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1、an email 2007年6月partvwriting (25 minutes)directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to write an email according to the information given below in chinese. remember to write the email on the translation/composition sheet.说明:假定你是王军。根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。内容:1.

2、发件人:王军2. 收件人: anna3. 发件人电子邮件地址:4. 收件人电子邮件地址:5. 事由: 王军在网站上卖出了一本书,书名:电子商务导论。买家是美国客户anna brown。6. 邮件涉及内容: 1)感谢对方购买电子商务导论 2)书已寄出,预计一周内到达 3)希望收到书后在网站上留下反馈意见 4)如果满意,希望向其他客户推荐 5)最近还会推出一些新的书,欢迎选购;再次购买可以享受折扣words for reference:反馈意见 feedback;电子商务导论 int

3、roduction to e-commerce注意:e-mail的内容要写成一个段落,不得逐条罗列。 e-mail messagefrom:to:subject: feedback of the transactiondear miss anna brown:sincerely,wang jun参考范文e-mail messagefrom: wang jun, to: anna brown, anna11008 subject: feedback of the transactiondear miss anna brwon,t

4、hank you very much for buying the book of introduction to e-commerce on the website of . i have posted the book and it is due to arrive in a week. i hope you may give a freedback on the website after receiving the book. if you are satisfied with the book, please recommend to other cus

5、tomers. and recently we will publish some new books and you are welcome to buy them. when you buy for a second time, you may enjoy a special discount. 2005年12月part v writing参考范文directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to write an e-mail according to the

6、 instructions given in chinese below. remember to write it on the translation/ composition sheet.说明:根据下列内容写一份电子邮件。发件人:john smith (j)收件人:假日酒店(电子邮箱)发件时间:12月10日事由: 1. 因行程改变,取消12月5日以john smith的名义在贵酒店预订的12月12日到15日的两个单人房间。 2. 表示歉意,并询问是否需支付违约金。 3. 要求回信确认。words for referen

7、ce:违约金 cancellation penalty 假日酒店 holiday inn以的名义 in the name of 确认 confirme-mail messageto: _from : _date: _subject: cancelletion of hotel bookingdear sir or madam, imwritingtoinformyouthat _ yours faithfully, john smithpart v writing参考范文to: from: john smith (j)dat

8、e: 10th decembersubject: cancelletion of hotel bookingdear sir or madam, im writing to inform you that due to the change of my journey, i have to cancel my booking of two single rooms for december 12th through 15th at the holiday inn on 5th december in the name of john smith. im really sorry for all

9、 the trouble this might have caused. id appreciate it if you would tell me whether i should pay the cancelletion penalty. and im looking forward to receiving your reply to confirm my concellation.yours faithfully,john smitha visitors message2006年12月directions: this part is to test your ability to do

10、 practical writing. you are required to write a visitors message according to the instructions given in chinese below. remember to write it on the translation/ composition sheet.假定你是假日酒店的前台工作人员linda。根据以下内容填写来访客人留言表。内容:1. 来访客人:李华,男,pkk公司总经理助理;联系电话:657343632. 来访时间:12月20日上午10点3. 被访客人: mr. john smith, 住

11、假日酒店422房间4. 事由:李华来酒店与mr. john smith 商谈工作,mr. john smith外出5. 留言:李华约mr. john smith明天去pkk公司洽谈业务。李华明天上午9:00驾车来酒店接他;下午安排mr. john smith参观一条新建成的生产线。words for reference:驾车接人to pick somebody up 生产线assembly line总经理助理assistant to general managerholiday innvisitors messagemr. /ms. ( 1 ) mr. john smith room no.

