第六讲:词义 的引申、褒贬与增补.ppt_第1页
第六讲:词义 的引申、褒贬与增补.ppt_第2页
第六讲:词义 的引申、褒贬与增补.ppt_第3页
第六讲:词义 的引申、褒贬与增补.ppt_第4页
第六讲:词义 的引申、褒贬与增补.ppt_第5页
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1、2020/7/30,1,第六讲:词义引申、褒贬与增补,2020/7/30,2,目录,一、词语的引申和褒贬 抽象化引申 2 具体化引申 3 词义的褒贬 二、词语的增加 1 词义增词 2 结构增词 3 篇章增词 4 知识增词 5 其他增加 Exercises and Assignments,2020/7/30,3,词义引申、褒贬与增补,在翻译时往往遇到这样的情况:有些词按其字面意义来翻译,或不能确切表达原文意思,或译文生硬晦涩,引起误解。因此在翻译中有的词语需要在其所具有的基本词义的基础上加以引申,选择比较恰当的词语来表达;有的则需要增补词语才能使译文流畅。,2020/7/30,4,1 词语的引申

2、,1.1 抽象化引申 英语中有不少比喻形象性的说法,或由于汉语中没有对应的比喻形象,或由于翻译成汉语时难以理解,往往需要通过抽象化,加以引申,用笼统的说法来表达,才能把原意较贴切地翻译出来。,2020/7/30,5,将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词,There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。 2) Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜和苦。,2020/7/30,6,将带有特征

3、性形象的词译为该形象所代表的概念的词,1) In fact the Bavarian environment was so charged with Nazi sentiment throughout the 1920s that Hitlers storm troops goosestepped into power in Furth in 1930. 事实上,在整个二十年代,纳粹党在巴伐利亚一带已博得公众的好感,以至于在一九三O年,希特勒的冲锋队员就耀武扬威地夺取了菲尔特镇的权力。,2020/7/30,7,2) See-sawing between partly good and fain

4、tly ominous ,the news for the next four weekswas never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。,2020/7/30,8,More Examples,1)He organs of the Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be, have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked. 各种权利机

5、构,可能是好意,为了自己的既得利益而设法保证社会不出现激烈的动荡。,2020/7/30,9,2). . which, though they go through the motions of dispute and inquiry, do not break through the skin to where such inquires might really hurt. 写出的文章走不痛不痒的,不触及到问题的实质,虽然也装模作样地搞些辩论和调查。,2020/7/30,10,3)For some,the expense of an awayfromhome college educatio

6、n has become so excessive1y great that many students now attend loca1 schools.) Even after graduation, young peop1e find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs. 甚至大学毕业后,年青人发现,曲于房租猛涨,他们想搬出去住,但翅膀硬不起来。,2020/7/30,11,4)In country after country, talk of nonsmokers right is in the air.(Whi1e a m

7、ajority of countries have taken little or not action yet, some 30 nations have introduced legislative steps to control smoking.) 不吸烟者的权利问题在一个又一个国家里议论开了。,2020/7/30,12,5)(A sizable number of scholars and practitioners of Presidential power still believe that) the fau1t lies not in the office but in th

8、e men who have 1ately he1d it. 问题不在总统的职位,而在于近些年来在这个职位上的人。,2020/7/30,13,Conclusion,在翻译中,如碰到某一词组的字面意思和上下文意思不合,有矛盾,应该有所警惕了,应查词典确认,若在考试中,就要根据上下文推测。,2020/7/30,14,2 具体化引申,英语中有不少抽象的表达,难于翻译成汉语,或翻译出来,译文晦涩费解。这时,如果能具体化一些,也可译得比较通顺。,2020/7/30,15,2.1 英语中也有用代表抽象概念或属性的词来表示一种具体事物,译成汉语时一般可作具体化引申,2020/7/30,16,1) As th

