中职基础模块一教案精 unit 10 2_第1页
中职基础模块一教案精 unit 10 2_第2页
中职基础模块一教案精 unit 10 2_第3页




1、united10 how can i improve my english?(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第二课时,包括reading and writing 部分。其中阅读材料分两部分。具体内容分别为张晓波就自己对英语学习看法及学习难题prof learning的qq留言,和prof learning 的qq留言回复。这些内容均是针对单元话题,分析英语学习存在问题,解决问题。通过话题系列任务的完成,促使学生思考英语学习的最佳方法。古人云,“授人鱼,不如授人以渔”,方法的探究和指导是学生学习有效性的最好保障。并且,学法指导对任何

2、学科都是必要的,可以引导学生探究自身学习上的不足,把学法探究推广到各学科的学习上,专业知识的学习上,全面提高学习能力。2. 教学重点、难点(1)教学重点能读懂描述英语学习中常见困难及相关建议的句式,并能获得关键信息,完成活动相关任务。(2)教学难点能正确表达针对英语问题的相关建议。二、教学目标:1.知识目标(1)掌握讨论英语学习及建议相关的词汇:become; more and more; important; improve; do well in; come across; ask for directions in english; repeat; practice; have a lo

3、t fun; etc(2)掌握讨论英语学习、征求建议和给出建议的句型:its not easy to learn english.i cant always understand them.what can i do?can you give me some advice?you should try to listen for the important point.you can ask them to repeat again.you may listen to some english songs.2.能力目标(1)学生能读懂阅读材料,并能赢获取的关键信息完成相应的任务。(2)能针对英

4、语学习困难提出合理的建议。3.情感目标:能够了解从不同的职业的人在不同场合运用英语的情况进一步认识英语学习的重要性。三、教学步骤step one lead-in (8m)1. the teacher gets some students to give advice on english learning.i cant remember new words. what can i do ?im poor in pronunciation. can you give me some advice?how can i improve my english?you can you may you s

5、hould youd better you need to (设计意图:复习第一课时的内容,激活原有的知识,以旧带新,使单元知识学习过渡自然, 活动的开展有层次, 有渐进性)2. brainstorming: us students? is learning english important for waiters in restaurant? why?stewards?doctors? (设计意图:通过头脑风暴,使学生思考并充分认识英语学习的重要性,并由此导入新课)step two reading and writing (24m)3. think and answer: answer t

6、he following questions and give your reasons.(activity13)is learning english important for a traffic policeman?your answer: _your reasons: _possible answer: yes, i think so. because now china is a country developing so fast that it attracts so many foreigners. its a traffic policemans duty to help t

7、hem when necessary.no, i dont think so. when in rome , do as romans do. foreigners in china can learn chinese. english is an international language. an internationalized country needs english to be a common language in its country. (different opinions are welcome.)(设计意图:巧妙过渡至阅读部分,并激活学生的阅读兴趣)2. read

8、and answer. read the qq from the policeman zhang xiaobo and find out his opinion on learning english and his problem in learning english. (activity14) his opinion: english is becoming more and more important in his work. his problem: he cant do well in listening. he cant always understand foreigners

9、.3. think and write: write down your advice to the traffic policeman.(activity15) he can he should he may he needs to hed better 4. read and write: read the qq from prof. learning and write down his advice.(activity16)(设计意图:学会根据要求提供建议,学会快速查找所需信息)5. the teacher analyzes the important phrases and sent

10、ence patterns in the passages. and then ask the students to repeat them after the tape.english is becoming more and more important.i cant do well in listening.they ask me for directions.its not easy to learn english.you should try to listen for the important points.you dont have to understand every

11、word.you can practice your english and have a lot of fun.(设计意图:跟读训练,既是发音的练习,又突出本课重点,落实语言知识点)step three discussion and presentation (12m)6. activity 17 discuss and choose: work in groups of four. compare your advice with prof learnings and write down the best advice.present your advice like this:we h

12、ave some good ideas to improve listening. first, you can _ /you cant _. second, you should _. third, dont _. finally, you may _.(设计意图:指导学生合作学习,培养学生协作探究、发现问题、讨论问题、解决问题的能力。通过总结报告,培养学生有条理的归纳分析的能力)step four homework: (1m)1. copy the words and phrases.2. write down your presentation on the exercise book.四、板书unit10 how can i improve my english?words and expressions:traffic policeman become more and more importantwork ha


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