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1、Global AIDS,Global AIDS:The Health and Human Rights Crisis of our Generation,37.8 million people worldwide are living with HIV 3.2 million are children under the age of 15 2.9 million people died of AIDS in 2003 800,000 children under age 15 died in 2002 4.8 million people were newly infected in 200

2、3 15,000 new infections per day Over 20 million people have died of AIDS since 1981,Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people have HIV worldwide with the number of new infections that year being about 2.3 million. This is down from 3.1 mill

3、ion new infections in 2001. Of these approximately 16.8 million are women and 3.4 million are less than 15 years old.116 It resulted in about 1.6 million deaths in 2012, down from a peak of 2.2 million in 2005.,The estimated number of people living with HIV/AIDS by country as of 2008.,Global AIDS:,T

4、he number of people living with HIV is increasing unabated Around 1% of adults (15-49) are HIV positive globaly,This is a photo of a 24 year old girl named Leah. Her blank expression hardly masks her fear. Fearing she was exposed to HIV after being gang-raped 15 hours earlier, she stares silently as

5、 she waits for a rape exam at the Themba Public Hospital in Mpumalanga. The rape allegedlly occurred December 25, 2001. She does not know yet whether she has been exposed to HIV/AIDS.,listen to the stories,Story 1,3,000 dead every month in South Africa In rural, HIV-ridden South Africa, one would ex

6、pect a place consumed by the AIDS pandemic: the country has more HIV carriers than any other nation in the world, with 4.7 million people infected. But in December, South Africans were consumed with something besides the disease that keeps killing family, friends and neighbors.,Story 2,YOUNG VICTIMS

7、 10-year-old Ntombi cries as she recounts being raped eight months earlier by a family friend. Ntombi received smuggled AIDS medication immediately after her assault and has since tested negative for HIV. Millions of South Africans, however, are infected with HIV, and September 11 has done little to

8、 draw the worlds attention to the national epidemic.,Story 3,Teddy lives in a village in southern Uganda. Her parents died of AIDS-related illnesses when she was 11. She now lives with her three brothers and sisters and helps to look after three other boys whose parents also died of AIDS-related ill

9、nesses. “My mother and father died in 1996. My father died in the hospital. But I saw my mother die here. Because I was a bit older than the others, I looked after her. I used to cook food for her, wash her clothes, and boil herbs for her. She told me she was suffering from Aids, but she didnt tell

10、me how she got it or how to avoid it. I wish shed told me more about it. Id like to know how its transmitted.,An Aids orphans story,When my mother died we suffered so much. There was no food, and there was no one to look after us. We didnt even have money to buy soap and salt. We wanted to run away

11、to our other grandparents, but we didnt have transport to go there. I tried to be positive, but it was difficult. I missed my mother because I loved her so much. Some neighbours say bad things about us: Those children are so poor; they dont even have relatives. They dont belongSome people also call

12、us AIDS orphans, and they say that maybe our parents infected us Were also free to play when we want, and theres nobody telling us to do this or that. I dont go to school.If I were educated Id like to be a nurse. I want to treat other people and heal them from whatever theyre suffering from. I want

13、to do this because when my mother was sick, there was nobody to look after her because we had no money.” http:/,This is Hu Zeying, a 66-years-old farmers wife living in China. “Her eldest son died of an AIDS-related infection three months ago. Now her second son

14、, Baifang, lies racked with fever, barely able to talk. He is suffering powerful fevers and diarrhoea. He says he longs to die. Baifang contracted HIV when he sold his blood plasma to a commercial dealer at a government-run clinic. It was easy money, but the needles were filthy. In this poor village

15、, many of the young men did the same, and now, HIV is running rampant through the community. Mounting debts Mrs Hu has the barest understanding of HIV. She does not know there is no cure. She has never heard of anti-retroviral drugs.” She says she has spent her life savings on glucose drips and aspi

16、rin for her sons. Now, her meagre resources are gone http:/,Story 4,HIV Basics,HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get r

17、id of HIV. That means that once you have HIV, you have it for life.,HIV Transmission,HIV is spread mainly by having sex or sharing injection drug equipment such as needles with someone who has HIV. Less commonly, HIV may be spread by Being born to an infected mother. Receiving blood transfusions, blood products, or organ/tissue transplants tha


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