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1、Medical English,An Integrated Course,Unit 1,Anatomy,Unit 1 Anatomy,Brainstorming,1. What is anatomy? Anatomy is the study of the structure of animals and their parts, and is also referred to as zootomy(动物解剖学) to separate it from human anatomy.,Brainstorming,2. Subdivisions of anatomy? 1). Gross anat

2、omy 大体解剖学 a. surface anatomy 表面解剖学 b. regional anatomy 局部解剖学 c. systemic anatomy 系统解剖学 2). Microscopic anatomy 显微解剖学 a. cytology 细胞学 b. histology 组织学 3). Other anatomy a. developmental anatomy发育解剖学 embryology 胚胎学 b. comparative anatomy 比较解剖学 c. clinical anatomy,IV. Word Formation,Lead-in 词根(root) &

3、词缀 (affix) International 词根是英语语言中不能再分的最小单位,能代表一个完整的意思并独立存在,称为root. 例如: nation, art, face, view等等 词缀是指加在词根之前或之后的一个最小语素,它也有一定意义,但是不能独立存在,必须依附于词根.可分为前缀(加在词根之前)和后缀(加在词根之后). 一般前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性.,IV. Word Formation,More examples: 前缀 否定:dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, un-, non-, mis-, de-, counter-, anti- “前”:pre- p

4、review, preface, pre-existing “后”:post- post-war, post-graduate 后缀 -able形容词后缀:reliable, understandable -ics名词后缀表学科:economics, physics, acoustics -en动词后缀:sharpen, awaken, brighten, broaden,IV. Word Formation,Ren- 拉 Renal hypertension 肾性高血压 Renal insufficiency 肾机能不全 Renal diabetes 肾性糖尿病 Renal failure

5、肾衰竭 Renal lobe 肾叶,Nephr(o)- 希 Nephroscope 肾镜 Nephroscopy 肾镜检查 Nephrotomy nefrtm 肾切开术 Nephrolith nfrl 肾结石,IV. Word Formation,Cardi- 希 Cardioaortic 主心动脉的 Cardiopulmonary 心肺的 Cardiovascular 心血管的 Cardiogram 心电图,Pulm- 拉 Pulmoaortic 肺与主动脉的 -ology 学问,科学 Biology 生物学 Geology 地质学 Mycology 真菌学,IV. Word Formati

6、on,-tomy 希 后缀 切开术 Nephrolithotomy ,nefrulitmi 肾结石切除术 Arteriotomy :,tiritmi 动脉切开术 Ventriculostomy ven,trikjulstmi 脑室切开术,Glossary,1. aorta n. 2. periphery n. 3. thebesian veins 4. vascular adj. 5. atrium n. 6. intercostal adj. 7. arteriole n. 8. bronchial adj. 9. hilum n. 10. alveolar adj. 11. capilla

7、ry n. 12. shunt v./n. 13. ventricle n.,A. 血管的,脉管的 B. 小气泡 C. 肋间的 D. 心房 E. 外周,外围 F. (使)分流 G. (脑、心)室 H. 主动脉 I. 毛细血管 J. 支气管的 K. 心最小静脉 L. 门 M. 小动脉,Glossary,1. cortex n. 2. apex n. 3. papilla n. 4.vertebra n. 5. medulla n. 6. thoracic adj. 7. coronal adj. 8. calyx n. 9. corticomedullary junction,A. 胸的,胸廓的

8、 B. 脊椎骨,椎骨 C. 盏 D. 乳突 E. 皮髓质结合 F. 顶尖 G. 皮质 H. 髓质 I. 冠状的,Glossary,1.parenchyma n. 2. afferent adj. 3. efferent adj. 4. renal adj. 5. renal pelvis 6. nephron n. 7. glomerular adj. 8. ureter n. 9. arcuate artery 10.glomerulus n.,A. 肾的 B. 传出的 C. 肾盂 D. 传入的 E. 输尿管 F. 肾小球的 G. 肾单位 H. (肾)小球 I. 实质 J. 弓状动脉,I.

