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1、Site Inspection 参观酒店,We will altogether learn the following points: 我们一起学习以下几点:,Establishes rapport before beginning the tour 确认参观时间,Step One: 第一点:,You should confirm : 你应当做到:,Avoid the hotel rush hour 避免酒店经营高峰 Select the available time for both 与顾客约定双方都方便的时间,Step Two: 第二点:,Demonstrates readiness an

2、d preparation 一切准备就绪,You should prepare: 你应当准备好:,Sales Kits of hotel information 酒店产品资料 Name card 名片 Check the hotel room for site inspection 检查要参观的客房 Your Good Grooming 你的仪容仪表端正 Reserve a table in the restaurant 在餐厅定位,Step Three: 第三点:,Establishes and summarizes client needs and preferences 确定并总结顾客的

3、需求和喜好,You should know: 你应当了解:,What he need 顾客需要什么 What he not need 顾客不需要什么 What he like 顾客喜欢什么 What he dislike 顾客不喜欢什么,Sales Secret : 销售小秘诀: Match what his needs and preferences 投其所好,Step Four: 第四点:,Confirms inspection route in advance; route matches client interests 预先确定参观路线,迎合顾客的兴趣,You should conf

4、irm the route: 确定一些重要参观区域:,Hotel lobby 酒店大堂 Western Restaurant 西餐厅 Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅 Banquet Hall 宴会厅 Hotel Rooms 酒店客房,Step Five: 第五点:,Moves at client pace and tailors presentation to client reactions 紧跟顾客,根据其反应做相适应 的陈述,You should do those: 你应当做到:,Estimate the arriving time and take all informa

5、tion to the lobby to welcome the client . 预计顾客到达时间,带上资料至大堂迎接 Introduce the route and match the client , adjust it according to the clients needs. 向客人介绍参观路线,征求客人意见,并根据客人 的需求进行即时调整。,Step Six: 第六点:,Presents relevant features and outlines appropriate advantages and benefits 介绍(酒店)相关特征,优势, 利益等,You can in

6、troduce the following points: 你可以介绍以下几点:,Service surfaces and handles any Resistance 让顾客对每处参观点发表意见, 发现并处理(双方)异议问题,Clients comments and Questions are a huge amount fortune for our hotel. 顾客的提问及意见对酒店而言是巨大的财富。 Listen to the client carefully. 认真地倾听顾客。 Focus on the clients questions. 关注顾客的问题。 Handle any resistance . 解决异议问题。 Takes some notes. 作好笔记。,Step Ten: 第十点:,Gains commitment to a specific next step 向顾客争取进一步合作,Thanks the client and create a positive impression . 感谢顾


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