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1、粱博士英语教室,名词性从句与间接引语,粱博士英语教室,名词性从句的基本概念 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从句,包括作主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。,粱博士英语教室,主语从句 就是在复合句中作主语的从句。主语从句常用that, whether, who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how, why, whatever, whoever等引导。如: Whether he will be able to come remains a question. 他是否来还是问题。 That China is a great sociali

2、st country is well known. 众所周知,中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。 注:为避免头重脚轻,使句子平衡,常用it作形式主语,而将主语从句后置。如上述第二例常说成: It is well known that China is a great socialist country. 但是,由连接代词what, whatever, whoever等引导的主语从句一般不能用形式主语。如: What he found surprised me greatly. 他的发现使我非常吃惊。 Whoever has finished may rest. 凡是做完工的人都可以休息。,粱博士英

3、语教室,主语从句一般用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将主语从句放到句末。如: (1)It is possible that he has stolen the car. 很可能他偷了小车。 (2)Isnt it strange that he should not have passed the test? 他测试没有通过,难道不奇怪吗? 2. if引导主语从句时,只能用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将if引导的主语从句放到句末。句首表是否时用whether。如: It is uncertain if he will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 明天他是否去北京还不敢肯

4、定。 Whether he will come is uncertain. 3. that引导主语从句放在句首时,that不可省,但在句末口语中可省。如: That he was ill yesterday is known now. 大家都已知道他昨天生了病。,粱博士英语教室,4. 连接代词引导主语从句只能放在句首。如; (1)Who has broken the glass is unknown. 谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。 (2)What he wants is all here. 他所要的东西都在这里。 5. 主语从句中主句的谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式,但what引导主语从句的主句

5、谓语动词的形式须根据句子的意思来判断。如 (1)How he worked it out is still a secret. 他是如何把它做出来的还是一个秘密 (2)What they makes in this factory are TV sets. 他们在工厂里所做的东西就是电视机。,粱博士英语教室,表语从句 就是在连系动词之后作表语的从句。引导表语从句的连接除与引导主语从句的连接词外,还有as if, as though。如: The question is whether he is able to do it alone. 问题是他能否单独做这件事。 It looks as if

6、 (though) it is going to snow. 天好像要下雪似的。 注意:要区分以下句式: 1. thats why+结果;thats because+原因。2. the reason why /foris that He is absent. Thats because he is ill. 他缺席,这是因为他生病了。 He is ill. Thats why he is absent. 他病了,这就是他缺席的原因。 The reason why he is absent is that he is ill. 他缺席的原因是他生病了。,粱博士英语教室,宾语从句 就是在复合句中作

7、宾语的从句。引导这宾语从句的连接词与引导主语从句的连接词基本相同。如: They didnt say which they wanted. 他们没有说他们想要哪一个。 I am sure (that) no harm will ever come to you. 我肯定你永远不会受伤害。 I was surprised at what has happened.我对发生的事感到惊讶。 注意:当think, believe, suppose等的疑问式后面跟连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句时,习惯上将这些连接词置于句首,即“连接代/副词do you think /believe /expect宾语

8、从句的其余部分?”如: Who do you think is the best player this year? 你认为今年谁是最佳运动员? What do you suppose you will do after school? 你想放学后干什么?,粱博士英语教室,同位语从句 就是在句中作同位语的从句。它通常有放在thought, idea, news, word(=news), plan, doubt, question, fact, suggestion, belief等抽象名词的后面,说明这些词的具体内容或含义。同位语从句大多由that引导,也可由whether, how, wh

9、en, where, why等引导,但不能由which引导。如: The idea that the earth is round is not a new one. “地球是圆的”这种观点并不新鲜。 He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意此事这们一问题。 I have no idea when he will set out. 我不知他什么时候出发。 注:有时,同位语从句并不紧跟在它所说明的词的后面。如: The whole truth came out at last that he wa

10、s a wolf in sheeps clothing. 真相终于大白了,他原来是一只披羊皮的狼。,粱博士英语教室,名词性从句的基本要素,连接词 就是引导名词性从句的关连接词。共有四类: 1. 连词that:只起连接作用,没有任何意思,不作任何句子成分,在宾语从句中可省略。 2. 连词whether:有“是否”之意,但不作句子成分;引导宾语从句时,还可用if。 3. 连接代词:who(m), whose, which, what等均有各自的意义,在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。 4. 连接副词:when, where, why, how等,有意义,在从句中作状语。 5. whoever, wha

