1、英语写作Email:,多提宝贵意见 或建议!,Teaching Contents(本学期教学内容),Chapter 1 Free Writing and Outline Writing Chapter 2 Sentence Writing Technique(1): Resorting to Collocations and Idiomatic phrases but avoiding clichs Chapter 3 Sentence Writing Technique (2): Resorting to Sentence Patterns You Are Fami
2、liar With Chapter 4 Sentence Writing Technique(3):Avoding Ambiguities Chapter 5 How to Develop a Paragraph(1): Limiting the Topic and Selecting the Material,本学期教学内容, Chapter 6 How to Develop a Paragraph(2): Employing Transitions Properly Chapter 7 How to Develop a Paragraph(3): Introducing Classific
3、ations Chapter 8 How to Develop a Paragraph(4): Introducing Cause and Effect Chapter 9 How to Develop a Paragraph(5): Introducing your comparison,本学期教学内容, Chapter 10 Essay Writing Technique(1) Chapter 11 Essay Writing Technique(2) Chapter 12 Essay Writing Technique(3) Chapter 13 Essay Writing Techni
4、que(4) Chapter 14 Essay Writing Technique(5) Chapter 15 Essay Writing Technique (6) Chapter 16 Error Corrections (1) Errors Students Often Commit in Writing (2) Error Corrections: Model Test (1): sentence Corrections Model Test(2): Paragraph Corrections,Lecture One Free Writing and Outline Writing,K
5、ey points of this chapter: 1.What is free writing? 2.What are the procedures of free writing? 3. What is the use of free writing? 4. How can we improve free writing? 5.A sample of free writing 6. What is outline writing? 7.The relationship between free writing and outline writing,Part I Free Writing
6、,1.What is free writing? 2. Whats the use of free writing? 3. How can we improve free writing? 4.The procedures of free writing Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 5. A sample of free writing: “How to make a success?”,Part II: Outline writing, 1.What is outline writing? 2.What are the advantages and
7、disadvantages of outline writing? 3. How can we improve outline writing and make good use of it in our essay writing?,4. Making a contrastive study of the two types of writing,1).How can we make full use of free writing and outline writing ? 2).What is the relationship between free writing and outli
8、ne writing? 3). What do you know about the technique of brainstorming ? 4).Can you brainstorm your ideas as regards how to pass IELTS without much difficulty?,5.Assignments :1).Narrow down a topic and then free-write it 2). Write out the outline of an essay by resorting to free writing and brainstor
9、ming.3) Write an outline for comparison/contrast of one of the following pairs, using examples. For that projected essay formulate a thesis statement which should be specific enough to deal with in 200-300 words and provocative enough to allow meaningful development.(8%)1)Academic learning and pract
10、ical experience2)Eat to live and live to eat3)Old age and childhood,Chapter 2 Sentence Writing Technique(1)(2)(3) Part I: 惯用语的翻译 1)门外汉 2)摆架子 3)绕圈子 4)放空炮 5)拍马屁 6)煞风景 7)戴高帽子 8)挖空心思 9)泼冷水 10)试金石,11)唱反调 12)开绿灯 13)露马脚 14)赴炎趋势/拍马屁/阿谀逢迎 15)一锅端 16)针锋相对 17)唱对台戏 18)随大流/随波逐流 19)狼狈为奸 20)一扫而空,21)耍花招/阴谋诡计 22) 风凉话
11、 23)扣帽子 24)炒冷饭 25)赔了夫人有折兵 26)跑了和尚跑不了庙 27)不到黄河心不死 28)说曹操曹操就到 29)小广播 30)走后门,31)及时雨 32)走下坡路 33)九牛二虎之力 34)病急乱投医 35)咬耳朵 36)单打一 37)饱眼福 38)卷铺盖 39)连根拔 40)寻短见,Part II 谚语的翻译 1)留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 2)眼不见,心不烦 3)一瓶水不响,半瓶水乱晃 4)城门失火,殃及池鱼 5)此地无银三百两 6)塞翁失马,焉知非福 7)失之东隅,收之桑榆 8)初生牛犊不怕虎 9)鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 10)玩火者必自焚,11)三思而后行 12)少见多怪 13)
12、入乡随俗 14)情人眼里出西施 15)路遥知马力,日久见人心 16)有其父必有其子 17)得来容易去得快 18)半瓶醋,出事故 19)不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜 20)不劳动者不得食,21)一手抓两兔,谁都抓不住 22)明枪易躲,暗箭难防 23)人人都有糊涂的时候 24)庆父不死,鲁难未已 25)有了好的开头才有好的结果,Part III :Resorting to Sentence Patterns You Are Familiar With 1) It is said that 2) It is well known that 3) As everybody knows, 4) It is g
13、enerally believed that 5) There is nothing to do but do 6) I have no choice/alternative but to do it alone. 7) I can do nothing but wait. 8) I can not help but do 不禁 9) I Cannot help doing 忍不住;情不自禁,10)the same as /the same that adj: He is still the same fun-loving person that I knew at college. She
