DD) 必须有certlog.nsf,admin4.nsf,并在各服务器上有复本,且有相应权限 (Author with C

8、reate documents access to the certlog.nsf, Author access to the admin4.nsf) 启用adminp进程 能够访问相关的验证者ID,How does the Administration Process Work?,How does the Administration Process Work? (continued),Administration Process请求的处理等级 立即处理 间隔执行 按天执行 延迟执行 需要用户或管理员人工干预,Changing User Names,Change a users common

9、 name (Using Adminp) (Demo/Exercise) SG Page25 / 510 Minutes Select a Person documentTools PeopleRenameChange Common Name,Moving a User,将用户的个人文件移动到其他服务器: More space is required on a server Server are reorganized: added or consolidated Users change jobs or move to different parts of the organization

10、用户邮箱迁移 (Demo/Exercise) SG Page27 / Guideline (Tips: additional considerations when using shared mail, refer to the Domino Administrator 6 Help ! ),Extending the Expiration Date on a Notes ID,查看验证字到期时间 FileSecurityUser Security 重新验证的权限 DD: Author with Create documents access & the UserModifier role o

11、r Editor access CertLog.nsf: at least Author with Create documents access 重新验证到期的 ID (Demo) SG Page29 / Guideline,Deleting Users,为什么要删除用户 删除用户 (Demo) SG Page30 / Guideline (Tips: Remember the Deny Access Controls ! ),Changing User Locations in Organizational Hierarchy,何时改变用户的 OU? 改变验证者的权限要求 Editor w

12、ith Create documents access, or UserModifier role to the DD Author with Create documents access to the CertLog.nsf Author access to the Admin4.nsf Access to the original certifier ID Access to the new certifier ID,Changing User Locations in Organizational Hierarchy(continued),Checklist: Recertifying

13、 a user Request a new certifier Complete the move Task 1: Request a new certifier (Demo) SG Page32 / Guideline Task 2: Complete the move (Demo) SG Page33 / Guideline,Exercise: Change the Organizational Hierarchy,SG Page34 / 510 Minutes Hand-lab & paper-based answer write,What Is a Roaming User?,漫游用户

14、如何工作,What Is a Roaming User?(continued),使用漫游的好处 对管理员的好处 Easier upgrade & service of machines, due to information stored on the server Automatic remote clean-up of machines Centrally locate user information 对用户的好处 Increased mobility Easier access to information Secure information 对服务器的要求 Disk space o

15、n the server Server performance,Creating Roaming Users,注册时创建漫游用户 (Demo) SG Page37 / Guideline 将已存在用户变成漫游用户 (Demo) SG Page38 / Guideline (Tips: Administration Process will automating process information for roaming users ! ),(Optional) Using Alternate Naming,Checklist: 使用等价语言 创建O等价体系(验证O) 创建OU等价名 创建用

16、户等价名 注册新用户 重新验证旧用户 Task 1: add an alternate language to a certifier ID (Demo) ToolsCertificationCertifyadd SG Page40 / Guideline Task 2a: Register a new user with an alternate name (Demo) SG Page41 / Guideline Task 2b: Recertify a user with an alternate name (Demo) SG Page42 /Guideline,(Optional) Us

17、ing Corporate Hierarchy,Adding corporate hierarchy information to a user SG Page43 /Guideline Edit Person documentWork/HomeCorporate Hierarchy Information,Managing Groups,群组类型 多用途 仅存取控制 仅邮件 仅服务器 仅拒绝访问 缺省群组 LocalDomainAdmins LocalDomainServers / OtherDomainServers,Managing Groups(continued),查看群组 (Dem

18、o) SG Page45 创建新群组 管理群组 群组域中名称的数目无限制,但域最大字符数限制在15KB内 创建拒绝访问群组 (Demo) SG Page46,Managing Groups(continued),群组改名 (Using Adminp) (Demo) Menuactionrename group SG Page47 删除群组 (Demo) SG Page48 Delete group requirements Author with Delete documents access & GroupModifier role, or Editor with Delete docume

