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1、Lesson One: The Time Message艾尔伍德n,查普曼新的学习课题开始的时候,千头万绪,最重要的是把时间安排好,成为时间的主人。这篇文章的作者提出了7项具体建议,可能对你有一些启示。1 time is tricky。it is difficult to control and easy to waste。when you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need。for example,At the beginning of a semiester,you may feel that you have ple

2、nty of time on your hands,But toward the end of the term you may ssystemyou dont have enough time to cover all your duty,so you get worried。what is the answer?控制!翻译:时间真的很难处理,很难调节,很容易浪费,以后看的话,时间可能用不完了。例如,一个学期开始的时候,你可能觉得时间很长。但是,学期快结束的时候,你可能突然发现时间到了。如果你连完成所有需要做的事情的时间都找不到,就会变得那么紧张。答案是什么?控制。2 time is dan

3、gerous。if you dont control it,it will control you。if you dont make it work for you,It will work against you . so you must become the master of time,not its servant。as a first-year college student,time management will be your number one problem。翻译:时间是危险的。如果不能控制时间,时间控制你,不能让时间为你服务,那就会适得其反。因此,要成为时间的主人,而

4、不是那个仆人,作为刚入学的大学生,正确安排时间是首要任务。3 time is valuable。wating time is a bad habit。it is like a drug。the more time you waste,The easier it is to go on wastintime。if seriously wish to get the most out of college,you must put the time message into practice。翻译:时间很宝贵。浪费时间是坏习惯。就像毒品。浪费的时间越多,越容易继续浪费。要真正充分利用上大学的机会,

5、必须把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。Message 1 .control time from the beginning。4 time is today,not tomorrow or next week。start your plan at the beginning of the term。4:匆忙是抓紧现在的时间。不要推迟到明天或下周,从学期开始制定计划吧。Message2。Get the notebook habit。5 go and buy a notebook today,use it to plan your study time each day . once a weekly st

6、udy plan is prepared,Follow the same pattern every week wiekSunday is a good day to make the plan for the following week。翻译:第二点,养成使用笔记本的习惯。马上买笔记本,计划一天的时间。一旦制定了每周学习计划,每周都要这样做,但允许一些变动,星期天是制定下周计划的好时间。Message3。Be realistic。6 often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay,to

7、study for a quiz,Or to review for a final exam . when you plan time翻译:第三,要现实。经验可以知道写短文,准备反社会考试或进修考试复习需要多长时间。为这种事计划时间的时候要现实,要有闲暇。预料会发生意外,否则你的整个计划就泡汤了。Message 4 .plan at least one hour for each hour in class。7 how much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on four things :(1)your ability

8、,(2)the difficulty of the classroomyou should plan at least one hour of study for each class room hour,in many cases,two or three hours will be required。翻译:第四,为每门课至少计划一个小时。每个课程的学习时间由(1)你的能力决定。(2)这门课的难点;(3)你想要的分数;(4)有效使用学习时间的方法。有一点是肯定的。每节课至少要准备1小时,很多情况下要准备2 3小时左右Message5。Keep your plan flexible。8 it

9、is important that you re-plan your time on a weekly basis so that you can make certain changes when neceary。for example,Before mid-term or final exms,you will want to give more time to reviewing。a good plan must be a little flexible so that special projects can be done well。翻译:本质5,灵活部署计划。重新安排每周日程很重要

10、,必要时可以调整计划。例如,在期中考试或期末考试之前,要花更多的时间复习。好的计划必须有点灵活性,才能做好特别的项目。Message 6 .study for some each class day。9 some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next。when you work out your schedule,Try to include at least two study hours each day . this will not only keep the s

11、tudy habit alive but also keep you up to翻译:6,有讲课的日子,每天要抽出一点时间学习。整天踏实地学习比一天学习久,第二天什么都不学更好。制定计划时,每天至少要安排2小时的学习时间。这样不仅能保持这个学习习惯,而且有助于跟上课程进度。Message 7 .free on Saturday - study on Sunday。10 it is good to stop all study activities for One full day . many students choose Saturday for sports or social acti

12、vities . Sunday,One the other handit is a good day to catch up on back reading and other assignments。翻译:本质7,星期六休息,星期天学习。停止所有学习作业一整天是有益的,很多学生决定星期六进行体育活动或社会活动。另一方面,对很多学生来说,星期天似乎是确定最好的学习时间,这是弥补拖延的阅读作业或其他作业的好时机。Word list(单词列表)消息n.要旨,要点Tricky adj .(工作、问题等)细腻而挑剔;狡猾(成语)Beginning n .开始;一开始serister n .(特别是美国

13、大学)学期Coverv .处理杜蒂n .任务管理n .管理Number one adj .最重要的;第一Seriously adv .真心,真心;认真,认真Once conj首先.(就是.)Weekly adj .一周一次跟随Follow v等用就在Following adj之后Realistic adj .现实可行Essay n .配置;随笔Quiz n .检查;测验Upset v .混乱(计划等);被殴打Abilitn。能力智力Grade n .(考试或作业)分数Achieve v .获得Flexible adj .灵活Re-plan v .重新计划Basis n .基础;根据项目n .主

14、题;科学研究项目Mid-term adj .中间的Solid adj .坚固的排程n .排程Alive adj .起作用;现有还活着Assignment n .(指定)任务活动n .活动Social adj .社会;友谊你会看到Seem v .就像Back adj .转移;过去的Proper names埃尔伍德n查普曼埃尔伍德n查普曼Useful Expressions(常用短语)看着Look ahead的前面;考虑未来At the beginning of.是的开始批量Plenty ofHave time on ones hands有很多时间Towards the end of .很快结束的

15、时候Work for 效果Work against.对我不利Get the most out of sth .充分利用机会.Put.执行into practiceAllow for考虑以下因素至少at leastIn.case是.对于On a weekly /daily basis每周/每天工作出库开发Seem to be就像Keep sth。/sb。adj .保持什么状况跳动(of)(用完了,做好了)Time is running out。I have run out of money。take some time to do .带着时间.It will take us an hour to

16、 get there。Depend on表示.取决于it depends on how many people are going所以that(用于引出目的状语从句)tell me your telephone number so that I can call you when I have time。赶上catch up on,发过去I have to catch up on my sleep。I didnt sleep much last night .Verb Pattern 1(动词句型1)主语系动词表语(代词/名词/名词短语)Time is money。The dictionary is mine。Wa


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