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1、Corporate Finance公司金融,Semester 1, 2009-2010 吴辉凡,你们的问题?,什么是公司金融? 对这门课程有什么期望? 如何学习公司金融?,金融学学科体系图,两个中心问题,什么是公司金融?财务经理的作用是什么? 公司金融的目标是什么?,1.1 What is Corporate Finance?,Corporate finance is a specific area of finance that analyzes the financial decisions of corporations.,The Balance-Sheet Model of the F

2、irm,Current Assets,Fixed Assets 1 Tangible 2 Intangible,Shareholders Equity,Current Liabilities,Long-Term Debt,What long-term investments should the firm engage in?,The Capital Budgeting Decision(资本预算),The Balance-Sheet Model of the Firm,How can the firm raise the money for the required investments?

3、,The Capital Structure Decision(资本结构),Current Assets,Fixed Assets 1 Tangible 2 Intangible,Shareholders Equity,Current Liabilities,Long-Term Debt,The Balance-Sheet Model of the Firm,How much short-term cash flow does a company need to pay its bills?,The Net Working Capital Investment Decision (净营运资金)

4、,Net Working Capital,Shareholders Equity,Current Liabilities,Long-Term Debt,Current Assets,Fixed Assets 1 Tangible 2 Intangible,The Balance-Sheet Model of the Firm,Corporate Financial Decisions,Capital Budgeting (投资决策) The process of planning and managing a firms investments in fixed assets. It is c

5、oncerned with the size, timing, and riskiness of cash flows. Financing Decision (融资决策) The mix of debt and equity used by a firm. What are the least expensive sources of funds? Is there a best mix? When and where to raise funds? Working Capital Management (营运资金管理) Managing short-term assets and liab

6、ilities. How much cash and inventory to keep around? What is our credit policy? Where will we obtain short-term loans?,Every decision that a business makes has financial implications, and any decision which affects the finances of a business is a corporate finance decision. Defined broadly, everythi

7、ng that a business does fits under the rubric of corporate finance. Corporate Finance or Business finance?,Corporate finance or Business Finance?,1.2 财务总监与总会计师,To create value, the financial manager should: Try to make smart investment decisions. Try to make smart financing decisions.,2 学习的四个境界,李开复:

8、做最好的你自己一书中解释四个学习的境界: 熟能生巧:在老师指导下学习,掌握课本上的内容,知道问题的答案; 举一反三:具备了思考的能力,掌握了学习的方法,能够举一反三,知其然,也知其所以然; 无师自通:掌握了自学、自修的方法,可以在没有老师辅导的情况下主动学习; 融会贯通:可以将学到的知识灵活运用于生活和工作实践,懂得做事与做人的道理,3 公司金融的学习,课堂练习与课后作业 案例分析与讨论 财经新闻的解读与思考,案例学习小组,目的:为我们提供一个将公司金融理论与模型应用于企业实践的机会,并学习和加强团队协作能力。 小组组建要求 人员构成4-6人 选出小组组长,负责成员之间以及小组与科代表间的协调和沟通 小组任务 每一个小组选择一家上市公司作为案例分析的对象。公司要求如下:上市时间在一年(含一年)以上;至少已经公开了一个会计年度的财务报表;尽量避免亏损企业;勿选择金融行业。 从以下几方面分析上市公司的相关金融决策 分析公司的治理结构; 分析企业的资本结构,判断企业是否负债不足,或过度负债; 研究企业的股利政策,决定股利支付的多少 撰写案例分析报告(PPT或WORD形式),References,Applied Corporate Finance: A Users Manual (Second Edition) by Aswath Damodar


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