9、e Politburo gave the go-ahead to Brezhev, Nixon and Kissinger were meeting in thePresidents Kremlin apartment, prepared to accept a setback on SALT. 在政治局向勃列日涅夫开放绿灯时, 尼克松和基辛格正在克里姆林宫的总统下榻处开会,准备承受限制战略武器会谈失败的挫折。,2020/7/30,17,2) Vietnam was his entree to the new Administration, his third incarnation as f

10、oreign policyconsultant. 越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖。他担任政府的对外政策顾问,那是第三次了。,2020/7/30,18,2.2 英语中有些词在特定的上下文中,其含义是清楚的,但译成汉语时还必须作具体化的引申,否则就不够清楚。,2020/7/30,19,1) The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。 2) Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The wa

11、lls ofanti-Semitism were closing in.犹太人的铺子关闭了。卐字旗取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。,2020/7/30,20,More Examples,1) People farther down the line complained less or not at a11,even though they had been equally penalized by losing a place. 在队伍后边的人则较少或根本不抱怨,尽管他们前边插了一个人也同样吃亏了。,2020/7/30,21,2) Fifty-four department

12、stores in New York featured Rockefeller headquarters where literature was passed out to 1ady shoppers. 纽约有54家百货公司起了克洛非勒总部的作用,它们向女顾客散发宣传品,2020/7/30,22,3). . to the visiting politicians he is the provider of free board and lodging and an introduction and shopping service. 对来访的政界人士来说,他得免费提供食宿,帮忙引见当地人士,

13、代为采购商品。,2020/7/30,23,4)I say this because of the bleak consensus ,a1beit only among some in the West, about the future. 我之所以这样说,是因为人们对人类前途都是抱着悲观的态度,虽然这仅仅是一些西方人士的看法。,2020/7/30,24,5) But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? 你的衬衣洗得干干净净、熨得平平整整,你可

14、曾跟洗衣店主说过一句表示满意的话?,2020/7/30,25,3 词义的褒贬,语言本身虽没有阶级性,但在具体使用时不可能不为一定的阶级服务。为了忠实于原文的思想内容,翻译时必须正确理解原作者的基本政治立场和观点,然后选用适当的语言手段来加以表达。原文中有些词本身就表示褒贬意义,就应该把褒贬意义相应地表达出来;但也有些词语孤立起来看似乎是中性的,译成汉语时就要根据上下文恰如其分地把它们的褒义或贬义表达出来。,2020/7/30,26,3.1 英语中有些词本身就有褒贬意义,汉译时就应相应地表达出来,1)He was a man of high renown (fame).他是位有名望的人。(褒)

15、2) His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death .他作为流氓的恶名是他死后才传开的。(贬),2020/7/30,27,3)The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy. 他们进行的事业是值得赞扬的。(褒) 4) Henry keeps boasting that he has talked to the President. 亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话。(贬),2020/7/30,28,5) “He was polite and always gave advice willin

16、gly,” she recalled. 她回忆说,“他彬彬有礼,总是诲人不倦。”(褒) 6) We were shocked by his coarse manners. 我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊。(贬),2020/7/30,29,3.2 英语中有些词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味,汉译时就应该用具有褒贬意味的相应的词来表达,2020/7/30,30,1 ) 需要用褒义的词来表达,1) Once early in 1974,while driving along the San Diego Freeway from Clemente to Los Ang

17、eles, he was asked to reflect on his hopes and ambitions. 一九七四年初,有人同他一起驱车从克利门蒂沿圣地亚哥公路去洛杉机,途中请他谈他的希望和抱负。,2020/7/30,31,2) The two politicians talked for no more than minutes, at a significant moment in their careers. 两位政治家交谈了仅仅五分钟。这次谈话是在他们一生事业的重大时刻进行的。,2020/7/30,32,2) 需要用贬义的词来表达,1) He was a man of int

18、egrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是一个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。我相信他这个坏名声是不该有的。,2020/7/30,33,2) Then, just as Chinese friends arrived who might secure my journey, the Russians arrested me as a spy“ and sent me out through Poland. (A. L. Strong)

