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1、Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen square?SectionC学情分析:通过学习本章节,培养学生的阅读能力及流利地表达自己的观点,已经学习了动词不定式to do的用法。为时间状语从句的学习打下了基础。一、 教材分析本课通过叙述Kangkang, Michael和 Darren的旅行经历,进一步学习时间状语从句的用法。要求学生通过本课的学习活动掌握黑体单词和短语bicycle, be full of, tour, space, push, direction, step, beside, experienc

2、e和cant help doing sth., 理解白体词汇crowd, slowly 和sadly。学会叙述旅行经历的同时,培养学生热爱旅游、积极探索、热爱祖国的态度。二、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.进一步学习时间状语从句的用法;2.学习叙述旅行的经历。三自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】一. 读1a, 完成1b二在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.骑着他们的自行车_ 2.两个半小时_ 3.停车场_ 4.充满,挤满_ 5.找地方停放他们的自行车_ 6.走过小道进入定陵_ 7.对这些奇迹感到惊讶_ 8.拿出他的相机_9.拍一些照片_10.禁止拍照_11.人群_ 12.(数量)变得越来越大_1

3、3.把他推得东倒西歪_14.对我来说最有趣的事_15.踩着的脚_16.(他从人群中)挤出来_17.看不见了 _18.太害怕了而不知如何是好_19.(心)跳得很快_20.朝着一块巨石走去_21.直到才_22.可找到你了。_23.一就_24.欢呼雀跃_25.在中国的西南部_26.进行了为期两天的旅行_27.忍不住做某事_四语法点拨 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, K, M and D arrived at the Ming Tombs.译:_同义句转换:After they rode the

4、ir bikes for = After riding their bikes for - 此时before是介词 点拨:for two hours and a half = for two and a half hours练习:一个半小时_ / _ 半小时_ 半年_ 半公斤_总结:到达 1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 注意:到家 - 1)arrive home 2) get home 3) reach home 思考:为什么介词没有了?_2. After they parked their bikes, they walked through the passage into Dingling an

5、d were surprised at the wonders.译:_同义句转换:After they parked their bikes = After _3. The parking lot was full of tour buses. 译:_点拨:be full of - 充满了(形容词短语) 区别:sb. fill with - 用装满(动词短语)模仿造句: My schoolbag is full of books. = I fill my schoolbag with books.a.他的嘴里塞满了食物。_ / _b.火车站里挤满了人。_4. When Darren final

6、ly pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight.译:_思考:when后面是一个_从句;notice后面是一个_从句点拨:notice的名词意思是-_; 它也是一个感官动词 用法:注意到某人在做某事_ 注意到某人做了某事_练习:老师注意到他在说话。_点拨:out of sight - 看不见(介词短语) 链接:in sight - _ have a good sight-_5. He was too frightened to know what to do. 译:_同义句转换:sothat-_同义句转换:

7、what to do的完整表达是:_6. He didnt raise his head until someone called him. 译:_同义句转换:before-_同义句转换:after-_五、当堂达标【要点追踪,各个击破】、根据首字母填空:1、The heart of an adult man b about 70 to89 times a minute.2、Its polite to make s for the old on the bus.3、A large c of people came to the square.4、The t started at the begi

8、nning oation.f the summer va5、The boy was so frightened because his mother was out of s .6、-Did you n a girl in white pass by just now? -Sorry, I was reading my book.7、Jack walked toward the d of the post office.、词语释义:( )1、Just push the button there, and the coffee comes out here.A.take B.bring C. p

9、ull D.press( )2、The old man was afraid of falling down, so he stepped slowly on the snowy road.A.rushed B.walked C.rode D.flew( )3、He didnt go home until the rain stopped.A.when B. before C.after D.as soon as( )4、She caught sight of a red car in front of her house.A.saw B.looked C. looked for D.watc

10、hed( )5、He has a big family.A. huge B. large C.great D.many六、课后提升【拓展思维,提升能力】用所给的词或词组填空:1、Ill tell him about it he comes back.2、Mother was doing some cleaning father was watching the football match.3、She danced she sang.4、He waited for me late at night.5、He couldnt help crying he heard the bad news.七

11、、homework:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Ask the students to write a short story about one of their travel experiences and report it to the class.(3) Prepare for the learning of Section D after class. SectionD一、教材分析本课通过阅读 Michael的旅行日记,复习时间状语从句的用法。要求学生通过本课的学习活动掌握黑体单词和短语have fun doing sth., ev

12、erywhere和Thank goodness. 学会写旅行日记的同时,培养学生热爱旅游、积极探索的态度,并向学生渗透迷路的应对策略,让学生树立安全意识,遇事不要惊慌,学会保护自己。二、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.复习时间状语从句的用法;2.学写旅游日记。三、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.他的明陵之旅_ 2.注意_ 3.晴天_ 4.日记的格式_5.检查我们的自行车和背包_6.两个半小时_ 7.在古代_ 8.下马_9.沿着七公里长的神道_10.代表和平_11.拍照_ 12.朝着我们大喊_13.感到害怕_ 14.骑上我们的自行车_15.开心地考察_ 16.

