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1、The ing form as the Subject,Object,predictive,attributive and object complement,grammer,连接公司(and/but/soQ:郑智薰谓语动词是什么?there have been sever al new events added to the program for the 2008 beijin Olympic games。whenever He was asked why He was late for class,He would answer carelessly,always offering th

2、e same exuse。in the dream Peter saw himself ran after by a fierce wolf,And he woke suddenly。the wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket covering the desert .以下句子中的谓词和郑智薰谓词、have been、added、would answer、offering、Saw、woke、run、looked、covering、谓词、郑智薰谓词、offeringHave you ever seen these signs?parkin

3、g、spitting、littering、smoking、-ing forms,在以下句子中,表示形式为-ing的组件:finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal。he enjoys listening to violin music。中国is a developing country。the music is exceing。weh Eard her singing in her room。being ill,shewent back home,主语,宾语,属性,表语,宾语补语,状语,The ing form构成:1。一般情况下

4、为rain - 3。重读废音节的动词stop - 4。以ie结尾的动词die - lie - tie -,raining,hoping,stopping,dying,Tying,归纳总结:动词-ing表示_ _ _ _ _ _例:主语、宾语、表语、定语、副词、宾补等。在语音中,动词-ing表示_ _ _ _ _ _ _(主动/被动)的动作。在时间上,动词-ing通常表示_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(进行中/完成)的动作。动词郑智薰谓语格式,谓语,主动,进行中,1。动词-ing形式的构成:在动词末尾加-ing形式,也称为动词的-ing形式。 do-doing、be-being、ask-as

5、king、etc。否定型: not -ing为2 .动词-ing形式不能单独用作谓语,没有个人和数量的变化,但可以有自己的事物和副词、时态和语音的变化。3.动词-ing形式由动词加-ing变化,具有名词和动词的特征,可以在句子中用主语、宾语等。Ing时间和语言状态,重点,注意:否定式在一般和完成式之前以not,第一,动词-ing形式用主语表示频繁和习惯的行为或状态,谓语动词通常使用单数。(例如1)walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old . 2)watching news on TV has become a route

6、ine for me . 3)going to hangzzing这时要用it作为形式主语,用形容词或名词作为表语。一般名词或名词短语为: no use,no good,fun,hard work,a hard/difficult job,a waste of time等。形容词为: dangerous,worthwhile,useless等。摘要:主要以-ing的形式给出。It be a waste of time doing是浪费时间。It is/was no good/use doing是无用的It is/Was hardly/scarcely worth doing值得it is/Wa

7、s worth/worthwhile doing做it is useless trying to argue with shylock是值得的。如果你不知道,我希望没有人知道。there is no hiding of evil but not to do it .There is no joking about such matter,There is no sense in doing,胡说,There is/was no use doing干燥,毫无意义的There is/was notesthere was no knoving where we would go。这件愚蠢的事没有意义

8、。there is no point doing such a silly thing .3 .there be no,表示“It is impossible to do”.从结构上给。渡边杏,渡边杏,渡边杏,渡边杏,渡边杏,渡边杏,渡边杏。1)there is no hiding of evil but not to do it .(2)there is no joking about such matter。这种事不是开玩笑的。3)there was no knoving when he would leave。不知道他什么时候离开的。try to tell the meaning of

9、each sentence。警告: There is no need to do sth不需要做任何事。在这些文章中,to do为doing .There is no need to tell her。提示:在名词用作主体时由形容词代词和名词组成。(1)my sisters being ill made me worried . 2)your being right does necearily mean my being wrong。名词和不定式作主语时的比较:名词表示动作通常是习惯性的长时间进行的动作,不定式表示通常动作的一次性或暂时性。e . g . 1)teaching English

10、 is my job . 2)finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal . 3)to reach there on time is my task .第二,有两种情况将名词用作对象名词。1.动词,通常为avoid、consider、enjoy、keep、finish、suggest、dislike、delay、escape、cannot help、imaginee . g . 1)I cant avoid going 2)have you considered looking for one special friend?3)p

11、eople could nt help laughing foolishman,完成避免延迟的avoid/miss/delay/postpone建议多个练习suggest/advise/finish/compone以嫁接和to do为对象的动词,通常为: begin、start、continue、-ing、love、prefer、by、mean、forget、remember、hha .在like、love、hate、prefer等动词之后,没有变化为-ing或不定式等。但是点点有点不同,ing表示一般动作,to do表示具体的一次性动作。b .在begin/start,continue后写名

12、词和不定式,意义没有区别。尤其是主语是人的时候。c .动词forget,remember,regret后使用名词与否定式不同。-ing表示发生了动作,-to do表示尚未发生动作;I remember posting the letter ill remember to post the letter I shall never forget seeing the famous writer dont forget to write to your mother I regir Et (意思)be used to doing习惯于做某事,be used to do用于做某事cant help

13、doing不能帮助做某事,E. go on doing继续做某事。 Go on to do做另一件事。停止doing停止做某事停止stop to do正在做的事情,做别的事情。3。介词后的名词有:对象1)I in sist on taking proper food for this trip 2)instead of smiling,Each of them made a face 3)she was very interested in works,3 .need、require、want、“need”解决方案,动词-ing形式作为宾语,被动意义上的主动形式如to be done。例如:t

14、he radio needs/requires/wants repairing/to be repaired,deserve,注意动词-ing形式的复合结构,通常在形容词代词或名词所拥有的动词-ing形式前加上逻辑主语,作为动作的执行者逻辑主语不出现在文章开头的时候,可以用人称代词的宾格代替名词的所有格。例如:im annoyed about Johns forgetting to pay . I really cant understand you treating her like that .2 .动词-ing形式的否定形式是在它前面加上not,有逻辑主语的时候,not必须在动词-ing形式前面。示例:not clean


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