12、( 2 )while you were outmr. / ms. ( 3 )of ( 4 ) telephone ( 5 ) 65734363 telephoned came to see you will call again will come again asked you to call backmessage:_( 6 )_clerk ( 7 ) linda date ( 8 ) time ( 9 )参考范文holiday innvisitors messagemr. /ms. ( 1 ) mr. john smith room no. ( 2 ) 422while you were

13、 outmr. / ms. ( 3 ) li huaof ( 4 ) pkk company telephone ( 5 ) 65734363 telephoned came to see you will call again will come again asked you to call backmessage:(6) li hua invited mr. john smith to go to pkk company to discuss business tomorrow. li hua will come to the hotel to pick up mr. john smit

14、h at 9 a.m. and in the afternoon mr. john smith is arranged to visit a newly-built assembly line.clerk (7) linda date (8) dec. 20 time ( 9 ) 10 a.m.a memo (内部通知)2006年12月partv:writing (25 minutes)directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to write a memo (

15、内部通知) according to the instructions given in chinese below. remember to write your memo on the translation/ composition sheet.说明:假定你是销售部经理john green, 请以john green的名义按照下面的格式和内容给本公司各部门经理写一个内部通知。主题: 讨论2006年度第三季度(the 3rd quarter)销售计划通知时间: 2006年6月16日内容: 本部门已制定2006年第三季度的销售计划。将于2006年6月19日下午1:00在本公司会议室开会,讨论

16、这一计划。并希望各部门经理前来参加。如不能到会,请提前告知本部门秘书。words for reference:告知notify; 提前 in advancesales departmentmemodate: _to: _from: _subject: _参考范文memo date: june 16th, 2006to: managers of all the departmentsfrom: john green (the sales manager)subject: discussion on the sales plan of the 3rd quarter in 2006 our dep

17、artment has made the sales plan of the 3rd quarter in 2006. to discuss the plan, a meeting will be held in the conference room of our corporation at 1:00 p.m. on june 19th, 2006. it is hoped that managers of all the departments will come to the meeting. if anyone cannot attend it, please notify the

18、secretary of the sales deaprtment in advance.a note 2008年6月directions; this part is to test your ability to do practical writing .you are required to write a note asking for sick leave according to the information given in chinese .remember to write it on the translation/composition sheet.说明;假设你是公司职

19、员刘斌,给经理mr. johnson写一张请假条.时间;2008年6月19日,星期四内容:1. 咳嗽特别厉害,想去医院看病;2. 因本周大部分工作已经完成,故星期五请假一天;3. 看完病后,会给经理打电话;4. 对此造成的不便表示歉意;5. 希望能得到经理的批准.to;from:date:subject:解析: 本题为请假条,文体为应用文.写作时要注意请假条的格式,语气.正文部分要写清楚请假的事由,应将题目中所给的信息均包含进去;而且要为请假影响工作而表示歉意;并征求上司的意见,语气要诚恳.范文:to: mr. johnsonfrom: liu bin date: june 19, 2008,

20、 thursday, subject: leave of absencedear mr. johnson,i am sorry that i have to ask for a leave of absence .as i caught a severe cough ,i have to see a doctor today .since most of the work of this week has been completed ,i wonder if i can have a whole day off .i will call you after seeing the doctor

21、. i am very sorry for any inconvenience i bring to you .i am looking forward to your permission.best wishes, english questionnaire(问卷调查)2005年6月directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to complete the english questionnaire(问卷调查)form based on the informat

22、ion given in chinese.说明:假定你是王明(中国籍),去海口旅游度假,于2005年6月10日入住白云宾馆3002房间,6月20日离店。临走时填写了一份问卷调查表。内容如下:1. 对酒店的总体管理感到满意;2. 对酒店提供的各种服务感到满意;3. 建议:a)因酒店位于海边,交通并不方便,周围的商业设施比较少,建议酒店每天能提供免费班车,方便来海边度假的住店人去市区购买所需商品。了)建议酒店与相关公司联系,为住店客人提供租车服务。words for reference:总体(的)overall 商业的commercial 班车shuttle bus 相关公司related com

23、pany questionnaire to improve the quality of our service, we would be grateful if youd complete the following questionnaire.name: _ nationality: _ room number:_check-in date: _ check-out date: _did you receive polite and efficient service when you arrived? _yes_are you satisfied with the room servic

24、e of our hotel? _whats your opinion of our health facilities? _good_please give your impression of our restaurant service._have you any other comments to help us make your stay more enjoyable?_ baiyun hotel general managerpart v writing参考范文questionnaire to improve the quality of our service, we woul