19、nts access 查看群组管理工具 (Demo) SG Page49,Exercise: Assign Users to a Group,SG Page50 / 510 Minutes Hand-lab & paper-based answer write,Lesson 2: Managing Notes and Non-Notes Clients,60 Minutes Objectives Set up browser clients. Update Notes client software.,Non-Notes Client Users,非Notes客户端 Web Browser I

20、nternet mail client (POP3/IMAP/SMTP) 非Notes客户端用户 注册用户 列在Domino目录(DD)的或其他被信任的目录的用户: 提供用户名和口令访问 提供 Internet验证字 (X.509) 访问 非注册用户 Anonymous,Registering a Non-Notes Client User,可使用以下任一种方法: 在 DD中注册网络用户 设置目录服务信任另一个目录的用户 开发一个注册系统允许用户网上注册 (Tips: Refer to Administrator 6 Help “Name-password authentication for

21、 Internet/Intranet clients”!) 注册非Notes 客户端用户 (Demo/Exercise) SG Page127128 / 10 Minutes / Hand-lab & Guideline Mail Settings: Select POP or Other, but not Lotus,Testing User Access,从浏览器访问用户邮箱 (Demo) SG Page55 / Guideline Ensure the Non-Notes client users access Distribute user information Hard copy

22、of the information to the user E-mail the information to the user Place the information in a secure database on the Website where user can maintain themselves Use postal mail to send the information,Upgrading Client Software,Checklist: 设置 Lotus Notes 智能升级 创建 Lotus Notes 智能升级数据库(smartupg.nsf) 把数据库链接添

23、加到配置文档 下载升级版本( 创建升级版本文档(smartupg.nsf) 创建或编辑升级信息的桌面设置 将桌面设置添加到相关策略 指派策略到用户或群组 Task 1: Create the Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade database (Demo) SG Page56 / Guideline / SmUpgrade.ntf,Upgrading Client Software(continued),Task 2: Add a database link to the Configurations Settings document (Demo) SG Page57 /

24、Guideline ConfigurationConfigurationsBasic Smart Upgrade Database Link Field Task 3: Obtain an upgrade kit (Demo) Download an upgrade kit from: Task 4: Create a document for the Smart Upgrade kit (Demo) SG Page57 / guideline,Upgrading Client Software(continued),Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade Kits databas

25、e SG Page58 / Overview & Guideline Using policy documents to upgrade client software Refer to Appendix D: Additional Reference Material for more detail on the follow tasks: Create or modify desktop settings with upgrade information Create or modify a master policy & add the desktop policy Assign pol

26、icy to Person document(s) or one or more groups,Module B: Maintaining Servers,Lesson 3: Managing Servers Lesson 4: Updating Servers,Lesson 3: Managing Servers,75 Minutes Objectives Use the server console window. Plan a backup process. Automate server tasks.,Using the Server Console Window,服务器控制台窗口 设

27、置服务器控制台窗口属性 SG Page63 / deselect “Quick Edit Mode”,Defining a Backup Process,为什么需要备份 Domino 环境 ? 备份方法 使用传统方法拷贝文件(手工/购买其他软件) 使用Transaction Logging 需要备份的重要文件 Server Ids / O&OU Ids / Administrator Ids Notes.ini data,mail 所有NTF及所有应用数据库,Defining a Backup Process(continued),关于备份的建议 备份所有的 Domino 服务器数据文件 定时

28、备份Databases, templates, Notes.ini, ID files, certifiers, user mail files, (clarify for files remain open during backup) 网络、硬件、系统做出重大修改之前和之后 使用公司标准的备份程序直接备份文件到媒体或到文件服务器 备份的循环策略 昨天 本月的每个周五 过去12个月的每月最后一个周五 每年的最后一个周五,What Is Transaction Logging?,Transaction Logging Transaction Logging benefits SG Page66