11、tever, whichever等也可引导名词性从句,意为“无论/不管”。,粱博士英语教室,名词性从句的基本要素,whether和if 1)whether可用于任何名词性从句中。如果if引导主语从句时,只能放在句中,而不能置于句首。如: (1)Whether he will come or not doesnt matter. It doesnt matter whether he will come or not. 他来还是不来都没关系。 (2)Do you know if / whether his words are true. 你知道他的话是否真实吗? 2)whether可与or no

12、t连用,而if则不可以。如 (1)Im not sure whether / if he can overcome the difficulties. 我没有把握他能否克服这些困难。 (2)The radio didnt say whether it would rain or not tomorrow. 收音机并没有报道明天是否下雨。 3)若用if会产生歧义时,则用whether。 (1)Let me know whether he will come. 告诉我他是否会来。 (2)Let me know if he will come. 可理解为:告诉我他是否会来。也可理解为:如果他愿意来,

13、就告诉我一声。,粱博士英语教室,名词性从句的基本要素,4)whether可与不定式连用,而if不可以。 Have you decided whether to go there tomorrow? 明天是否去那儿,你决定了吗?(句子中的whether不能用if替换) 5)whether引导的从句可作某些介词及动词discuss的宾语,而if则不可以。如: (1)They are talking about whether they will take part in the strike. 他们在谈论他们是否要参加这次罢工。 (2)They are discussing whether the

14、y can employ the new way. 他们在讨论他们是否可以采用这种新的方法。 (以上两个句子中的whether 不能用if替换) 6)宾语从句若为否定句,连接词则用if 而不用whether。如: Do you know if he hasnt been to Washington? 你知道他是否没有去过华盛顿吗? 此句子中的If不能用whether替换,粱博士英语教室,连接代词、连接副词都作句子的成分,因此,选用时须确定从句是否缺少成分,然后再确定选用适当的连接词。如: (1)I dont know _ he lives. (2)I dont know _ he lives

15、there. (3)I dont know _ he lives there by fishing. (4)I dont know _ he likes. 根据从句里面的成分,句子(1)可填地点、方式等连接词where / how;句子(2)可填that, whether / if,原因连接副词why 或方式连接副词how;句子(3)可填that, whether / if,原因连接副词why;句子(4)缺少宾语,可填what。,名词性从句的基本要素,粱博士英语教室,名词性从句的基本要素,语序 必须与陈述句语序相同:主语谓语动词。 译:我不知道他去哪里了。 误:I dont know wher

16、e has she gone. 正:I dont know where she has gone.,时态一致 若主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,宾语从句的谓语动词可根据情况使用各种时态;若主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,其谓语动词必须用某种过去时态。如: She said that his father had gone to Beijing. 他说他父亲去北京了。(had不能用has) 注:宾语从句是一个客观真理时,可以不一致。如: She told me that the earth goes around the sun. 他告诉我地球围绕太阳旋转。,粱博士英语教室,why与because 的

17、用法区别。 两者均可引导表语从句,但前者强调结果,后者强调的原因。 I had a cold. Thats why I didnt come. 我感冒了,因此我没来。 I didnt come. Thats because I had a cold. 我没有来,那是因为我感冒了。,whoever, whatever, whichever 等也可引导名词性从句,其意分别为“所的一切事或东西”、“任何的人”、“的任可人或物”等。 Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。 Ill do whatever I can to help him. 我们

18、将尽我们所能来挽救他。 Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。,名词性从句的基本要素,粱博士英语教室,间接引语,粱博士英语教室,引述某人的话一般采用两种形式:一种是直接引语(Direct Speech),即原封不动地引用原话,把它放在引号内;另一种是间接引语(Indirect Speech),即用自己的话加以转述,被转述的内容不放在引号内。,粱博士英语教室,陈述句的间接引语 直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时,在多数情况下都构成一个that引导的宾语从句,引述动词通常是say, tell等。与此同时,间接引语中的人称、时态和其他方面也要相应有所变化。 The fore

19、igner said to me, “I like Beijing very much.”那老外告诉我:我很喜欢北京。 The foreigner told me that he (she) liked Beijing very much. 那老外告诉我说他(她)很喜欢北京。 She said, We are very fond of sports. 她说:我们都喜欢体育运动。 She said that they were very fond of sports. 她说他(她)们都喜欢体运动。 Ill go over the grammar lesson once again, he sai

20、d. 他说:我将把语法课再复习一遍。 He said he would go over the grammar lesson once again. 他说他将要把语法课再复习一遍。(that可省略),粱博士英语教室,疑问句的间接引语 1一般疑问句和反意疑问句 一般疑问句改为间接引语时,要用陈述语序,并要加连词if 或 whether,其主句动词常用ask, wonder, want to know, didnt know等。句末不用问号。 My teacher asked me, Do you like American country music 我老师问我:你喜欢美国乡村音乐吗? My t

