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1、2016武汉职业技术学院单招语文模拟试题及答案第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共三节,满分55分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son _ at his uncles.A. adaptedB. adoptedC. adjustedD. applied22. Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he

2、was still _ and could think clearly.A. awakeB. awareC. consciousD. confused23. Be sure to read the _ carefully before you take the medicine so that it can function better.A. directions B. compositionC. prescriptionsD. presentation24. Make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would _ cause

3、danger. A. somehow B. meanwhile C. otherwise D. furthermore25. Due to cultural differences, most artists find it hard to _ Chinese crosstalks to westerners.A. get acrossB. get overC. come acrossD. come over26. Hes remarkable for his academic achievement._ his marriage, it is a complete failure.A. As

4、 thoughB. As fromC. As forD. As with27. It was funny to see that the babys eyes immediately _ at the sight of its mother.A. lit upB. fixed upC. cleaned upD. showed up28. Though Confucius has long gone, his powerful ideas undoubtedly _ Chinese society and tradition. A. formedB. shapedC. laidD. made29

5、. Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often _ the best qualities of a person. A. bring upB. bring aboutC. bring forwardD. bring out30. A recent survey shows that most of peoples money _ to the stock market rather than the bank this year.A. enteredB. putC. wentD. attended第二节

6、:完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。31. _(任何别处你不可能看到)so many grand bridges as in Wuhan. ( nowhere)32.To our surprise, the exhibition turned out to be _ (比预料的好得多). ( expect)33. The company has named a famous actor as their spokesman in order to _(提升其产品知名度). (

7、make; better)34. Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are _(金钱所买不到的). (buy)35. Many coal mine accidents _(本来可以避免的)if we had followed the strict safety rules. (avoid)36. The number of people infected with AIDS could reach 10 million by 2020 _(除非采取有效措施)to prevent the

8、spread of the disease. (unless; measures)37. It is widely accepted that children _(习惯了给予的)will become spoiled. (used; give)38. The road-repairman _(碰巧目击到了)the road accident when he was working. (happen) 39. It has been announced that _(任何被抓住舞弊的人)in the exam will be graded zero. (catch; cheat)40. _ (

9、多么激动人心的消息啊) it is that China successfully launched Change I, the lunar orbiter! ( news) 第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。What kind of person becomes an addict? Someone 41 , with a lot of friends; or someone who is 42 from the rest, with only a fe

10、w friends, or none at all? The 43 I am trying to make is that anyone can become an addict.The only way that I 44 this out was by becoming an addict myself. I used to be a guy who was 45 in the popular crowd. Right before high school began, I started being 46 by most of my friends. I had never lived

11、with the 47 that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to 48 the two good friends I still had. One of the things I did was 49 drugs for the first time. This was a big 50 from the way I lived when I was younger. I was a(n) 51 , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs. Drugs 52 me

12、 from being the best sports player I could be.I 53 to smoke drugs after I entered high school because that was what my new cool friends were 54 . The next three years were filled with many 55 , I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years. This made me sad and 56 . I realized I could not

13、live this way; I must stop the 57 of using drugs. Since then, my 58 and actions have changed and so has my direction in life. I do see a future in water skiing. 59 , I havent killed my chance in 60 . I know that I must keep a clear head first. Keep Coming Back. It works if you work it.41. A. interes

14、ting B. anxious C. popular D. eager42. A. free B. safe C. absent D. different 43. A. point B. sense C. subject D. promise 44. A. brought B. figured C. held D. kept 45. A. always B. seldom C. almost D. already46. A. known B. attracted C. preferred D. rejected 47. A. doubt B. hope C. fear D. danger48.

15、 A. meet B. keep C. leave D. move 49. A. collect B. buy C. try D. check 50. A. chance B. change C. decision D. advance 51. A. doctor B. teenager C. amateur D. athlete 52. A. prevented B. protected C. discouraged D. sheltered 53. A. decided B. intended C. continued D. pretended 54. A. at B. into C. o

16、n D from 55. A. highs and lows B. pros and cons C. causes and effects D. days and nights 56. A. lonely B. afraid C. confused D. depressed 57. A. manner B. habit C. spread D. practice 58. A. position B. heart C. attitude D. speech 59. A. Virtually B. Hopefully C. Similarly D. Luckily60. A. athletics

17、B. acting C. academics D. promotion 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIn a survey of 1,500 European hotel managers, Americans were ranked second, behind the Japanese, as the worlds best tourists. In the survey, conducted in April by the online travel s

18、ite Expedias German branch, Americans were seen as the most likely to try to speak a foreign language and the most interested in sampling local food.Americans came in third, behind the Japanese and British, as the most polite tourists, and third, behind the Japanese and Germans, as best behaved. And

19、 - were sure this has nothing to do with how the hotel managers view Americans - Americans were ranked far and away as the worlds most generous tippers and biggest spenders.On the other hand, Americans were seen as the shabbiest dressers, the most likely to complain and the second noisiest. Whos lou