29、 / Table guideline 在大多数情况下,当服务器crash后不需运行 Fixup 修复数据库 减少数据库损坏的可能性 当服务器运行处于高峰期时允许Domino延迟更新数据库 简化每日备份过程,What Is Transaction Logging?(continued),DBIID (Database Instance ID数据库编号) (Tips: 当 DBIID 改变时, Transaction Logging需要重新备份该数据库,否则 Transaction Logging 中的数据库记录和数据库中的DBIID不同,导致不能恢复信息 ! ) Domino 何时给数据库分配一

30、个新的 DBIID : Transaction logging 第一次启用 log path 或maximum log size 改变 数据库移动到另一台启用Transaction logging的服务器 Compact 任务除了带 b 参数外其他参数都会导致重建DBIID 使用Fixup 修复损坏的数据库,Using Transaction Logging,Transaction logging 记录样式 Circular / Archive / Linear transaction logging 记录间隔(记录checkpoints的数量) Standard(default): reco

31、rds checkpoints regularly 运行时间: 记录较少 checkpoints 服务器和系统压力小 / 优化服务器运行 / 增加恢复时间 重启恢复时间: 记录较多 checkpoints 减少恢复时间 / 增加服务器和系统压力,Using Transaction Logging(continued),启用 transaction logging (Demo) SG Page69 / 5 Minutes Server document Transaction logging 部分数据库禁用 transaction logging (Demo) SG Page69 / 5 Min

32、utes Domino AdministratorFilesSelect filesToolsDatabaseAdvanced Properties,Using Transaction Logging(continued),Transaction logging 使用建议 其他备份建议 定期归档Transaction Log库(use backup utility) 使用单独的磁盘和目录存放Transaction Log库(=192MB) 小心使用 compact命令 小心或不要使用 fixup 命令,What Is View Logging?,View Logging(视图日志) Trans

33、action Logging的扩展特性 当服务器重启时不需重建视图索引 View Logging 备注 必须每个视图单独启用view logging 只有Domino 6 版本的数据库可用 视图启用 view logging的标准 使用量 / 可见性 / 重要性 整个视图重建不会被记录,What Is View Logging?(continued),Enable view logging (Demo) SG Page71 / Guideline Domino Designerview properties dialog boxadvance include updates in transa

34、ction log,Using Activity Logging,Activity Logging 跟踪数据库/用户/活动等对服务器的使用,从Log.nsf中获得活动数据 Configuring activity logging SG Page72 / Guideline Domino AdministratorConfiguration SettingsActivity Logging sub-tab Starting activity logging on a server (Demo) SG Page73 / 5 Minutes,Analyzing the Activity Data,M

35、ethods for analyzing the activity data Run an activity analysis Write a Notes API program to access the information in the log file (log.nsf) Use a tool to analyze past activity trends (require IBM Tivoli Analyzer for Lotus Domino) Server Health Monitor / Activity Trends (Tips: Refer to Domino Admin

36、istrator 6 Help & Appendix C ! ) Run an activity analysis to determine usage (Demo) SG Page74 / 5 Minutes Domino AdministratorServerAnalysis,Automating Server Tasks,常用的服务器任务应该自动定时运行 Updall Compact 可以自动运行服务器任务的工具 Notes.ini Agent Administration Process Program documents,Automating Server Tasks(continu

37、ed),使用程序文档自动运行compact任务 (Demo/Exercise) SG Page77 / 5 Minutes configuration server programs view (Tips: if use Server Console Command, thats : Load Compact b ),Lesson 4: Updating Servers,105 Minutes Objectives Set up communication with another organization. Change server access. Find all references

38、of a server in a domain. Analyze the effect of placing a server out-of-service. Recertify a server ID. Change administrators access.,Authenticating With Another Organization,Cross-certification Two-way process O / OU / Servers / Users Result of the cross-certification process What cross-certificatio

