1、,CONTENT - 4 of 6 内容简介 19. Towel Service 上毛巾 20. Beverage Service 上饮料 21. Wine Temperature 葡萄酒温度 22. Wine by the Glass 杯卖葡萄酒 23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒 24. Coffee white wine in a cooler and stand and napkin) and presented with the label facing the guest. 先摆放葡萄酒杯,稍后将瓶装酒呈上,酒标对着客人,说明年份,酒庄和葡萄名.,23. Wi
2、ne by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Colleagues should announce the year, vintage, vineyard and grape to the guest and then open the bottle in a suitable location near the table (or in fine dining restaurants on a side table). 酒标对着客人,说明年份,酒庄和葡萄名后为客人开酒
3、. “Excuse me Sir, your 2004 Green Point Chardonnay.” “打扰一下先生,您点的2004年碧汇莎当妮”,23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,The cork is presented together with the cut soft cap on a small plate at the table and left there with the vineyards logo facing the
4、 guest who ordered the bottle. This does not apply for wines with screw cap or artificial cork. Older red wines will be decanted. 软木塞放在小碟子上并放于桌上,酒标朝向客人,(不适用于螺旋瓶盖和人造木塞).陈年的葡萄酒要提供醒酒服务. “Here you cork, Sir.” “您的木塞,先生”,23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅,
5、酒吧, 酒廊,A small amount is poured in the glass of the guest who ordered the wine for tasting. Once the guest has acknowledged, fill the glasses according to standard starting with ladies first and the host last. 在杯中倒入少许酒给客人品尝,得到客人确认后为女士先倒酒,主人最后. “Excuse me Sir / Madam, would you like to taste?” XX先生/女
6、士,请您先试一下这款酒,23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Refill the glasses when left full. Colleagues should ask for a second bottle before the first one is going to be empty to avoid embarrassment to the host. The bottle will again be presented when a
7、sking. 当杯中的酒到1/4时及时为客人添加.第一瓶酒即将饮用完之前询问是否要第二瓶. “Excuse me Sir / Madam, would you care for another bottle of the same wine?” XX先生/女士,您需要再来一瓶同款的酒吗?,23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,When another bottle of the same wine and vintage is ordered, a
8、fresh glass is given for tasting. Other guests at the table are offered the choice to have a new glass. Should the second bottle be a different wine, new glasses for everybody have to be provided. 服务第二瓶同款的酒之前为点酒者更换新的酒杯.不同款的酒,需要为所有宾客更换酒杯.,23. Wine by the Bottle 瓶卖葡萄酒,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Ba
9、rs & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Colleagues ensure that coffee is always freshly brewed per cup and served with hot milk and cube sugar. Tea is always made from loose tea leaves, poured in front of the guest and served with lemon and hot or cold milk (except for Chinese tea) and cube sugar. 确保每杯咖啡都是新鲜磨
10、制的,并提供热牛奶和糖块.茶叶状的茶必须在客人面前服务,并提供柠檬,热/冷牛奶(中式茶除外)和糖块.,24. Coffee & Tea Service 咖啡及茶水服务标准,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Colleagues to present and introduce all beverages and dishes ordered when serving at the table. In specialty restaurants a more detailed, but short des
11、cription of the dish should be given. 上饮料或食品时要做简单介绍,特色餐厅要更细节化,但保持简单明了. “This is your . Please enjoy”. 这是您的,请慢用.,25. Serving items ordered 服务所点菜式,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,When guests are temporarily leaving the table, the napkin is being refolded in a neat shape
12、and put on the side table. Pull the chair for the guest upon return. 如果客人暂时离开座位,折叠好餐巾,客人回来时主动拉椅子.,26. Refolding of Napkins 整叠口布,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Beverages should never become empty at the table and a second glass will be offered or refilled when the drin
13、k is full. Empty glasses will be refilled or cleared. Soiled dishes are to be cleared promptly and simultaneously. 当杯中的饮料还有1/4时,及时询问是否要第二杯.空杯子要及时添加饮料或收走.同时撤走用完的盘子.,27. Refill and Clearing 补充及清理,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Supplemental orders taken during the course
14、 of the meal will be responded to immediately. 用餐期间如有追加的点单要及时跟进. “Right away, Sir / Madam”. 请稍等,先生/女士,28. Supplemental Orders 补单,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Guests are informed if there is any significant delay. Colleagues will apologize with a brief explanation an
15、d advise the guest on the approximate waiting time. 任何点单如需较长时间的等待必须及时告知并给予道歉和适当解释,说清等候时间. “Dear Mr. Smith. Your . will take another 10 minutes. My sincerest apologies for that. 李先生,您的还需要10分钟的时间,为此我向您表示真诚的歉意.,29. Service Delays 服务延误,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Guest
16、 satisfaction of each patron is checked only twice and by one person only each time: 3-4 minutes after the main course and once after the check is presented. The outlet manager himself has to check once as a minimum as well. 饮料或主菜服务后的3-4分钟,由经理或主管询问客人对饮料和食品的满意度. “How is / did you enjoy your lunch, di
17、nner? / How is / was your drink?” 您用餐愉快吗?,30. Guest Satisfaction 客人满意度,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Ashtrays are changed after each cigarette bud. 烟缸内有一个烟蒂时要及时更换. “May I change your ashtray, Sir, Madam?” 我可以换以下烟缸吗?,31. Ashtrays 烟灰缸服务标准,Food & Beverage / Restaurants,
18、 Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,The bill is presented in the appropriate folder including a WVYO Card and pen. Should it be known that the guest will be needing a pen (in-house guest or for credit card payment), pen assistance is given by pulling it out before presenting the check and handing it to
19、 the guest. 用适当的帐单夹并放入WVYO和笔.,32. Presenting the Bill 呈现帐单,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,When the guest is reviewing the check, waiters are to steep back to give room to the guests privacy. Once the payment has been done, a copy of the check is given to the guest and the guest is thanked for his patronage. 客人检查帐单时,员工要稍稍退后以顾及客人的隐私.结帐后帐单的一联留给客人并感谢光临.,33. Payment 付款,Food & Beverage / Restaurants, Bars & Lounges 餐饮部 / 餐厅, 酒吧, 酒廊,Guests are given chair assistance when leaving and helped with any coats or bags. Colleagues will
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