20、der? Only the Italians. Some of the other findings: Russians were seen as the least polite travelers, followed by the Israelis and French. The stingiest tippers: the Germans, followed by the French and Israelis.Italians, by far, were ranked as the best dressers, followed by the French and Spanish. I

21、n terms of bad dressing, the British were a distant second to Americans, followed by the Germans.Whos the most unwilling to try speaking in a foreign language? The French, the British and the Italians, in that order.The Chinese are the most reluctant to sample foreign food, followed closely by - thi

22、s is strange - the British, whose home cuisine is probably the worlds most seriously laughed at (a little unfairly, perhaps.)And, finally, the overall award for worst tourists in the world goes to the French, with the Indians and Chinese taking home the silver and bronze, respectively.61. The writer

23、 presents the passage here hoping to _.A. praise some travelers B. criticize some travelers C. present the result of a survey D. encourage people to travel 62. Considering the best behaviour, the tourists ranking second are from _.A. Britain B. America C. Japan D. Germany 63. According to the survey

24、, the worst dressers in tourists are _.A. the British B. Americans C. the Germans D. the Spanish 64. The underlined word “cuisine” can be replaced by _.A. cooking B. decoration C. education D. management BI believe influence is the union of power and purpose. As a TV star, magazine founder, business

25、woman and celebrity, Oprah Winfrey certainly has power. But most important, she has purposea lasting commitment to the principles of goodness and generosity that goes beyond any one individual.1 I have sat with Oprah in interviews and in my home. I have felt her warmth, and I am always moved by her

26、deep love for others. She makes you want to invite her into your lifeand she invites you into hers. Oprahs story is Americas story: a young girl from Mississippi, who grew up without electricity or running water but realized her promise through education and achieved her dreams in liberty. Oprah, 52

27、, reminds us that we who prosper in freedom have a moral responsibility to help others who have the desire to succeed but just need an opportunity. 2Oprah is helping create those opportunities. Out of her own pocket, she built new homesand gave new hopeto 65 families who lost everything in Hurricane

28、 Katrina. 3And just last year, Oprah launched a successful campaign to help victims of abuse find the justice they deserve, so they can move on with confidence. For most people, Oprahs influence is less direct but no less meaningful. Those are the millions of ordinary men and women who wish to impro

29、ve themselvesto become better parents, kinder friends and stronger individuals. For those people, Oprah is an inspiration. She has struggled with many of the challenges that we all face, and she has transformed her life. 4 Her message is powerful: I did it, and so can you. So who, then, is Oprah Win

30、frey? She is a woman of moral character and a source of strength for millions of her admirers. Her life and her work are evidences to the greatness of her generous heart. She is influential, to be sure. And she is someone I am deeply honored to call my friend. 65. Through this passage the author int

31、ended _.A. to show her encouragement to Winfrey Oprah B. to summarize the whole life of Winfrey Oprah C. to show her appreciation of Winfrey Oprah D. to introduce Winfrey Oprah as a friend and her shows66. Which of the following story is Americas story in the authors eyes?A. Rich young girls from Mi

32、ssissippi gain success in their life.B. Poor young girls achieve their success through hard work. C. Rich young men experience hardship and win success. D. Poor young men pursue higher education but get nothing. 67. The supporting sentence “In South Africa, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for G

33、irls will educate a new generation of women leaders.” should be placed at _.A. 1 B.2 C.3 D. 4 68. Through the underlined part “I did it”, the author means that Winfrey Oprah is saying _.A. I managed to overcome the challenges B. I encouraged parents, friends and individuals C. I created many opportu

34、nities to help people D. I was admired as a source of strength CA What Is A Hookworm Infection?Hookworm is an infection of one of two different 7 to 13 mm long roundworms. Heavy infection with hookworm can create serious health problems for newborns, children, pregnant women, and persons who are mal

35、nourished. Approximately one-quarter of the worlds population is infected with Hookworm. B Where are hookworms commonly found?One of the most common species, Ancylostoma duodenale, is found in southern Europe, northern Africa, northern Asia, and parts of South America. A second species, Necator amer

36、icanus, was widespread in the southeastern United States early in this century. The Rockefeller Sanitary Commission was founded in response, and hookworm infection has been largely controlled.C How do I get a hookworm infection?You can become infected by direct contact with contaminated soil, genera

37、lly through walking barefoot, or accidentally swallowing contaminated soil.Hookworms have a complex life cycle that begins and ends in the small intestine( 肠道). Hookworm eggs require warm, moist, shaded soil to hatch into larvae(幼虫). These barely visible larvae enter the skin (often through bare fee

38、t), are carried to the lungs, go through the breathing tract to the mouth, are swallowed, and eventually reach the small intestine. This journey takes about a week. In the small intestine, the larvae develop into half-inch-long worms, attach themselves to the intestinal wall, and suck blood. The adu