19、后来,就在那些可能为我安排旅行的中国朋友刚刚到达的时侯,俄国人把我当作“间谍”而逮捕了我,并把我驱逐出境,取道波兰。,2020/7/30,34,3) He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds. 他欺骗了我,是我成了他进行罪恶勾当的工具。 4) As a demanding boss, he excepted total loyalty and dedication from his employees. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿耿,鞠躬尽瘁 5) Those who do not remember th

20、e past are condemned to relive it . 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。,2020/7/30,35,二、词语的增加,增词是指在翻译时根据上下文和逻辑关系增添原文中没出现但实际内容已经包含的词,从而更忠实和通顺地表达原文意思。,2020/7/30,36,1 词义增词 A增添范畴词,英语中大量使用抽象名词, 翻译时要根据上下文添加“情绪”、“状态”、“行为”等范畴词, heighten the tension(加剧了紧张局 serious unemployment(严重的失业现象), in case of emergency(万一发生紧急情况)。,2020/7/30

21、,37,Examples,1)After all preparations were made ,the planes were flown across he U.S to San Francisco. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就飞越美国去旧金山。 2) In the summer of 1969, the Administration publicly urged an easing of tensions with China. 一九流九年夏天,政府公开缓和与中国的紧张关系。 3) Profanity was tacitly given up. 亵渎神灵的粗话全都心照不宣地不用了。,2

22、020/7/30,38,4)However, even today, poor, uneducated blacks do not always receive the same degree of justice that the more aff1uent and better educated can expect. 然而,即使在今天,贫穷的、没有受过教育的黑人也并非总能得到富裕、受过良好教育的人可以得到的同等的公正待遇。 5) He stressed the growing concern of the United States over the increasing politic

23、al instability in the Middle East region. 他强调美国越来越担心中东地区日益加剧的不稳定的政治局面。,2020/7/30,39,6) Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research. 与此同时,各学校正采取措施纠正教学与科研不平衡的状态。 7)We have winked at these irregularities too long, from now on they will hav

24、e to stop. 我们对这些不法活动宽容太久了,从现在起再也不容许这样下去了。,2020/7/30,40,B增添隐含主语,英语抽象名词用法简练,单个抽象名词往往内含一个动宾结构或主谓结构,隐含了施动者或作用者。翻译时要把隐含内容增添出来。,2020/7/30,41,Examples,1) Advertising campaigns have, however, promoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small p1astic cards. 然而,广告公司的宣传活动,让越来越多的人相信这种小塑料卡的好处。,2020

25、/7/30,42,2) The future, then, to which the epoch of modern economic growth is leading is one of never ending economic growth, a world in which ever growing abundance is matched by ever rising aspiration. 现代经济发展时代所要引向的未来是一个经济发展永不停止的时代,是一个物质不断丰富,人的愿望永不满足的世界。,2020/7/30,43,3)There is more agreement on t

26、he kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 对这个词所指的有那些行为人们意见比较一致,而对逮些行为如何解释和分类人们的看法就不一致了。,2020/7/30,44,4) Naples is far dirtier, and so are Bombay and countless other cities, but a tolerance for dirt seems to grow where fondness exists 那不勒斯更脏,孟买和共

27、他无数城市同样如此。但是人们似乎越来越能够容忍肮脏,而人们对这些城市的感情依旧。,2020/7/30,45,C增添复数意义,1) 增加重叠词表示复数, 这样做还可以提高修辞效果。,2020/7/30,46,Examples,1)Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。 2) Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。 3) There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子都是他从来没有见过的。,2020/7/30,47

28、,2) 增加数词或其它词表示复数,1) The lion is the king of animals. 狮是百兽之王。 2)The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. 连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。,2020/7/30,48,3) The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. 群山已在山谷里开始蔚蓝色的长影。 4) Most were absorbed into the Russ

