1、Welcome,By group3,A Sunrise on the Veld,Doris Lessing,Doris Lessing,多丽丝莱辛,CH,OBE(英语:Doris Lessing,1919年10月22日),英国女作家,代表作有金色笔记等,被誉为继伍尔芙之后最伟大的女性作家,并几次获得诺贝尔文学奖提名以及多个世界级文学奖项。,在2007年10月11日,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会宣布将2007年度诺贝尔文学奖授予这位英国女作家。她是迄今为止获奖时最年长的女性诺贝尔获奖者。此外她是历来第卅四位女性诺贝尔奖得主。,A Sunrise on the Veld is a short st
2、ory written by British author Doris Lessing. It tells the story of a boy who is filled with the excitement and wonder of life and the world around him. However, he soon discovers the darker side of reality, which is that living things must die.,Part 1 (para.1para.5)Seeing the fighting shape,the boy
3、was seized by terror first,then he felt rage and misery ,and finally he understood that he could do nothing. Part2 (para.6para.7) It was lucky that the eating process took only a few minutes,otherwise the buck would feel much more pain. Part3 (para.8para.10)He fancied that the ants went away and did
4、nt attack him. Part4 (para.11para.13)No one would have imagined that such a proud and swift-footed buck could be trapped and eaten by a swarm of ants.,Passage structure,Theme,There are events and circumstances in life that we cannot control.,人生无常,世事难料,Please watch the movie clips,movie,Are there any
5、 unexpected things happened to you?,Please tell us more.,Conclusion,There are events and circumstances in life that we cannot control. Life is the most important is not the position that you in, but you towards direction.,You cant determine the length of life, but you can control the width; You cant
6、 control the weather, but you can change the mood; You cant change your appearance, but you can display smile; You cant control other people, but you can control your own; You cant predict tomorrow, but you can use today; You cant be everything goes well, but you can try your best to do everything.,So all of us sho
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