39、lt worms produce thousands of eggs. These eggs are passed in the human waste. If the eggs contaminate soil and conditions are right, they will hatch, molt, and develop into infective larvae again after 5 to 10 days.D Who is at risk?People who have direct contact with soil that contains human feces i

40、n areas where hookworm is common are at high risk of infection. Children -because they play in dirt and often go barefoot- are at high risk. Since transmission of hookworm infection requires development of the larvae in soil, hookworm cannot be spread person to person. Contact among children in inst

41、itutional or child care settings should not increase the risk of infection.E In countries where hookworm is common and re-infection is likely, light infections are often not treated. In the United States, hookworm infections are generally treated for 1-3 days with medication prescribed by your healt

42、h care provider. The drugs are effective and appear to have few side effects. For children under the age of 2, the decision to treat should be made by their health care provider.69. We can guess that the passage is intended for _. A. doctors B. scientists C. medical students D. common readers 70. We

43、 can imply that the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission in the second paragraph is_.A. a centre for information about hookworm infection in the United States B. an organization for preventing and treating the hookworm infection C. an educational organization in the United States in the 1950s D. an organ

44、ization which identifies the hookworm all over the world71. The best heading for Part E should be _. A. What are the symptoms of hookworm?B. How can I prevent hookworm?C. What should I do if I think I have a hookworm infection?D. What is the treatment for hookworm?72. Which of the following statemen

45、ts about the life cycle of hookworms is right according to the passage?A. Hookworm eggs develop into hookworm larvae in the small intestine. B. Hookworm larvae feed on humans blood in the intestine walls.C. Hookworm eggs will become larvae in warm, moist, shaded soil.D. Hookworm larvae will become h

46、ookworm eggs in human waste. DThe Golden Gate Bridge - the iconic gateway to San Francisco Bay - has experienced 70 years of rain and shine. A wonder of engineering, it is also sadly a site where people commit suicide by throwing themselves off its heights. At the entrance of the Golden Gate strait,

47、 where the Pacific Ocean meets the San Francisco Bay, sits the Golden Gate Bridge. Stretching across the strait for more than 2,700 meters, the bridge connects San Francisco and Marin County. It was built between 1933 and 1937, when it was the longest suspension span ever built. Today its ranked abo

48、ut seven or eight. The main span, which is the span between the towers, was 4,200 feet (1,280 meters), making it the longest bridge ever built at its time.San Franciscos residents love their citys world-famous landmark. Resident Peter Richards says, The bridge is iconic, obviously. Its something tha

49、t identifies San Francisco as a place, and as a city on the Pacific Rim. For me, its very important. I look for it when I am trying to locate myself in the city.Yet for Nancy Langhofer, another resident, the bridge means something entirely different. “This bridge is a cursed thing to me, it is a tra

50、gic symbol.” Since its completion in 1937, some 1,200 people have jumped to their deaths, giving the bridge a notoriety as a site for suicides. Film director Eric Steel made a documentary about the Golden Gate suicides. In the 2006 film, called “The Bridge”, his cameras captured 23 of the 24 suicide

51、s in 2004. Nancy Langhofer wants measures taken to prevent people from jumping off the bridge. “I am giving postcards to people. It says: demand a suicide barrier. Its been a long-time argument here in San Francisco about whether or not to fix a suicide barrier on the bridge and a friend of mine com

52、mitted suicide in 2004. It is really too easy for people to climb over the railing.” The Board of Directors of the Golden Gate Bridge began exploring the possibility of building a barrier two years ago, but not everyone is in favor of the idea. One resident, Diana, commented, “I dont think building

53、a barrier to prevent that is going to help a lot. Its just going to make it uglier. Then people who are trying to jump over are just going to find other places.”Another person, Jonathan, when asked if he thought barriers should be built, said, “I personally do not. I think it will destroy the view,

54、it will destroy the experience of walking across the bridge.”But Nancy Langhofer replies, “There is a bridge in Canada that I know of, it has high incidents of suicides. They put up a fence or some kind. Why not do it here? Its been here since 1937. Its time.”Upon completion of the bridge, the chief

55、 engineer for the project, Joseph Strauss, wrote a poem called, “The Mighty Task is Done.” But it may be that more will be done to this monumental structure, 70 years after it was built.73. The passage mainly talks about _.A. whether the Golden Gate Bridge should be fenced to prevent the suicide B.

56、whether the Golden Gate Bridge should be barred for the sake of the travelers C. whether the completion of the Golden Gate Bridge has been complete D. whether the Golden Gate Bridge should be built 70 years ago74. The underlined word “notoriety” in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to _.A. a new image B. a new record C. a bad name D. a complete honor 75. According to Nancy Langhofer, so many people commit suicide in the Golden Gate Bridge probably because _.A. the scenery there is so beautiful B. it is easy to climb over the railing C. the bridge i


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