9、Text,Please skim the first part of the text and then answer the first 3 questions.,I. Text,1. Where do the lungs get their blood supply? Answer:The lung receives its blood supply from two vascular systemsthe bronchial and pulmonary circulations.,I. Text,2. Does the nutritive blood flow to the alveol

10、ar structures? Answer:No. It flows to all but the alveolar structures.,I. Text,3. What is/ are responsible for the active control of blood flow distribution in the lung? Answer:Small muscular arteries are responsible for the active control of blood flow distribution in the lung.,Text Analysis: Part

11、1,The nutritive blood flow to all but (except) the alveolar structures comes from the bronchial circulation, which originates from the aorta and upper intercostal arteries and receives about 1 per cent of the cardiac output. 1. flow的词性? 2. which指代的是谁? 3. 句子主干? 4. 尝试翻译。,名词 The bronchial circulation T

12、he nutritive blood flow comes from the bronchial circulation. 先译主干,再进行补充,Text Analysis: Part 1,The nutritive blood flow to all but (except) the alveolar structures comes from the bronchial circulation, which originates from the aorta and upper intercostal arteries and receives about 1 per cent of th

13、e cardiac output. 参考译文:肺的营养血液来自于支气管循环系统,流向肺部除肺泡外的所有组织,支气管循环系统始于主动脉及上肋间动脉,接受大约1%的心输出量。,Text Analysis: Part 1,drain into 流入,排入,注入 e.g. Todays slaver will drain into tomorrows tear. 今日垂涎,明日流泪。 e.g. TheriversdrainintotheBalkhashlake, whichsustainsthelivelihoodofmorethan twomillionKazakhs. 这些河流汇入巴尔喀什湖,维系

14、着两百多万哈萨克人的生活。,Text Analysis: Part 1,The remainder(of what?) drains into the pulmonary veins and, along with the contribution from the thebesian veins in the heart, represents a component of the 1 to 2 per cent right-to-left shunt found in normal subjects. 参考译文:剩余的(2/3)输出流入肺静脉,并在心脏最小静脉的作用下,在正常情况下,以1%

15、-2%的量自右向左分流。,Text Analysis: Part 1,The arteries down to the level of the subsegmental airways (2-mm diameter) are thin-walled, predominantly elastic vessels. 1. down to 表示的位置关系? 2. 句子主干? 3. 尝试翻译 参考译文:肺段支气管(直径2mm)以上的肺动脉血管壁薄,(主要是)且富弹性。,Text Analysis: Part 1,Beyond this, the arteries become muscularize

16、d until they reach diameters of 30m, at which point the muscular coat disappears. 1. this指代什么? 2. beyond如何与上文衔接? 参考译文:由此下行,动脉成肌肉化发展,逐渐缩窄至仅30微米,(此时)肌肉层消失。,Text Analysis: Part 1,Most of the arterial pressure drop takes place in these small muscular arteries, which are responsible for the active contro

17、l of blood flow distribution in the lung. 参考译文:大部分动脉压降产生在这些肌肉化的小动脉中,他们起着调节肺部血流分布的作用。,Text Analysis: Part 1,The pulmonary arterioles empty into an extensive capillary network and drain into thin-walled pulmonary veins, which eventually join with the arteries and bronchi at the hilum and exit the lung

18、 to enter the left atrium. 1. empty的词性? 动词。排空;注入 此句中,empty what into? 2. which指代什么? 参考译文:肺小动脉将血液排入广泛分布的毛细血管网,流入肺静脉。肺静脉的壁很薄,他们最终在肺门处与动脉和支气管汇合/并行,出肺进入左心房。,语法特点:非限制性关系分句,关系分句是由关系词引导的关系结构,这种分句结构又称为“定语从句”。这种分句的主要功能是作名词修饰语(即“定语”)。 关系分句就其与先行项的语义关系分为限制性关系分句(RestrictiveRelativeClause)和非限制性关系分句(Non-restrictiv

19、eRelativeClause)。,语法特点:非限制性关系分句,限制性关系分句和非限制性关系分句的区别: 1.形式不同 限定性定语从句主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开,口语中使用时也不停顿;而非限定性定语从句与主句之间通常有逗号隔开,口语中使用时有停顿。 2.功能不同 限定性定语从句用于对先行词的意义进行修饰、限制和识别,如果去掉,就会造成句意不完整或概念不清;而非限定性定语从句用于对先行词起补充说明作用,如果省略,句意仍然清楚、完整。如: People who take physical exercise live longer. 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义) His

