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1、,Unit 3 Section A (1a-2d),Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?,A: Could you tell me where I can get a pair of shoes?,Could you tell me where I can get some money?,Post Office,Do you know where I can buy some stamps?,Restaurant,Do you know where I can have dinner ?,Do you know where I c

2、an buy a newspaper?,Bookstore,activities,places,a. book store,b. bank,c. department store,d. library,e. post office f: restrant,f,d,d,a,e,Pair work A: Excuse me , Could you please tell me (Do you know) where I can . B: Yes, there is a _,b,d,Listen and complete the conversation.,Excuse me. Do you kno

3、w where I can get a dictionary,Yes. Theres a post office on Center Street,Sure. Theres a bookstore on Main Street.,Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps ?,Deans restaurant,bank,bookstore,library,post office,department store,Center Street,Main Street,A: Excuse me. Could you please tell

4、 me where I can buy stamps? B: Sure. Theres a post office , Go along Center Street , The post office is on your left , Oppoite the library, A: Thanks , Do you know when the post office closes today? B: It closes at 6:30 p.m today.,1c Pairwork,1. get some money 2, have dinner 3, buy a newspaper 4. bu

5、y a pair of shoes,Two boys,Listen , You will hear some of the directions below number the directions in the order you hear them,_go to third floor. _turn left _go to the second floor _turn right _the supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore _go past the bookstore,2a,2,1,3,4,draw a l

6、ine (画线路图),supermarket,groupwork,A: Excuse me. Do you know where I can ? D: Sure. go to the .floor, turn. the.is between .and . B: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can ?,A wants to buy some books B wants to save money C wants to get some postcards D is a guide,Alice,He wei,Read 2d and ans

7、wer the questions,1. Who wants to find the restrooms? 2. What does the Alice think of the restroom ? 3. Do people in China often use the restroom when they speak English ?,Alice,The restroom means the washroom or the bathroom,No, they dont,4,6,Challenge yourself,5,2,1,3,词组翻译: 向左转 第二层楼,turn left,the

8、second floor,Could you please tell me Where I can buy some stamps?,用Do you know 改写句子。,Do you know where I can buy some stamps?,Where are the books?,用Do you know ?改写句子。,Do you know where the books are?,Choose the best answers: Do you know? Awhat the news are Bwhat is the news Cwhat the news is Dwhat are the news,C,同义句转换 I dont know what I can say next.,I dont know what to say next.,Translate this sentence into English. 你能告诉我哪里可以买到一本字典?,Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?,HOMEWORK,To be a guide Some friends are visiting our city. Please guide for them. Make a convers


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