29、ian empire through colonial, expansion under the Tsars. 大部分是在历代沙皇统治下,通过殖民扩张而并入俄罗斯帝国的。,2020/7/30,49,3) 名词,尤其是抽象名词,当构成复数后,往往具有一定的具体数量意义,在翻译时,要注意把这种复数意思译出。,2020/7/30,50,Examples,1)Within a very short time of coming back into power the present government had taken steps to stabilize the position. First

30、of all, we applied ourselves to identifying the root causes of our nationa1 ailments, examining contemporary evidence and refusing to be slaves to outmoded doctrinaire beliefs. 在重新执政后极短的时间里,本届政府就采取了许多措施来稳定局势。首先我们致力于找出国内种种弊病的根本原因,仔细研究当时的症状,而不是墨守过时的成规教条。,2020/7/30,51,2) Smoking is harmful to the healt

31、h of people. World governments should conduct serious campaigns against it. 吸烟有害于健康。世界各国政府应该开展认真的反吸烟运动。,2020/7/30,52,3) You can almost put it down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite “honest criticism” from their aides 你几乎可以把这一点看成首都的一种倾向:历届总统经常请他们的助手们提出“直率的批评”。 4) However,des

32、pite Kennedys assurances, the story started to leak. 但是,尽管肯尼迪反复保证,事情还是泄露出来。,2020/7/30,53,2 结构增词,英语中几个相同语法结构平行排列时,后面的几个往往会省掉前面提到过的成分:形成语法省略。在翻译时,要注意识别,把省略的东西补出。,2020/7/30,54,Examples,1) Reading makes a full man; conference () a ready man; writing () an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 2) An Eagle and

33、 a Fox had long lived together as good neighbors; the Eagle () at the summit of a high tree, the Fox () in a hole at the foot of it. 一只鹰和一只狐狸长期友好地住在一起,鹰住在一棵高高的树顶上,狐狸住在树下一个洞里。,2020/7/30,55,3) We dont retreat, we never have () and never will (). 我们不后退,我们从没有后退过,将来也决 不后退。 4) “No!” Jesse jumped up. “No,

34、I believed that too. But I dont () now. ” “不!”杰西跳起来了。“不,过去我也是相信的。可是现在,我不相信了。” 5) He remembered the incident, as had his wife (). 他记得这件事,他的妻子早就记起了。,2020/7/30,56,6) The footmen were as ready to serve her as they were their own mistress. 仆人们愿意服侍她,就象他们愿意服侍他们的女主人一样。 7) Better be wise by the defeat of oth

35、ers than by your own. 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好。,2020/7/30,57,8)And so we let the exciting new knowledge slip from us,a little further every day, and our confidence with it 于是,我们就让那些振奋人心的新知识从我们身旁悄悄溜走,一天一天地失去,而我们的信心也随之而逐渐丧失。 9) Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue t

36、o be rejected,and with it possib1y the on1y way to solve our problems. 这样问题得不到解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续受到排斥,而解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。,2020/7/30,58,10) Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind 每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,通过社会,对人类负有责任。 11)When the media add interpretatio

37、n and analys1s,as they must to do their job fu11y, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense. 当媒体加进了自己的解释和分析后(因为他们必须这这样干,才能充分发挥媒体的作用),人们对他们就更反感了。,2020/7/30,59,3 篇章增词,英语的特点是简练。在上下文篇章清楚的情况下,往往运用省略。翻译时要把原文句子里因上下文清楚而省掉的东西通过增词表达出来。,2020/7/30,60,1) We attacked restrictive practices wherever they

38、 existed. 哪里存在阻碍生产力发展的做法,我们就在哪里加以反对。 2)(Redlight running has always been ranked as a minor wrong, and so it may be in individual instances.) When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, however,a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved. 然而,违反交通规则一旦形成习惯,咸为普遍经常发

39、生的事情,则问题就远非走交通管理那么简单了。,2020/7/30,61,3)(Unemployment in black ghettos remained consistently higher than in white communities.) Stable family life was difficult to maintain. Unemployed fathers would on occasion wa1k out of their homes and never return. 黑人的家庭生活难以保持稳定,失了业的父亲有时会离家出走,一去不回。,2020/7/30,62,4)

