人教PEP四年级上册英语教案 Unit 1 My classroom 第三课时_第1页
人教PEP四年级上册英语教案 Unit 1 My classroom 第三课时_第2页




1、第三课时l 课时内容A. Lets spelll 课时分析 本部分为字母及语音学习课时。本课学习元音字母a在a+辅音字母+e的开音节结构里的发音。通过读一读,听一听、唱一唱;读一读,听一听,判断正误;听一听,圈一圈,写一写三个活动使学生既学习到元音字母在开音节里发双元音/e/,又使学生区别开字母a在闭音节里的发音。在Read, listen and chant活动中,教材呈现了四幅图片,来帮助学生理解语音例词cake, face, name, make,并且把元音字母a和不发音的字母e标红,使学生能够一目了然地感受开音节的结构,并通过韵句:My name is Jake. My name is

2、 Jake. I like my name, and I can make a cake. Hello, Jake. Hello, Jake. My name is Dave. And I like to eat a cake. 来感受含有a-e结构的单词的拼读。Read,listen and tick活动中,教材呈现了三组单词,前一个为闭音节,后一个为a-e开音节,学生需要根据所听到的单词来选择正确的答案,并打上对勾。而Listen, circle and write活动中,每个图片下方有代表闭音节的字母a和代表开音节的a-e,学生听到单词后,先需要判断一下是闭音节还是开音节,圈出正确的一项

3、,然后再把听到的单词按正确的格式写在横线上。l 课时目标1. 能够感知并归纳字母a在开音节(a-e结构)中的发音规则2. 能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词l 课时重难点1.重点:能够感知并归纳字母a在开音节(a-e结构)中的发音规则能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词2. 难点:能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 语音例词单词卡l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1.播放韵句:Whats your name? 学生先听一遍韵句,再同老师一起说韵句。Teacher:Boys and

4、 girls, lets say a chant. Listen to me first. What is your name? What is your name?My names Tom. My names Tom.What is your name? What is your name?My names Sam. My names Sam. Teacher: This boy is Tom. And this boy is Sam. Lets say the chant about them together. 设计意图:以有关姓名的韵句热身,为下一步的学习做好知识上的铺垫。同时,也为学

5、生营造一个快乐、轻松的英语学习氛围。 Step 2 Lead in1展示Read, listen and chant中Jake的图片谈论与之相关的问题,引出语音例词。Teacher:Whos this boy? Oh, his name is Jake.(板书单词name, Jake) Read after me, please, Jake. This is Jakes face. Read after me, face. (板书单词)What can Jake do? Listen. (播放前一部分韵句) Jake can make a cake. Look, this is a cake.

6、 Can you make a cake? (板书单词make, cake)设计意图:由介绍姓名引出新的语音例词,使学生熟悉词汇的语音,为其发现和掌握字母在开音节里的发音规律服务。 Step 3 Presentation1. 展示Dave的图片,播放韵句的后半部分,完整呈现韵句,引导学生感受和发现字母a在开音节中的发音。Teacher:Is this Jake? No, his name is Dave. What does he like? Listen. (播放韵句)What does he like? He likes to eat a cake. (板书单词Dave)Teacher:

7、Lets listen to the chant again. Please say with it. Teacher: Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find? Talk in groups and then show your opinions. Teacher: We can find an a in these words. Read them, what is the sound of a? Yes, its / e /. Look at my mouth and say it, /e /. 设计意图:先熟悉韵

8、句内容,保证学生能够正确、流利地朗读韵句。同时,保证学生能够正确地朗读语音例词。在此基础上,通过认真观察感受,获得字母a在单词里的发音。通过观察老师的口型,学习音标的发音方法。 Step 4 Practice1. 学生练习韵句,并表演Teacher: Practice the chant, please. Teacher: Now lets say the chant together. 设计意图:通过练习,让学生进一步熟悉韵句,以帮助他们进一步熟悉语音例词。2. 呈现组成语音例词的字母,请学生按正确顺序排列,拼写出正确的语音字母并朗读。Teacher:Look at these four l

9、etters. Put them in order, you can get a word. What is it? Spell it and read it, please. 设计意图:通过这样的小游戏活动,使学生熟悉语音例词的拼写,并对a-e结构有比较清晰的认识。3. 完成Read, listen and tick活动。Teacher:(呈现题目中的单词,请学生读一读)Look, whats this? Read it, please. Now, listen to the tape. Tick the word that your hear. Are you ready?Teacher:

10、 Show me your answer, please.设计意图:在完成听力练习之前,先让学生熟悉需要倾听和判断的单词,养成在做听力练习之前先获取基本题目信息的习惯。4. 比较闭音节中a的发音及开音节中的a的发音,练习使用发音规则拼读单词。Teacher:This iscat. What is the sound of a? Yes, its /. Look at my mouth, /. How to read this word? (依次出示dad, hat, cap, map, have, black)What is the sound of a in these words? Yes

11、, /. Is it the same? What is it? Its cake. The sound of a is /e/. Read these words, please. (出示cake, date, hate, face, name, make 等单词)What do you find from these words? They all have an a. They all have an e at the end of them. We call it open syllable(开音节)In this syllable, a sounds /e /. 设计意图:通过闭音节

12、和开音节的比较,使学生充分感受开音节的结构特点,获取语音知识和规则。5. 出示更多的单词,请学生按照语音规则分一分类,读一读。Teacher:Can you read these words? Have a try, please. (依次呈现date, gate, game, lake, late, plate, plane, snake, grape, Kate等单词,请学生尝试读一读)Teacher: What about these words? Read them, please. (依次呈现mad, bat, bag, can, Sam, max, fan等单词,请学生尝试读一读)

13、设计意图:在学生获得语音规则之后,使用语音规则来拼读新的单词。6. 完成Listen, circle and write活动。Teacher:Now please look at these pictures. Below them, there is a and a-e. Listen to the tape. If the word is like cat, please circle a. if the word is like cake, please circle a-e. And you should write the word. Are you ready? Listen ca

14、refully.Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:学生根据读音判断出单词是开音节还是闭音节,并根据读音及图片的提示写出单词。保证学生能够充分理解和掌握语音规则。 Step 5 Summary1. 播放韵句,学生齐说韵句。Teacher: Lets listen to the chant again.Teacher: Lets say the chant together. 设计意图:再次呈现语音韵句,使学生在韵句重温本课的语音知识。l 课堂作业一、看图选择正确的字母补全单词。( ) 1. c_p A. u B. o C. a( ) 2. c_ke A. e B. a C. i( ) 3. fa_e A. a B. u C. c( ) 4. na_e A. m B. n C. t二、判断下列各组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同打,不同打。( ) 1. cake make ( ) 2. cat date( ) 3. dad hat ( ) 4. map cat( ) 5. date hat ( )6. face cake三、根据句子意思写出单词,补全句子,单词的首字母已经给出。My n_ is Jake. Im a boy. I like to eat c_. And I can m_ a


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