



1、.专题训练-代词一、考点规律分析短文改错对代词的考查主要涉及人称代词的前后一致性(包括指代的一致性和单复数的一致性)、人称代词的主格与宾语变化、各类代词的误加与漏用(尤其是一些易受汉语影响的结构)、某些不定代词的用法(尤其是在意思上用错)、代词在某些习语中的用法等。I. A级 单项单句改错1. She gave the books to you, him and I.2. Whose dictionary is this? - Its my.3. This is Toms cap, not yours.4. I havent brought the dictionary with me. Wi

2、ll you lend me your?5. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of hers.6. He is too young to look after he.7. He always helps others. This is why we trust him.8. That took him three hours to finish the homework.9. Who is that man? - He is a teacher.10. They were both very tired, but none o

3、f them would stop to take a rest.B级 单项单句改错1. It is me who am going to help her.2. He thinks more of others than of oneself.3. We had better ask the president himself about it.4. That is exactly all what I want to tell you.5. What she said is the same as us.6. The weather in summer in Beijing is hott

4、er than it in Guangzhou.7. He runs faster than anyone in our class.8. I dont think that possible to master a foreign language in a short time.9. Each of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.10. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of those hadnt been cleaned for at leas

5、t a year.II、真题单句归纳(1) David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village. (2) When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook head.(3) We climb everywhere, not only in America. They have been to Europe many times.(4) And I cant forget the good food you cooked for I.(5) I h

6、ope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon.(6) The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.(7) And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.(8) Now I cant watch much television, but a few years ago(9) Now someone at home reads instead.(10) Im spend all

7、 the whole weekend reading and preparing for it.(11) The day before the speech contest(比赛) English teacher talked to me.(12) I think I liked those classes because I felt that it helped me understand what the world works.(13) in any other words, I am an only child.(14) For example, when he bought a c

8、hocolate cake, he put them in a secret place (15) Then he ate it all, by himself. He never helped other.(16) The three of them were very excited.(17) But his parents think going to college is more important than playing sports and college is the only place for a smart boy like his son.(18) According

9、 to studies, any children spend more time watching television than they spend in school. (19) and tried to translate anything into English.(20) as I was learning to express me in simple English.(21) One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.(21) At once I apologize and controlled me at

10、 my best till the dinner started.(22) And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own(23) If any one of us had any difficulty in our life or study, the other would help him out.(24) Whats more, you have to be friendly with your pupils and take good care of him.III、单句填空:用适当的代

11、词填空或者根据汉语提示填空。1. Iintendedtocomparenoteswithafriend,butunfortunately_couldntsparemeeven oneminute.(重庆)2.Tosaveclasstime,ourteacherhas_studentsdohalfoftheexercisesinclassandcompletetheotherhalfforourhomework.(湖南)3.Mygrandmastilltreatsmelikeachild.Shecantimagine_grownup.(重庆)4.Theboypromised_motherneve

12、rtolieto_again.(全国)5. Kateandhersisterwentonholidaywithacousinof_.(全国)6. Isherhairshorterthan_(我的)?(全国)7. Ourneighboursgaveusababybirdyesterdaythathurt_whenitfellfromitsnest.8.Isntitamazinghowthehumanbodyheals_afteraninjury?(江西)9.Mydaughteroftenmakesascheduletoget_remindedofwhatsheistodointhe day.(上

13、海)10.Tomfeltthathekneweverybodysbusinessbetterthantheyknewit_.(全国)11.Themotherdidntknow_toblameforthebrokenglassasithappenedwhileshewas out.(全国)12.Therearesomanykindsoftape-recordersonsalethatIcantmakeupmymind_to buy.(全国)13.ItwashardforhimtolearnEnglishinafamily,inwhich_oftheparentsspoke thelanguage

14、.(北京)14.ToknowmoreabouttheBritishMuseum,youcanusetheInternetorgotothelibrary,or_ _.(天津)15.Ihadtobuy_thesebooksbecauseIdidntknowwhichonewasthebest.(上海)16.Wehadthreesetsofgardentoolsandweseemedtohavenousefor_.(浙江)17.Itiseasytodotherepair._youneedisahammerandsomenails.(天津)18.Idbeenexpecting_lettersthew

15、holemorning,buttherewerent_forme.19.Theseplantsarewatered_otherday.(全国)20.TheEnglishspokenintheUnitedStatesisonlyslightlydifferentfrom_spokenin England.(全国)21. Mymostfamousrelativeofall,the_whoreallylefthismarkonAmerica,wasReb Sussel,mygreat-grandfather.(江苏)22.Wehadapicniclasttermanditwasalotoffun,s

16、oletshave_onethismonth.23.Bothsideshaveaccusedthe_ofbreakingthecontract.(上海)24.SomepeopleliketostayathomeonSunday,but_liketogotothecinema.(全国)25.Shanghaiisreallyafascinatingcityandwevedecidedtostayfor_twoweeks.(上海)26.First,itisimportanttorecognizewhatkindofpersonyouareandwhichspecialqualities makeyo


18、nthatonlyIcouldreadit.To_else,it washardtomakeout.(上海)32._isourbeliefthatimprovementsinhealthcarewillleadtoastronger,more prosperouseconomy.(浙江)33. AsthebusiestwomaninNorton,shemade_herdutytolookafteralltheother peoplesaffairsinthattown.(湖南)34.Idappreciate_ifyouwouldliketoteachmehowtousethecomputer.



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