21、eacher asked me if/whether I liked American country music. 我老师问我是否喜欢美国乡村音乐。 You havent been to Beijing, have you asked him. 他问:你没去过北,是吗? He asked me if/whether I had been to Beijing. 他问我是否去过北京。 2否定的一般疑问句和选择问句 如果直接引语为否定的一般问句或选择疑问句时,用whetheror 连接。 She said, Dont you know my telephone number 她说:你难道不知道我

22、的电话号码吗? She asked me whether I knew her telephone number or not. 她问我是知道她的电话号码。,粱博士英语教室,Do you like this one or that one? Tom asked. 汤姆问:你是喜欢这个还是那个? Tom asked me whether I liked this one or that one. 汤姆问我是喜欢这个还是那个。 3特殊疑问句 间接引语为特殊疑问句时,间接引语前仍然用特殊疑问词作为连词引导宾语从句,注意从句必须用陈述语序,主句谓语动词常用ask。 He asked, How do y

23、ou like it 他问:你觉得怎样? He asked me how I liked it. 他问我觉得它怎样。 She asked me, Whats the matter with you 她问我:你怎么啦? She asked me what was the matter with me. 她问我我怎么啦。 How many books do you have she asked. 她问:你有多少本书? She asked me how many books I had. 她问我有多少本。,粱博士英语教室,英语中有些疑问句并非提出疑问,而是表示请求、劝告、建议等。这种疑问句变为间接引

24、语时,往往采用其他的形式。 suggest doing Shall we all go to the film tonight said Michael. 迈克尔说:我们今晚都去看电影,好吗? Michael suggested going to the film tonight. 迈克尔建议今晚都去看电影。 What about having a drink he asked. 他问:喝杯怎么样? He suggested having a drink. 他建议喝一杯。 advise sb to do Why dont you go hiking asked James. 詹姆士问:你为什么

25、不徒步旅行? James advised me to go hiking. 詹姆士建议我去徒步旅行。 . offer to do He said, Would you like me to post the letter 他说:你要我寄信吗? He offered to post the letter. 他主动提出寄信。 ask sb to do Will you please bring your reference book here tomorrow she said to me. 她对我说:劳驾你明天把你的参考书带来好吗? She asked me to take my referen

26、ce book there the next day. 她让我第二天把我的参考书带去。,粱博士英语教室,祈使句的间接引语 1直接引语为祈使句时,间接引语往往用复合宾来表示,其结构为主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(动词不定式)。引述动词可根据口气选用tell, ask, order, command, request等词,句中please去掉。 She said to me, Please have a rest. 她对我说:请休息一下。 She asked me to have a rest. 她要求我休息一下。 Dont all answer at once, she said to the

27、pupils. 她对学生说:大家不要齐声回答。 She told the pupils not to answer all at once. 她叫学生不要齐声回答。 2带有let的祈使句(表示请求,建议或命令),可用suggest + -ing形式或suggest +that从句来表示其相应的意思。 Lets go for a walk, said the girl. 那姑娘说,让我们去散散步吧。 The girl suggested going for a walk. 这女孩建议去散散步。 The teacher said, Let Lily tidy the classroom. 老师说:

28、让莉莉整理教室。 The teacher suggested that Lily should tidy the classroom. 老师建议让莉莉整理教室。,粱博士英语教室,感叹句的间接引语 1直接引语是感叹句变为间接引语时,多采用宾语从句结构,既可用what或how引导,也可用that引导。 What a clever boy you are! my teacher said to him. 老师对他说,你是个聪明的孩子啊! My teacher told him what a clever boy he was. 老师对他说他是一个多聪明的孩子啊。 My teacher told hi

29、m that he was a very clever boy. 老师说他是一个非常聪明的孩子。 He said, How well you look! 他说:你看起来气色多好啊! He said how well I looked. 他说我看起来是气色多好啊。 He said that I looked very well. 他说我看起来气色很好。,粱博士英语教室,2有些感叹句可以根据原句的意思,采用适当的动词变为陈述句,不需用间接宾语来转述。 Help! he cried. 他喊到:救命啊! He called for help. 他大声呼救。 What terrible weather it is! he said. 他说:多么糟糕的天气! He complained about the terrible weather. 他抱怨这糟糕的天气。 Happy Christmas! he said. 他说:圣诞快乐! He wished me a happy Christmas. 他祝我圣诞快乐。,粱博士英语教室,a. 间接引语中的谓语动词时态对比。 Sarah said to me, I have two brothers. 莎莎对我说:“我有两个弟弟。” Sarah told me


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