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1、Unit 1 Dream homes Reading,Homes around the world,a wooden house,flat,Where would you like to live? I would like to live in ,palace / restaurant / flat /,wooden house near the sea,beach,My dream home,What rooms do I need in my dream home?,kitchen,balcony,garden,Learn,beach,balcony,climb a ladder,dif

2、ferent rooms,bedroom,sitting/living room,kitchen,dining room,bathroom,study,mile n. 英里 15 miles 15英里 garden n. 花园,果园 a beautiful garden 漂亮的花园 flat n. 套房 , 公寓 live in a flat 住在一套公寓里 centre n.中心 = center in the ccenter of. .的中心 living room n. 起居室,客厅 have a nice living room share vt. 合用,分享 share sth. w

3、ith sb. 和某人合用/分享某物 bedroom n. 卧室 own adj. 自己的 have my own bedroom有自己卧室 bathroom n, 浴室, 盥洗室 balcony n. 阳台 beach n. 海滩 sea n. 大海 dining room n. 餐厅,1.We usually eat meals in a_. 2.We often sleep in a _ . 3.A_is the best place to grow flowers. 4.In most homes, people cook meals in the_. 5.We usually put

4、 sofa in the_.,bedroom,living room,dining room,kitchen,garden,Where can we ?,Group work(finish part B2) Task 1: Read the text about_s home. Task 2: Discuss in groups, and fill in the table. Task 3:Say something about _s home.,kitchen,a town 15 miles from London,sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.,a be

5、autiful garden, have fun with his dog there,根据课文内容填空 1. Neil is a boy from _ .He lives in a town _ from _ .The house is big. His favourite room is the _.He and his family often there and enjoy _. They have a beautiful _. He always has _ _ his dog there.,the UK,15 miles,London,kitchen,a cup of tea,ga

6、rden,fun with,Exercise,in a flat in the center of Moscow. on the seventh floor,a nice living room,like to watch TV and chat there,share a bedroom with her sister, listen to music in bed,2.Anna lives in a flat in _ Moscow. Their flat is on the _floor.Its not big, but they have a nice_. After dinner,

7、they like to _and _ there. She share a bedroom_ her sister. They often _music in bed.,the center of,seventh,living room,watch TV,chat,with,listen to,live in a large house in Los Angeles,balcony,love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea,He has his own bedroom and bathroom,3.Stephen live

8、s in a _ house in _ It has _ rooms. He has his _ bedroom and bathroom,and he likes the _ best. He loves to _there and_the beach and the sea. Its _ .,large,Los Angeles,eight,own,balcony,sit,look out at,cool,Finish part B 3,1. What is Neils favourite room? 2. What does Anna like to do after dinner? 3.

9、 Who does Anna share a bedroom with? 4. What do they often do in bed? . 5.What is Stephens favourite place in his home? Why? 6. Does Stephen have his own bedroom and bathroom?,Read and answer,Kitchen,She likes to watch TV and chat in a nice living room,Her sister,They often listen to music in bed,Ba

10、lcony. Because he loves to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.,Yes, he does,Talk about your dream homes,Where would you like to live ? How many rooms are there in your home? What are they? Whats your favourite room? What can you do in it? ,Discussion,1完成下列词组,离伦敦15英里的一个城镇 坐在那儿品茶(喝杯茶) 和.玩

11、得开心 在莫斯科中心 在第七层。 有一个漂亮的客厅 和某人分享某物 在床上听音乐 有自己的卧室和盥洗室 向外眺望海滩和大海,a town 15 miles from London,sit there and enjoy cup of tea.,have fun with.,in the center of Moscow,on the seventh floor,have a nice living room,share sth. with sb.,listen to music in bed,have ones own bedroom and bathroom,Look out at the

12、beach and the sea,洗脸 聊天和看电视最好的地方 在大部分家庭 在餐厅吃饭 在厨房做饭 住在大海附近,wash ones face,2.词汇应用 1) enjoy + V-ing sth 喜欢做某事 2) have fun (in) doing sth. =have a good time (in) doing sth. 开心做某事 3) chat with sb. 和. 一起聊天,the best place to chat and watch TV,in most homes,have dinner in the dining room,cook meals in the

13、kitchen,live near the sea,根据句意和汉语提示,写出所缺单词,Hawaii has very beautiful _(海滩) Tony is happy to have his _(自己的) car。 He would like to _(共用) the bedroom with his brother, We always have _(乐趣) with our classmates in the playground. Our school is in the _(中心) of the city. My _(最喜爱的)subject is maths. I live

14、 in a flat on the _(第三)floor. He ins watering the flowers in the _(花园),beach,own,share,fun,center_,favourite,third,garden,根据汉语,在下列句子中填写正确的单词。 1.There are three _(阳台)in my new house. 2.The City Sitting Room is in the _ (中心) of Zhenjiang. 3. He lives in a town 30 _ (英里)from California. 4.Kitty lives i

15、n a flat in a _(小镇). 5. Can you _ (分享) your umbrella with others?,balconies,centre,miles,town,share,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,1.The living room is _ to chat with friends. 2.After _every day. we usually listen to music in the study. 3, Our flat is on the _ floor. 4. I _a bed _ my brother. 5. Amy lives with he

16、r family in a flat _ the city. 6. I often _with my friends in the classroom after class,share.with the best place in the centre of dinner seventh have fun,the best place,dinner,seventh,share with,in the centre of,have fun,句型转换,1. Would you like to live in a palace?(同义 句) _ _ _ to live in a palace? 2

17、. Id like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ to live? 3. The biggest one is my favourite.(同上) _ _ is your favourite. 4. The capital of China is Beijing.(同上) _ is the capital of China? 5. There are many restaurants in Beijing.(同上) _ _ _ many restaurants?,Do you want,Where would you like,Wh

18、ich one,What,Where are there,选择题,( )1.There are twelve floors _my building and I live _the tenth floor. A. in, in B. on, on C.in, on D.on, in ( )2.Bob_ music every day. A.listens B. listens to C.listen to D.listen ( )3. We sit on the floor and look_the beach and the sea. A. out at B.out for C.into D. up for ( )4.Amy l


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