40、(In the late 197Os, nearly a third of a1l blacks sti11 belonged to the socalled “underclass”,) Americans of all races so “underprivi1eged and poor that they cannot seize the opportunity for advancement. 即美国所有种族中“被剥夺基本权利”的穷人,他们得不到改善生活的机会。 5) I discovered that more than desire and feeling were necessa

41、ry to write and I dropped the idea. 我发现,要写作,只有愿望和感情是不够的,于是我放弃了写作的念头。,2020/7/30,63,4 知识增词,因为英语文章多数是写给英语世界的读者看的,因此一些属于基本常识的东西就省略了,翻译时则要通过加词表达出来,才能使读者理解。,2020/7/30,64,Examples,1) North America was the most favorable fie1d on the globe for the spread of a society so large,uniform,and isolated as to answ

42、er the purposes of science. 北美是全球最适宜这样一个社会发展的地方,这个社会地大物博,统一而又与欧洲大陆隔离,可以适合科学研究的各种需要。 2)There is still prejudice and even some hatred,but in most walks of American life there are now more blacks than ever before 对黑人的偏见,甚至于是某些仇视依然存在,但是在美国大多数行业,今天黑人的人数比以往任何时候都要多。,2020/7/30,65,3) Although no 1onger slave

43、s after the Civi1 war, American blacks took no significant part in the life of white America except as servants and laborers. 美国黑人虽然在南北战争以后不再是奴隶,但是他们在白人统治的美国社会生活中依然无足轻重,只不过当仆佣和劳工而已。 4) Churchill arrived in Washington to talk Roosevelt out of an ear1y invasion of Europe. 丘吉尔到达华盛顿来劝说罗斯福不要过早在殴洲开辟第二战场。,

44、2020/7/30,66,5) When on ceremonial occasions they see a flag, or attend parades celebrating Americas glorious past, tears may come to their eyes. 在典礼上,美国人看到国旗,或者参加庆祝纪念活动的游行时,他们也会热汨盈眶。,2020/7/30,67,5 其他增加,5.1增加概括词 英语中的in short, and so on, etc.等等,翻译时可以分别译为“总之”、“等等”。当有时候英语句子中并没有概括词,而翻译时却往往可增加“两人”、“双方”、

45、“等等”、“凡此种种”等等概括词,同时省略掉英语中的连接词。,2020/7/30,68,Examples You and I 你我俩人 The Soviet Union, the United States, England and France 苏、美、英、法四国 militarily, politically and economically 军事、政治、经济等各方面,2020/7/30,69,1) The Americans and the Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of messages. 美日双方在完全保密的情况下

46、互相交换了信件。 2)It is remarkably clear. It shows streets and factories and a winding river and docks and submarine pens. 它十分清晰,从中可以看出街道、工厂、一条蜿蜒的河流以及码头、潜艇修藏坞等。 3)The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets. 论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面的新成就。,2020/7/30,

47、70,5.2 增加形容词 1)With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism. 中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义啊! 2)The plane twisted under me,trailing flame and smoke. (敌人的)飞机在下面螺旋下降,拖着浓烟烈焰掉了下去。 3)O, Tom Canty,born in rags and dirt and misery,what sight is this!(Mark Twain) 啊,汤姆康第,生在破烂、肮脏和苦难中,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!,202

48、0/7/30,71,5.3 增加副词,根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定场合可增加适当的副词,才能确切表达愿意。 1)The crowds melted away。 人群渐渐散开了。 2)As she sat down and began talking,words poured out。 他一坐下来就开始了,滔滔不决地讲个不完。 3)Tremaine sank down with his face in his hands 屈里曼两手蒙着脸,一屁股做了下去。,2020/7/30,72,5.4 增加表示时态的词,1)I had known two great social systems. 那时

