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1、cno,Acoustic Guitar木吉他,MADE BY: enlinchen (hfut),cno,Different types of guitars,There are many types of guitars. But they can be divided into two broad categories(种类), acoustic guitar and electric guitar. Next,I will introduce you the acoustic guitar.,cno,Fret 品丝 Top 面板 Side 侧板 Neck 琴颈 Body 琴体 Back

2、背板 Head 琴头 Bridge 琴桥 Maker 泛音点 Headstock 琴头 Sound Hole 音孔 Pick Guard 护板 Tuning Key 旋钮 Finger Board 指板,Structure of Guitar,How it works:,Pressing a string against a fret wire(品丝) effectively with your left hand finger determines the strings vibrating length and its resultant pitch(音高). The timbre(音色)

3、 of the sounds get improved through the big sound box, so guitar has a resonant(共鸣) bass sound . 用左手手指按住指板上的不同的品丝,由于琴弦长度的不同,拨动琴弦后,音高会不同。声音经过箱体共鸣得到提高,特别是低音。,cno,cno,Some tools,Pick 拨片/匹克,cno,Some tools,Capo 变调夹,It used on the neck of a the guitar pressing all strings to shorten the strings, hence rai

4、sing the pitch(音高).,classify(分类):,cno,classical guitar:,The classical guitar is well known for its comprehensive right hand technique, which allows the soloist to perform complex melodic and polyphonic material, in which the same manner as the piano.,cno,folk guitar:,The folk guitar is fun and easy

5、to play. It mostly consists of simple chords(和弦) with some bass runs.,cno,cno,Compare,folk guitar,classical guitar,The fingerboard of folk guitar is longer, but classical guitars fingerboard is broader. The strings of folk guitar are steel, and the classical is nylon(尼龙). The head of classical guita

6、r is hollow(镂空). The body of the classical is smaller than folk guitar.,performance(表现形式):,cno,for playing guitar as sing,the guitar is just as accompaniment tool,the expression of emotion is relay on the voice of the people;,for finger-style, only use the guitar to show their feelings.,cno,artists

7、of fingerstyle,cno,Oshio Hikarutaro (押尾桑): He is Japanese; He is the new generation of guitarists, he played the guitar out of people thought it was a guitar playing out of tone may not at the same time, it combines the strength, mellow,song is loved by everyone and welcome. 他是日本新生代的吉他演奏家,指弹吉他大师,他在吉

8、他上演奏出来了让人以为是一把吉他不可能同时演奏出来的音色,这里面融合了力量、柔美,曲目受到了大家的喜爱与欢迎。 works: 1、wings- you are the hero 2、fight 3、landscape 4、loving you 5、ready ,go,押尾光太郎,cno,Tommy Emmanuel,Tommy Emmanuel : He was born in Australia in May 31, 1955. In 1999,Chet is extremely rare title Certified Guitar Player to honor Tommy Emmanu

9、el, in recognition of his lifetime of fingerstyle (guitar fingerstyle techniques) contribution, this honor is only two other people to share in the world (Jerry Reed and John Knowles). Tommy Emmanuel于1955年5月31日出生在澳大利亚。1999年,Chet以极为难得的头衔”被认证的吉他手”(Certified Guitar Player)来称誉Tommy Emmanuel,为表彰他终生对吉他fingerstyle(指弹)技法的贡献,这样的荣誉在世界上只被另外两个人共享(Jerry Reed和John Knowles). works: 1、classical gas 2、s


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