25、d be grateful if youd complete the following questionnaire.name: wang ming nationality: chinese room number: 3002check-in date: june 10th, 2005 check-out date: june 20th, 2005did you receive polite and efficient service when you arrived? (yes)are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel? yes

26、whats your opinion of our health facilities? (good)please give your impression of our restaurant service. goodhave you any other comments to help us make your stay more enjoyable?i am satisfied with the overall service of the restaurant.nevertheless, there are too few commercial facilities. so, i ad

27、vice that you offer free shuttle buses to the customers everyday, which can make it convenient for them to go downtown for some shopping. second, i hope that the restaurant can contact the related company to provide the customers with car rental. baiyun hotel general manager make an english form 200

28、5年1月directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to make an english form of it by completing the table below. remember to write it on the composition/ translation sheet.说明:请按照中文提供的信息,将下述内容填入英文表格。欢迎到西部主题公园来!公园开放时间为4月到9月,每周7天,从上午10点到下午6点。成份15票价美元,儿童7美元,也可以花28

29、美元买家庭票!每周六、周日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持续两个半小时。星期一至星期五上午8:00, 10:00有免费巴士从市区开往公园,节假日和周末全天都有免费巴士从市区开往公园。可以在网上预订门票,也可打电话订票。演出开始前半小时可买到半价票。 welcome to wild west theme park opening months: from _ to _ opening days in a week:_opening hours: from _ to _time of wild west show: _ show starts: _show lasts: _ ticket

30、 price: adult $ _; children $ _; family ticket $ _additional information: 1. bus service_ 2. booking information_part v 参考译文:welcome to wild west theme parkopening months: from _april_ to _september_opening days in a week: _seven days_opening hours: from _10 a. m. to _6 p. m. time of wild west show:

31、 _every saturday and sunday_show starts: _2 p. m. show lasts: _2 hours and a half_ticket price: adult $ _15_; children $ _7_; family ticket $ _28_additional information:1. bus service there are free buses from urban area to the park from eight oclock to ten oclock from monday to friday, and the buse

32、s are also on service at anytime on saturdays, sundays and holidays.2. booking informationyou can book tickets on internet or telephone. there is fifty percent discount half an hour before the show.an application form2003年12月directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you

33、are required to fill in an application form according to the following instructions given in chinese. remember to do your writing on the translation/composition sheet. 说明:请以中国学生张锦秋(女)的身份填写下列表格。具体信息如下:出生年月:1982年10月16日联系地址:燕京市虹桥路496号电话人详细情况:本人目前学历,学习英语的目的和经历,我的英语强项和弱项,希望在哪方面加强,等等。test pr

34、eparation course application formfamily name: _ first name (s): _date of birth: _ nationality: _sex: _ telephone number: _address: _ please write about your current education, your strengths and weaknesses in english and your experience in english learning. (about 50 words)_part v writing参考范文family

35、name: zhang first name(s): jinqiudate of birth: oct, 16, 1982 nationality: chinese sex: female telephone number:address: 496 hongqiao road, yanjing city i am a sophomore in liaoning university. i am majoring in international trade. though i have little difficulty in reading english mat

36、erials, i am totally at a loss when i attend my american teachers lecture. i am eager to improve my listening ability in your seminar. i look forward to hearing from you soon.2004年6月directions: this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to write a letter of applicati

37、on according to the following instructions given in chinese. remember to do your writing in no less than 60 words on the translation/ composition sheet.说明:请以王曼丽的名义写一封求职信。王曼丽,24岁,毕业于龙江技术学院,主修企业管理,各门课程都优良。学过速记与打字,速度各为每分钟90字和70字。请为她拟出一份给abc公司的自荐信,希望能在该公司谋得总经理秘书一职。请注意书信的格式。写信的日期为2004年6月25日。words for reference:技术学院technical college企业管理business administration 速记与打字shorthand and typing _part v writing参考范文 application letter june 25th, 2004dear sir or madam, my name is wang manli, 24 years old, graduating from longjiang technical college. i major in b


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