20、daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整),语法特点:非限制性关系分句,限制性关系分句和非限制性关系分句的区别: 3. 翻译不同 在翻译定语从句时,一般把限定性定语从句翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,而把非限定性定语从句与主句分开。如: He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。 Ive invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。 4.含义不同

21、 比较下面的两个句子: I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一个医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个) I have a sister, who is a doctor. 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐),语法特点:非限制性关系分句,Translation: 1. 就是这本书,也可以说是小册子,推荐每位内科医生阅读。 This is the book, or pamphlet, which has been recommended to every physician. 2.血流可因更快(more rapid)和更有力(more vigorous)的心脏活动

22、(heart action)而增加,这就使热量加速(accelerate)转移(movement ofto)到皮肤。 The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action, which accelerates the movement of heat to the skin.,Text Analysis: Part 2,Please read the second part of the text from the beginning to the end and then answer the last

23、 two questions.,Text Analysis: Part 2,4. Where do afferent arterioles come from? Answer: Afferent arterioles come from terminal interlobular arteries.,Text Analysis: Part 2,5. What do the interlobular arteries provide at the corticomedullary junction? Answer: These smaller arteries provide perpendic

24、ular branches, the arcuate arteries, at the corticomedullary junction.,Text Analysis: Part 2,如何用英文表达“构成”: 1. 整体 + Comprise/consistof/becomposedof/bemadeupof + 部分 e.g. Thecommitteecomprises/consistsoftwolawyers,twojournalistsandateacher.委员会由两名律师、两名记者和一名教师组成。 2.部分+ constitute/compose/makeup+ 整体 e.g. T

25、wolawyers,twojournalistsandaheadteacherconstitute/composethecommittee.两名律师、两名记者和一名校长组成该委员会。,Text Analysis: Part 2,现在分词短语做状语表结果: these calyces collectively communicate with major calyces, forming the renal pelvis. e.g. Thereismudandwatereverywhere,makingitdifficulttotravelfromplacetoplace. 现在分词作结果状语表

26、示一种必然性(自然结果)。(making可以改为whichmakes,相当于一个前因后果的非限制性定语从句。) e.g.他每天回来得很晚,这使他的妻子很生气。 He comes home late every evening, making his wife very angry.,Text Analysis: Part 2,练习:现在分词短语做状语表结果: e.g. 她把玩具丢在地上,碎成很多片。 She threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces. e.g. 她的丈夫十年前去世了,丢下三个孩子需要她照顾。 Her husband

27、 died ten years ago, leaving three children for her to look after.,Text Analysis: Part 2,Blood is delivered to each kidney from a main renal artery branching from the aorta. 1. branching用来修饰什么? 2. 如何翻译?,Text Analysis: Part 2,Blood is delivered to each kidney from a main renal artery branching from t

28、he aorta. 现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词,相当于一个定语从句 Doyouknowtheboystandingatthedoor? Do you know the boy who is standing at the door? They lived in a house facing the south. They lived in a house that faced the south.,Text Analysis: Part 2,Blood is delivered to each kidney from a main renal artery branching fr

29、om the aorta. branching=which branches 参考译文:由主动脉分支出来的肾总动脉为两肾输送血液。,Text Analysis: Part 2,The main artery usually divides into two main segmental branches, which are further subdivided into lobar arteries supplying the upper, middle, and lower regions of the kidney. 参考译文:肾总动脉通常分为两个主侧支,这两个侧支又进一步分为叶动脉,为

30、肾脏上、中、下区域供应血液。,Text Analysis: Part 2,The glomerular capillaries receive blood through afferent arterioles that originate from these terminal interlobular arteries. 分析: The glomerular capillaries(A) receive blood through afferent arterioles(B) that originate from these terminal interlobular arteries(C). 主干:A通过B接收血液,B来源于C 源自C的B为A输送血液 参考译文:这些末端叶间动脉伸展出的小动脉为肾小球毛细血管输送血液。,Text Analysis: Part 2,The nephron is composed of two major components:


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