Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 单元练习题_第1页
Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 单元练习题_第2页
Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 单元练习题_第3页
Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 单元练习题_第4页
Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister 单元练习题_第5页




1、Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 知识要点: 形容词的级别 形容词有三种级别,即原级、比较级和最高级。当讨论的对象是一个时应使用原级,当讨论的对象是两个时应使用比较级,当讨论的对象在三个或更多时应使用最高级。 在形容词原级后面加上er就成为比较级,在原级后加上est就成为最高级。 一般的单音节形容词直接加er或est,词尾是不发音字母e的只加r或st,重读闭音节应双写词尾辅音字母再加er或est,如:longlongerlongest,nicenicernicest,bigbiggerbiggest。以辅音字母加y为结尾的双音节形容词应将y改为i再加

2、上er或est,如:earlyearlierearliest,dirtydirtierdirtiest,busybusierbusiest。多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most, 如:importantmore importantmost important,difficultmore difficultmost difficult。有些特殊的形容词有自己的变化规律, 如:good/wellbetterbest, bad/badlyworseworst,many/muchmoremost, littlelessleast,farfarther/furtherfa

3、rthest/furthest。一 、写出下列单词的比较级1.tall_2.loudly_3.heavy_4.outgoing_5.quietly_6.thin_7.short_8.good/well_9.many/much_10.bad/badly_11.little_12.friendly_13.early_14.athletic_15.hard_二 、重点词组识记1. 和一样_2. 擅长于_3. 使某人做某事_4. 看起来一样_5. 与不同_6. 超出_7. 两者都_8.努力学习_9只要、既然_10. 事实上_11.与相似_12.小学_三、用单词的适当形式填空 1.Who is _( h

4、eavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?2. Mr Green is _ ( serious) than Mr Brown.3. The sun is _( big) than the earth.4. Unit 4 is _ ( difficult) than Unit 5.5. My mother is _ (young) than your mother is.6.There is going to be a singing_(compete) this afternoon.7.Who is the_(win) of the 100 meters race ?8.I can

5、 dance_(well) than any other student in our class.9.Jim works as_(hard) as Jim. So they both get good grades.10.Can you say it_(loud) ? I cant hear you .11.I like the friend who is a good _(listen) .12.Its not very important for me_(be) the same.13.She likes to have friends who are _(difference) fro

6、m her.14.Lingling has long hair, but her sisters hair is longer than_(her).15.I like to have a friend who enjoys_(tell) jokes.16. Bob enjoys _ (tell) jokes.17. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning.18. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying.19. The movie is very _ and I am

7、 _ in it. ( interest)20. Both of _ (they) are outgoing.21.He sings _ (well) than his sister.22. Here are some _ (photo) for you四、完成句子 1. 他多长时间拜访祖父母一次?他每月拜访祖父母3到4次。How _ does he visit his grand parents?He _ his grandparents _ or _ _ a month.2. 我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。My sister is the _ _ me. We are both _.3.

8、我们应该每天打扫教室。We should _ our _ every day.4. 小明擅长游泳Xiao Ming is _ _ _.5. 你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样你们是双胞胎吗?You and your sister _ _ _. Are you twins?五 、单项选择 1. Is your brother good at _basketball?Yes, he is.A. to playB. plays C. played D. playing2. This book is _ as that one.A. same B. different C. the same D. diffe

9、rence3.We all like Tina,so she is very _ in schoolA. pretty B. beautiful C. funny D. popular4. Mary likes to have friends who are different _her.A. at B. of C. from D. for5. Sandy is _ at playing soccer than Simon.A. better B. good C. well D. best6. _ they look different, they have some similarities

10、.A. But B. As C. Although D. When7. Im a little _ than my brother,A. tall B. taller C. the tall D. the taller8. He was too tired,so he _.A. stopped resting B. stopped to rest C. stopped to workD. stops working9. Of the two man, who is your father? _ of them is my father.A. NeitherB. Both C. None D.

11、Either10.This watch is_ than that one . A.more cheaper B.much cheaper C.more cheap D.much cheaper11.I like to have friends who are different_ me. A.to B.as C.from D.than12. What do you think of your Chinese teacher ? I love her . She is really_ . She always works till middle night. A.outgoing B.funn

12、y C.hard-working D.serious13. _ is better ,this blue dress or that red one ? I think the red one is better. A.What B.Which C.Where D.When14.Both Lisa and I have long hair, but my hair is longer than_ . A.she B.her C.shes D.hers15.Dont_ the people who are in trouble . A.laugh B.laugh at C.laugh for D

13、.smile at 16. She is Lucy, isnt she?_ . Lucy is taller than her.17.Which do you like _ ,apples or oranges ? A.best B.good C.well D.better18. Can you play _piano ?Yes ,I can. A.a B.an C.the D./19.She is shy and she often speaks_ . A.quietly B.quiet C.loud D.loudly20.English is_more interesting than h

14、istory. A.a lot of B.a few C. lots of D.a little21.In some ways ,Lily and lucy look_, but the twins are a little different_each other.A.same;from B.the same;from C.the same;as D.same;as22. _you drive carefully,you will be very safe. A.As long as B.As soon as C.As well as D.As for23.My new dress is_t

15、o the one you have. A.expensive B.cheap C.beautiful D.similar24.Its dangerous_so close to the river. A.be B.is C.to be D.being25.You should _ the room every day.A.clean up B.to clean up C.cleaning D.cleaned26. _ of the twins are middle school students.A.Both B.All C.One D.Every one27.He always makes

16、 me_A.to feel happy B.feel more happy C.to feel happily D.feel happy28.Jack is_ football than any other students in his class.A.better at B.better in C.good at D.good in29.This book is interesting ,that is_I like it so much. A.what B.why C.where D.when30. If you ride a bike to school ,you will not g

17、et to school on time.Do you mean it is _for me to take a bus ?A.necessary B.important C.serious D.easy六、书面表达上周星期天你在公园的路上遇到了一个五年没见面的小学同学王辉。你发现他与五年前有很大的变化。请你描述一下他的变化。提示词: play football popular outgoing athletic polite funny要求: 表达清楚,不少于60词。Last Sunday on my way to the park I met a classmate of mine .We were in the same primary school five years ago . His name is WangHui .I found he was much taller than before._ 范文: He told me that he liked playing football. He was on the school team and he was very popular in his class. S


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