39、n does not do?,Certificates and Hierarchies,Certifier-to-Certifier Cross-Certification,Certifier-to-Server Cross-Certification,Server-to-Server Cross-Certification,Cross-Certifying IDs,Checklist: 创建 cross-certificate 创建和邮寄ID的安全拷贝 创建 cross-certificate Task 1: 创建和邮寄 ID 的安全拷贝 (Demo) ToolsCertificationI

40、D properties SG Page85 / Guideline Task 2: 创建 cross-certificate (Demo) SG Page86 / guideline 删除 cross-certificate( SG Page86 ),Exercise: Enabling Cross-Organization Authentication,SG Page87 / 510 Minutes,Allowing Serve Access to Other Organization,对其他组织的访问权限设置 Modify the Server Access fields (Demo)

41、SG Page89 Modifying database ACLs,Finding Instances of a Servers Name,查找服务器工具 目的:迁移服务器前查找服务器在什么文档中出现,以决定迁移工作及影响 Server AnalysisFind ServerNew Adminp request documentTell Adminp process newResult Adminp response document (link of all locate) 查找用户和群组工具 Find your assigned server (Demo) SG Page9192 / 51

42、0 Minutes (Remind students to replication & adminp),Placing a Server Out-of-Service,退役服务器分析工具 比较退役服务器和接手服务器之间的差异: The server to decommission The target server to inherit new tasks 把比较结果保存到结果库 (decomsrv.nsf) (Tips: It Does not automate the process of retiring the server ! ) Manual process to decommis

43、sion the server Refer to the Results databases information (Tips: Decommission a Domain Search Server required additional tasks ! ) Analyzing the effect of decommissioning a server (Demo) SG Page94 / Guideline,Updating a Server ID,修改或去掉服务器ID的口令 Tools certification ID properties 延长验证到期日期 Select the s

44、erver document actionsrecertify selected servers Remove the Server ID password (Demo) SG Page95 / Guideline Recertifying a Server ID (Demo) SG Page96 / Guideline Select the server(s) documentsActionsRecertify Selected Servers (Result: Server ID & Server document),Determining Administrators Access,管理

45、员级别 管理员访问控制的使用建议 Full access administrators最好为空 Secure_disable_fulladmin=1,Exercise: Set Administration Access,SG Page99100 / 1015 Minutes Hand-lab & Paper-based answer write,Module C: Monitoring Domino Servers,Lesson 5: Setting Up Server Monitoring Lesson 6: Monitoring Server Performance,Lesson 5:

46、Setting Up Server Monitoring,90 Minutes Objectives Identify mechanisms for collecting server information. Start Statistic Collector task. Create event generators. Create event handlers. Enable agent logging.,Tasks, Statistics, and Events,Tasks 执行综合的管理程序 Statistics 显示服务器状况的数字信息 Events 当服务器任务满足某种条件时产生

47、,Monitoring tasks,Monitoring tasks Statistic Collector 收集实时统计信息,存入监控结果库: Monitoring Results database (statrep.nsf) 缺省情况下, 只收集启动了Statistic Collector 任务的服务器上的信息,如要收集其他服务器上的信息,使用Server Statistic Collect 文档 Event 收集系统活动信息并保存入监控结果库: Monitoring Results database (statrep.nsf),Monitoring tasks(continued),Se

48、rver Monitoring Databases and Templates,Monitoring tasks(continued),查看 Statistic Collector 任务是否启动 ServerStatusServer Tasks 启动 Statistic Collector 任务 ToolsTasksStartCheck the statrep.nsf exists,Event Generators,事件发生器 通过以下收集信息 监控任务或统计 探测服务器访问或连接 类型 Database / Domino Server Response / Mail Routing / Ta

49、sk Status / Statistic / TCP Server 缺省的事件发生器设置 events4.nsfEvent generator View,Event Generators(continued),事件的安全级别 Creating an Event Generator (Demo) SG Page108 / Guideline Create an EG for “Monitor disk space” ConfigurationMonitoring ConfigurationEvent GeneratorStatisticNew Statistic Event Generator