13、到处寻找他_17.请保安帮助_ 18.谢天谢地_19.最后_ 20.多么特别的一次旅行啊! _四语法点拨 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. Read Michaels diary of his trip to the Ming Tombs, and pay attention to the form of the diary.点拨(一):a trip to- 一次去的旅行 链接:一次去的参观_点拨(二):pay attention to- 注意 注意:to是介词,后面用名词,代词,动名词等作宾语练习:a.你的北京之旅怎么样?_ b.上个星期我们进行了一次去科技中心的参观。We went on _

14、 _ _ the Science Center _ _. c.A good teacher should pay more attention to the students moods in class. 译:_ 2. While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost.译:_ 点拨:have fun doing sth. - 干很开心 链接:干有困难_思考(一):realize - 意识到,它后面的句子是_从句,从句前面省略了引导词_思考(二):lost在此是个_词,意思是_, 它的动词形式是_, 过去式形式是_练习

15、:a.孩子们正在开心地学英语。_ b.我们和父母交谈有些困难。_ c.昨天他的钢笔丢了。_ d.昨天他弄丢了他的钢笔。_ 3. They were very cute and we couldnt help watching them. 译:_点拨:cant help doing sth.- 忍不住做某事 区别:cant help sb. (to) do sth.- _练习:听到这激动人心的消息,孩子们忍不住跳了起来。 The children_ _ _ , when they _ the _ news.五、当堂达标【要点追踪,各个击破】、词语释义:( )1、While we were hav

16、ing fun exploring, I found Darren was lost.A.good at B.enjoying C. looking forward to D.having a good time( )2、While we were having fun exploring, I found Darren was lost.A.saw B.watched C. heard D.notice( )3、We found him at last.A.by the end B.finally C.later D.after a while( )4、The town stands at

17、the foot of the mountains.A.sits B.lies C. faces D.places( )5、Tom always puts his things here and there.A.somewhere B.some place C.everywhere D.over there、根据汉语意思完成句子:1、这人从背包里掏出一些食物和饮料。The man some food and drink his .2、鸽子象征着和平。The pigeon peace.3、直到别人指出来,他才意识到自己的错误。He his mistake others pointed it ou

18、t.4、谢天谢地,你平安无事。 , you are safe!5、当我算不出数学题时,我经常向老师寻求帮助。When I cant work out the math problems, I often my teacher .6、发生了什么事?我发现到处都是卫兵。What happened? I found .六、课后提升【拓展思维,提升能力】 总结Unit 6 Topic 2 单词和词组:名词人群动词明信片推收到,得到对话方向下赌注野营度假脚步;台阶考察,探险远足脚趾标明,做记号于西南布告;通告勘察,查看西北视线;风景拥挤,群聚东南(音乐)节拍推东北背包踩;走,跨步东,东方卫兵;警戒注意,

19、注意到西,西方龙凤门跳动;打败南,南方形容词发电子邮件北,北方完美的,极好的认识到;实现拱门神的,神圣的副词标记官方的,政府的慢慢地开始巨大的,庞大的悲伤地,伤心地官员东方的,东部的词组调查西方的,西部的当然,的确骆驼南方的,南部的看不见威望,声望北方的,北部的忍不住参观,观光介词谢天谢地!空间在-旁边;靠近七、homework:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Write a passage about your experiences of getting lost. (3) Collect the traffic rules to Prepar

20、e for Topic 3.Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycles are popular. SectionA一、教材分析本话题以骑自行车旅行为核心内容,引出骑自行车的好处,接下来进一步讲述了交通安全和交通规则。最后出现的两篇关于自行车比赛的文章,呼应本单元的标题并巩固本话题的重点语法。本话题的主要语法是由if 引导的条件状语从句。在Section A 的1a中,通过Kangkang, Michael 和Darren 谈论一起亲眼所见的交通事故,引出交通安全方面的话题,列举骑自行车的好处,并呈现if引导的条件状语从句的用法。二、目标导航【明确目标,把握方

21、向】1.学习条件状语从句的用法;2.了解骑自行车的利弊,注意行车安全;3.了解如何写事故报告。三、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】一读1a, 回答问题1.What does Darren think of traffic in Beijing ? _2.Does Michael feel a little more confident now ?_3. What are the advantages of riding bikes? a._ b._二在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.受伤_2.习惯_3.害怕_4.多一点自信_5.遵守交通规则_6.节约能源_7.引起空气污染_8.写下_9.当众吐

