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1、Unit4 Growing up,Task The person who has influenced me most By Yuansuping,Lead in,Some people influenced other people. Some people infuenced the world.,Who has influenced you most?,Spud Webb !,Michael Jackson!,My math teacher or,friendly,Review the words about a persons qualities and explain why he/

2、she influenced you most.,clever,fair,patient,curious,polite,creative,kind,hard-working,* Who has influenced the author most? * How old is her father?,Her father.,He is in his fifties.,Listen & Answer questions,Go through the passage on P60 and find out the new words and phrases.,unusual cell cancer

3、surprise to ones surprise research death,adj. 不寻常的 n. 细胞 n. 癌症 n. 惊奇;诧异 令某人惊奇的是 n. 研究;调查 n. 死,死亡,1. My father is in his fifties. 表示整十的数词后加s变成复数,用在“in ones + 数词复数”短语中,表示“某人年龄处于某段时间”。如: in ones twenties/ thirties/ forties 在某人二十/三十/四十多岁时,Language points:,翻译:那个男人好像三十多岁。,That man seems _.,in his thirties

4、,2. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是,相关短语: be surprised at . 对. 感到惊奇 be surprised to do 惊奇地做 be surprised that 惊奇. in surprise 惊奇地 to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是,3.dead(adj)死的, death(n)死亡, dying(adj)奄奄一息的,要死的 (1). My grandfath

5、er has been _(死) for twenty years. (2). Because of his_(死),the whole country was full of sadness. (3). The doctors trying their best to save the _ man.,death,dead,dying,Choice,Fill in the blank.,In his _(三十), he set up a new company called alibaba.,thirties,( )She is _ at he result, but to her _, th

6、e result is helpful to everyone in our class.,surprise, surprise B. surprised, surprised C. surprised, surprise D. surprise, surprised,C,Read the passage again and summarize(总结) the main idea of each paragraph.,Checking,part1 part2 part3,_who has influenced the writer most?,_He is kind and helpful.,

7、_He has donated blood many times since 1990.,_what does the writer think of his father?,para4,para1,para3,para2,My father,in his f_,kind and helpful,ifties,Pre-writing,give,care,for,give,donate,decide,to,I couldnt understand,he has a heart full of love,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,Para1,Para2-3

8、,Para4,Pre-writing: Useful expressions,.is the person who has influenced me most .is in his twenties/thirties/forties You will not find anything unusual about him until. .has always been kind/helpful/. To my surprise,. When I was a little girl/boy, I could not understand. Now I realize that,假如你是Sand

9、y, 你学校正在举行写作比赛,主题是 “The person who has influenced me most, 字数90个字左右。内容如下:,While-writing:,My uncle,四十多岁, 在当地医院工作,工作细心 对待病人有耐心,使我惊讶的是,他已经决定.,乐于助人 关爱一些失独老人,Para1,Structure,While-writing:,Para2-3,Para4,age,job,Personalities Examples,My ideas,Show time!,Assessment,1. 整体性:结构清晰(如:是否分段),正确使用标点符号,书写端正。 2. 优美

10、性:语句连贯、优美(如:使用一些关联词,时间状语,形容词,副词等)。 3. 完整性:要点齐全,适当拓展。 4. 准确性:语法正确,语句通顺。,How to write a good article?,Post-writing: Sample The person who has influenced me most is my uncle. You will not find anything unusual until you learn more. As a doctor, he is both kind and patient with patients. Besides, he is

11、so careful that he has never made any mistakes. He says:As a doctor,We cant be too careful. Whats more,he cares for the old who have lost their only children. To my surprise, my uncle has decided to donate not only all his money but also his body after his death. How brave and kind-hearted his is! All in all, I have been influenced by my uncle. I realize that he is a man who has a


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