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1、The queen married England-Elizabeth I,From Leslie & Miranda,The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn,family background,On September 7, 1533, Elizabeth was born in Greenwich palace.,Her father complained that why she was not a boy. After all Elizabeth was Henry VIII and Boleyns product of legal mar

2、riage, therefore, she was determined for the legal heir of the crown.,Elizabeth was a carefree small princess in the first three year.,In January 1536, Elizabeths status was down a lot because of Boleyns death. In June 1536, the parliament declared to cancel her throne from qualification.,After the

3、death of Boleyn, Henry viii successively took four wives, but only had one son, Edward. In 1547, Henry viii died, the son became the king. 1547 ,Edward acceded ,only in six years. The new king had a weak body, and suffering from tuberculosis. Therefore, the replacement of the throne was just a quest

4、ion of time. With qualified succession to the throne: Henry VIII s daughter Mary Henry VIII s daughter Elizabeth Henry VIII s niece Jenny. According to the throne from habit, Mary should be first selection throne.,1、Because of the difference of religious belief, after Mary became queen ,she began to

5、 persecute Elizabeth. 2、Mary wanted to marry the Spanish royal family. So the nobles wanted Elizabeth became the queen of England instead of Mary .But it failed. Then Mary imprisoned Elizabeth. 3、November 17, 1557, Mary died. Elizabeth finally became the second British Queen.,Mary ,The parliament re

6、fused to recognize the legitimacy of her throne. Like father, Henry VIII, Elizabeth decided out of the relationship with the Pope and announced that the United Kingdom is the Protestant countries. She took a cautious attitude when dealing with the relationship with parliament.,She was very thrifty,

7、but she was very positive to the prosperity of country, she relied on businessmen and pirates to increase the income of royal family. In the Elizabethan age, the most striking thing was the unusual relationship of the Queen with the pirates .She supported the pirates, on one hand, was to increase th

8、e national treasury by the pirates plunder, on the other hand was to against Spain. Britains pirate fleet defeated the Spanish Armada ,from then, Spain went to extinction gradually, and the England soon became the Sea Overlord“.,When parliament asked her to marry someone and left the heir of the thr

9、one, she said: “I have already marry a husband, he is England. She did not want the British subordinate to Spain or France because of her marriage.,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,onJanuary15th,1559ElizabethwascrownedQueen in Westminster Abbey. herstatuswasnotstableatthattime. Itwass

10、aidthedayinwhichshewascrownedthatchosenbytheBritishfamousmathematiciansandastrologyJohnDeewasverylucky. ThepersoncrownedherwasbishopofCharis whowasthe highestinthechurchcanfindlegalrightstoher. 伊丽莎白于1559年1月15日在威斯敏斯特教堂被加冕为女王,当时她的地位很不稳定。 她加冕的日子是当时英国著名的数学家和占星士约翰迪伊挑选的,据说它特别吉利。 给她加冕的是卡里斯勒的主教,他是当时在教会界能找到的

11、最高的承认她的合法地位的人。,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,Elizabeth I(7 September 1533 24 March 1603) wasqueen regnantofEnglandandIrelandfrom 17 No

12、vember 1558 until her death. Sometimes called Elizabeth of England, Elizabeth Tudor“, Gloriana , Good Queen Bess, The Virgin Queen,There are many statements about why did Queen Elizabeth I not marry. Now, I will introduce some of them.,First The real Queen Elizabeth I was died at ten years old. Then

13、 a boy named “the Bisley boy”(比斯利男孩) who looks just like her replaced her. So, “she” wears High-necked clothes to cover “her “Adams apple.(喉结),Second Her father Henry VIII killed her mother when she was three years old for her mother did not give birth to a boy. This left deep impression for her and

14、 cause her afraid of each boy of her life.,Third When Elizabeth was 13 years old, her father was died. Catherine, her fathers first wife married Seymour, the brother of her fathers third wife. And Seymour was very outstanding and attractive. So Elizabeth was fell in love with him. But Seymour was ki

15、lled by the nephew of him, Edward .,Fourth In 1985,a research shows that Elizabeth has no ability to bear. They think have a sick named complete androgen insensitivity syndrome(雄激素完全不敏感综合征) .This makes her cannot live as a normal woman.,Achievements,policy English religion conflict was very fiercely

16、 during the 44 years that Elizabeth ruled. In the first two years ,Elizabeth released the highest authority method (Supremacy Act) and a single Act in 1558, providing the king also is the top leader of the church of England.,military affairs Elizabeth encouraged piracy toward Spanish and involved th

17、e war of independence of Netherlands fighting against Spanish. This enraged Spanish king Philip II, so he started a war with England. At that time, Spanish was the empire of the sea and called himself Spanish Armada. There is a great disparity between two sides. Then unexpectedly, the England defeat

18、ed Spanish Armada. After this, the Spanish had a sharp decline and the sea overlord status was replaced by England.,Culture TheELIZABETHPERIODisanveryimportantperiod duringtheBritainculture. Literature,especiallypoetryanddramaenteredagoldenageinthisperiod.ElizabethIherselfworkedonwritingandtranslati

19、on,justlikeher father.Shetranslated HoracesworkPOETRYbyherself.Someofherspeechesandtranslationscirculated uptonow.,On 24 March 1603, after 44 years of rule ,she died,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,overall evaluation,The period of ELIZABETH I was not very successful in military. Her

20、hesitation was bad for military action. What ELIZABETH I left to her heir was a tough and unsteady country, especially in economic and religion. Her most contribution to England are that she cared about the people, defend her rule, employ brilliant consultants. Her rule helped England avoided econom

21、ic crisis and wars of religion.,All the information is from wikipedia and baidu,ThemostharshcriticismwhichELIZABETHIsufferedwasthatshedid notconserveanyheir. 无后裔Itwasbelievedthatshewouldgetmarriedandhaveherownchildren Actually,manyexcellentmenhadchasedher, includingherex-husband,KingPhilipofSpainandherminiontheearlLester. Therewerealsomanypeo


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