14、was wearing the same dress that I had on. He bought the same car as mine (another car of the type). This one works in exactly the same way as the other.,Pronoun: I think the same as you do about this. Just do the same as me (I do). adv: We treat boys exactly the same as girls. 11) This is such a hea
15、vy stone as nobody can lift. He is such a person that nobody likes him. 12) This is the first time that I have been here. 13)No pains, no gains. No mill, no meal. No hard work, no success. No competition, no driving force/development. 14) It is the fact that whoever breaks law will be punished. 15)I
16、 am at a loss what to do. I have no idea what to choose. 16) It is likely that you will fail in the final exam if you dont study hard.,17) As far as I know, As far as I m concerned, 18) The minute/the moment /As soon as he heard the news he burst into tears. 19). 20).,Chapter 16 Errors students ofte
17、n commit in writing,1.格式错误/引文不规范 2.标点符号错误/大小写不分. 3.拼写错误 4. 时态/语态错误 5.代词错误,6.限定词语用错 7.引导词/连接词错误 8.多词 9.少词,10.副词用错 11.介词用错 12.搭配错误 13.逻辑错误 14.独立结构错误 15.主谓不一致,16.平行结构错误 17.易混词语误用 18. 歧义问题 19. 非谓语动词用错,Model Test (I),1.What he did doesnt agree with his words. 2. Bernard Shaw is the greatest playwright in
18、 Britain/ in the 19th century. 3. There no buses, we had to walk home. 4. He was knocked down yesterday, but luckily, he was not seriously injured.,5. She said she has been to Beijing twice . 6. It was not until yesterday when/that I saw the notice. 7. As far as Im concerned, I think he is the best
19、teacher in our college.,8. This is the most serious thing happened in the city. 9. Entering the classroom, all the students greeted the teacher. 10. He wrote a eleven-hundred-word essay yesterday.,11. Tom is quite taller than me. 12. In my opinion, cooperation should be attached greater importance t
20、o some extent.,13. More attention ought to be given to improve students listening skill. 14. He is only one of the students who has been to New York, and also he is one of the best students who have been to Canada. 15. On his way to home , she saw a stranger following herself.,16.She is sympathetic
21、by nature and who is always ready to help others. 17.She is tall, slender and with fair complexion. 18.She hopes to be a doctor and makes contributions to the socialist modernization of her country.,19.She prefers to read novers than watching TV programs. 20.The film turned out to be hard to underst
22、and and a bore. 21.After reading the letter my heart throbbed violently.,22.To improve ones writing skill, regular practice is indispensable. 23.When a child, his parents left him in the care of his grandmother. 24.At the age of seven, his mother began to give him pinao lessons.,25.To tell the truth
23、, the football players did quite well.,26.As a birthday gift he gave her a newly published Chinese-English dictionary. 27.Considering the weather, you did quite well. 28.When a person thinks only of himself, they will have few friends.,29.He worked late into the night but gets up early the next morn
24、ing. 30.First stop the noise and then you may start discussion. 31.Jane told her friend Ann that she had won a scholarship.,32.Jane and Ann kept up their correspondence after she went abroad. 33.The room was crowded with people. Some were joking and laughing noisily. Others were drinking and smoking
25、. This made him sick.,34.She believes in Christianity, but she doubts whether he really exists. 35.As a rule, my father usually worked late into the night. 36 We wish to improve our work better.,37.She was told of the fact that her son won the first prize. 38.The reason why he failed in the examinat
26、ion was that he did not work hard enough. 39.She is a friend of my father, but she has never come here for a visit.,40.The game was scarcely under way before mud had worked into my shoulder pads which caused a raw feeling. 40.He is fool enough to marry her. 41.It is preferred that she exerts herself
27、 to do it well.,ModelTest(2),Part I Point out errors in dividing/classifying in the following propositions and then write out your improved versions(12%): 1. Music can be divided into Chinese and western music or into that of piano, violin, and folk songs.,2.In this essay Im going to show how important English is to our na
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