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1、,Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky 天空中的三只风筝,Story time 故事时间,Today is a wonderful day. The wind is not too strong. Three kites are flying high in the blue sky. 今天天气很好,风不是很大,三只风筝在蓝色的天空中飞的很高,Everyone will look up at me. Every one will like me. 每个人都将会抬头看着我。每个人都将会喜欢我。,Kylie is a beautiful kite. She has ma

2、ny colours and a long red tail. 凯利是一只漂亮的风筝。她有许多颜色和一条红色的长尾巴。,Look at me. I can fly high and fast. Everyone will likeme. 看我呀。我能飞的又高又快。每个人都将会喜欢我。,The second kites name is Karla.She is strong.She can fly very high in the sky. 第二只风筝的名字叫卡拉。她很强壮。她能在天空中飞得非常高。,The third kite,Krista,is listening.She is not be

3、autiful. She is not fast. She is not strong. She is only a kite. 第三只风筝克里斯塔正在听着。她不漂亮。她飞得不快。她不强壮。她只是一只风筝。,How fast I am! 我飞得多么快呀!,How beautiful I am! 我多么漂亮呀!,Kylie thinks about her beautiful colours.Karla feels the wind and the sun. She files faster.She flies higher. She wants everyone to see her. 凯莉思

4、考着她漂亮的颜色。卡拉感受着风和阳光。她飞得更快。她飞得更高。她想 要每个人都看见她。,Hey, Kylie and Karla! The boy needs help! 嘿,凯利和卡拉!那个男孩需要帮助!,Krisa sees a boy swimming in the lake. But he cant swim well,and he needs some help. Krista calls the other two kites,but they cant hear.克里斯塔看见一个男孩正在湖里游泳。但是他游得不好,并且他需要帮助。克里斯塔呼喊其他两只风筝,但是她们听不见。,HELP

5、!HELP! The boy needs help. 救命!救命!那个男孩需要帮助。,Krista is afraid of water,but she wants to help the boy.She flies very low. Aman hears Krista. He jumps into the water. He swims to the boy.He brings the boy to the beach. 克里斯塔害怕水,但是她想要帮助那个男孩。她飞得非常低。一个男人听见了克里斯塔(的声音)。他跳到水里面。他游向那个男孩。他把男孩带到沙滩上。,You are a great kite! 你是一只很棒的风筝。,You are so nice! 你真好!,Everyone looks at Krista.Now,no one remembers beautiful Kylie. No one remmbers strong Karla.But everyone remembers Krista. 每个人都在看克里斯塔。现在,没有人记得美丽的凯莉。没有人记得强壮的卡拉。但是每个人都记得克里斯塔。,Talk and ace Which k


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