49、以前,我就经历过过大社会制度。 2) The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. 原来老头儿已教会了孩子捕鱼, 所以孩子很爱他。 3) I had never thought I would be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was. 以往我从未想过,当我发觉人们认为我无足轻重时,我会感到高兴。但这次情况确实如此。,2020/7/30,73,4 )The old man said,“They say his father

50、was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are。 老头儿说:“从前他爸爸是个打鱼的。他过去也许和我们现在一样穷。“ 5) I was, and remain,grateful for the part he played in my release。 我的获释是他成全的,对此我过去很感激,现在仍然很感激。 6)The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird。 该高空飞机过去是现在仍然是一种了不起的飞机。,2020/7/30,74,5.5 增加语气助词,汉语中有许多语气助词,如“

51、的”、“吧”、“呢”、“啊”、“呀”、“嘛”、“吗”、“啦”、“了”、“罢了”、“而已”等等。不同的语气助词可以发生不同的作用,英译汉时细心体会原文,增加一些汉语所特有的语气词,可以更好地表达愿作的意义和修辞色彩。,2020/7/30,75,1)Don t take it seriously. Im just making fun of you. 不要认真嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了。 2) As for me, I didnt agree from the very beginning. 我呢,从一开始就不赞成。 3) They (the eyes) were the same color as

52、the sea, cheerful and undefeated. 那双眼啊,像海水一样的颜色,愉快,毫不沮丧。,2020/7/30,76,4 ) He described it (Latvia)-its forests, its little villages ,its people ,their fierce nationalism-with an eloquence that could arise only out of deep love ones motherland. 他描绘它(拉脱维亚 )的风土人情森林啦、小村庄啦、人民啦、人民的强烈民族主义啦等等,只有深深热爱祖国的人才能说得

53、如此娓娓动听,滔滔不绝。 5) It is entirely possible that things are being done for my release right now and that it takes time to do this. 完全有可能眼下正在想办法使我获释,只不过需要时间而已。,2020/7/30,77,5.6 增加量词,1)A red sun rose slowly from the calm lake. 一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。 2)Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon. 一钩新月渐渐隐没在

54、朦胧的云彩里去了。 3)A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江里去了。 4)November26 :“Started trying to read a Russian story. Constant use of dictionary and many questions.” 十一月二十六日:“开始试读一篇俄国短篇小说。词典不离手,问题一大堆。”,2020/7/30,78,5.7 增补原文含蓄条件句中的省略部分,1) We didnt admit it (escape) wa

55、s impossible. To do so would have been to surrender one of our hopes. 我们认为越狱不是不可能的。如果认为不可能,那就等于把我 们仅存的一点希望也放弃了。 2) In agreeing to what was already the status quo, Khrushchev would have had far more to gain than lose. 假如赫鲁晓夫已同意维持现状,对他来说就会是得多失少。 3) At the time of Kennedys assassination, Kissinger felt

56、 that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster. 肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为,如果肯尼再任一届总统的话,大概 不是立大功,就是闯大祸。,2020/7/30,79,Exercise and Assignment,It should have been easy. They were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican party, men who understood p

57、residential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nations economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly

58、financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeed more than any president since John F. Kennedy in proj

59、ecting a broad vision of America a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government. (Brand 8 E-C 1996),2020/7/30,80,Answer,这应该不是件难事。这都是些跟着里根多年、久经沙场的老将,他们跟共和党则有更深厚的渊源,是这个国家里最熟悉总统政治的人。竞选的背景也很有利,也很多好消息可供炒作。例如,美国上下一片和平,美国经济这一竞选要素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后开始强劲反弹。此外,这次竞选本身得到了慷慨资助,因此有充裕的资用于组织一流的竞选班子、支付巡回演讲和电视广告的费用。而最重要的一点是,他们的候选人是罗纳德里根,他可是位极具个人魅力和沟通技巧的总统。自约翰F肯尼迪总统以来,里根是最成功地


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