22、痰_10.一小时内完成这么多工作 _11.引发事故_12.找到;发现_13.听mp3_14.数米远处_15.向左的急转弯_16.减速_17.从对面开来_18.避免撞上卡车_19.撞上_20.严重地撞伤了他的胳膊_21.把他送到医院_22.受伤_23.失去生命_四语法点拨 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.Many passengers were hurt. 译:_ 点拨:hurt 1.及物动词:使受伤;伤害。His left leg was hurt. 译:_ 2.不及物动词:疼;难受。 His left leg hurt. 译:_ 巩固:1. He had a fall yesterday. T

23、oday his right leg _. A. still hurts B. is still hurt C. are still hurting D. was hurt 2. After examining me carefully, the doctor said ,”you _ a bone in your back.” A. are hurt B. hurt C.hurts2.Youll get used to it soon. 译:_ 回忆:get used to _ (do) sth, be used to _ (do) sth. 译:_ 链接:used to _(do) sth

24、 译:_ 练习:1.我习惯了饭后散步。I _ _ _ _ after meals. 2.他过去很胖。He _ _ _ heavy . 3.你们过去常常收集模型飞机吗?_ you _ _ _model planes? 4.His father is used to _ (drink ) milk in the morning.3.When I first arrived , I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere. 译:_ 回忆:be afraid of sth. 译:_ be afraid of doing sth 译:_ 练习: 1.我害怕蛇。I _

25、_ _ snakes. 2.Tom害怕当众讲话。Tom _ _ _ _ in public. 链接:be afraid to do sth. 译:_ 1. Im not afraid to talk with others now. 译:_ 2.Mary不敢独自呆在家里。Mary _ _ _ _ at home _.4.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.译:_ 链接: 原级 比较级 最高级few , _, fewest few修饰_ 名词 , fewer 修饰_ 名词little, _, _ litt

26、le修饰_ 名词, less 修饰_ 名词 原级 比较级 最高级 many _ _ many 修饰_ 名词 more 修饰_ 名词 much _ _ much 修饰_ 名词 more 修饰_ 名词巩固:1. There will be _ (更多的) schools in 20 years . 2. There will be _ (更少的) free time next week. 3. There will be _ (更少的) trees on both sides of the road . 4. I have _ (更多的) money than Jane.5.Now I like

27、riding my bike around the city more than before. 译:_6.Its easy to park bikes ,too. 译:_ Its impossible to finish so much work in an hour. 译:_ 回忆:在此处it 作_, 真正的主语为 _ 短语 练习:1.在公共场所吐痰是种坏(行为)。_ is bad _ _in public. 2.骑自行车探险明陵非常刺激。_ is _ _ _the Ming Tombs _ _. 3.早上吃早饭很有必要。_ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning. 提升:It

28、is +adj+for sb.+to do sth.1.对学生来讲,早上吃早饭很有必要。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning. 2.对我们来说,上课认真听讲非常重要。 _ is _ _ _to listen _ in class.7.But sometimes bicycle accidents do happen. 点拨:do 是多余的吗?答:_ 去掉do 句子还对吗?答:_ 助动词do有一个很主要的用法:在肯定句中表示强调。注意:在这种用法下它只有现在时(do;does)和过去时(did)。读时要重度。 例句:1.) I do think you are a go

29、od cook. 译:_ 2.)He does speak well ! 译:_ 练习:1.)“Are you going to stay here?” “If I _, Ill let you know.” A. will stay B. staying C. do stay D. stayed 2.)”Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s”. “ Yes, but they _ move more quickly than in 1910s. A. were B. did C. will D. can8.They can bring us sadness

30、and death. 译:_ 点拨:构词法:一些形容词+后缀ness 名词 sad +ness sadness ill +ness illness happy+ness happiness busy+ness business 链接:die _词 die的过去式_ die的现在分词 _ dead _词 death_词 练习:1.那个老人快不行了。The old man _ _.1.那个老人上个星期去世了。The old man _ last week. 2.那个老人去世了。The old man _ _.3.他的死使我们很伤心。His _ made us _.9.A young man was

31、 riding his bicycle very fast while listening to an MP3. 译:_ 点拨:while是连词,为什么它连接的不是从句呢?答:省略了_ 语。 全句应为:while (he was) listening to an MP3. 链接:有此用法的连词:when, as soon as , though, if , unless等。 练习:1._ _ (当旅行时), you should take care of your health. 2.过马路要小心。 Be careful _ _ the street. 3. 当他在轮船工作时,他写出了最伟大的

32、小说。He wrote his greatest novel _ _ on a ship. 10.To avoid hitting the truck ,the young man ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly. 点拨:A) to avoid hitting the truck 不定式短语可用在句首表目的,意为“为了-”,在句中作状语。 1.为了看日出,我们很早就起来了。 _ _ _ _ , we got up very early. 2.为了学好汉语,Tom 每天都练习说汉语。 _ _ Chinese _, Tom practices _ Chinese every day.B)avoid doing sth. 译:_ 1.We should avoid _ (fight) in school. 2.We all avoided _(mention) his name.C) run


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