50、,Event Handlers,事件处理 定义当监控极限到达后何时及如何发送消息 Broadcast / Log to database / Mail / NTLog / Pager / Prog / Relay / Sound / SNMP Trap / UNIXLog Creating an event handler (Demo) SG Page110 / Guideline Create an event handler for “Notify by mail”,Agents,Agent 执行一系列自动任务的程序 A set schedule / A direct request by

51、 a user / An occurrence of an event 代理的触发 Manually When triggered by an event According to a schedule Agent events Before new mail arrives / After new mail arrives / After documents are created or modified / When documents are pasted,Agents(continued),启动代理日志 (Demo) SG Page112 Configuration documentN

52、otes.ini Settings Log_AgentManager 检查代理状态 (Demo) SG Page113 ServerStatisticsAgentDaily / Hourly / 代理管理器 编程限制 (Server document Security) 邮件代理限制 (Configuration document :Router/SMTPRestrictions and Controls Delivery Controls) 执行时间限制(Server document Server tasks Agent Manager LotusScript/Java最多执行时间),Ex

53、ercise: Determine Server Status,SG Page115 / 510 Minutes Hand-lab & paper-based answer write,Lesson 6: Monitoring Server Performance,60 Minutes Objectives View statistics using the Server Monitor. Use the Domino Web Administrator to monitor servers. Issue commands in the Domino Console.,Viewing Stat

54、istics,何时启动统计信息收集 启动Domino 服务器监控 图表实时统计 访问服务器的“统计”附签 在监控结果库 (statrep.nsf)查看统计信息 (Demo) SG Page117 ServerAnalysisMonitor ResultsEventsAll 查看实时统计 (Demo) SG Page118 ServerStatisticsDisk(show stat ),Using the Server Monitor,Server Monitor Domino 服务器监控器显示实时统计信息,并提供服务器状态和服务器任务的视觉表示。可以查看所有服务器或一部分服务器,还可以按状态

55、或时间表查看状态。 Server Monitor Views By State / By Timeline Default tasks & statistics Statistics icon means View statistics ServerMonitoringBy StateMonitor new statistic,Using the Domino Web Administrator,Domino Web Administrator 管理员通过浏览器远程管理 Domino系统的数据库,提供大部分管理功能 Web Administrator database: webadmin.ns

56、f Automatically creates with the http task first starts Unique Replica ID, does not replication between servers Supports role-based permissions Monitor with the Domino Web Administrator (Demo),Using the Domino Console,使用 Domino Console (R6 new function)的好处 使用基于Java的独立平台控制 远程启动和关闭服务器 通过菜单选项执行控制台命令 为群

57、组服务器发送命令 连接不同组织下的多台服务器 方便切换服务器 不需 Notes ID访问,只需使用Internet Password 把控制台信息记录到文本文件 Domino Console 组成 Controller / listens for commands / Domino server Console / The user interface / any machine connected to the server Domino Server (connotative component),Using the Domino Console(continued),Console an

58、d Controller commands Start the Controller Ensure Domino server is not running Windows start menuRunnserver jc c s,Using the Domino Console(continued),Start the Domino Console Windows start menuRunjconsole : Domino or Notes program directory Connect to the server through the controller From the Domi

59、no Console, choose FileOpen Server FileRefresh Server List,Issuing Commands in Domino Console,Issue a custom command (Demo) SG Page126 / Guideline In the Domino Console FileShowUsers EditCustom Commandsload updall -v Click Add, and then click Save Click the triangle next to Commands Select some command Click Send,Issuing Commands in Domino Console(continued),Send a command to multiple servers (Demo) SG Page127 / Guideline In the Domino Command Field, enter show users, but dont click Send Click the triangle next to Send, and select To Select Servers, and select some servers to


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