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1、Premarital Agreements,NEW WORD,marital a. 婚姻的;夫妻的 premarital a. 婚前的 ice-cream n. 冰淇淋 collection n. 1.收藏品,收集的东西 2.收集,收取 verify vt. 证明,证实,核实 clause n. 1.条款,款项 2.分句,从句 nuptial a. 婚姻的,结婚的 prenuptial a. 结婚前的 bind vt. 1.连结,联合,结合 2.捆绑,捆扎 3.迫使,约束 acceptance n. 1.接受,接纳 2.赞同,承认 division n. 1.分开,划分 2.分歧 3.部门 h

2、eadline n. 标题;新闻提要 contest v. 1.质疑,辩驳 2.争取,争夺;与竞争 n. 1.竞赛,比赛 2.争夺,竞争 candidate n. 候选人;参加考试者 sting vt. 1.激怒,刺痛 2.刺伤,蛰伤 n. 刺痛,刺伤 exposure n. 暴露,曝光,揭露 chapter n. 1.支部,分会 2.章,回 payment n. 支付的款项 shield vt. 防护,保护,庇护 n. 防护物,护罩,盾(状物) retire v. 1.(使)退休,(使)退役 2.退下,离开 retired a. 退休了的 enforce vt. 1.使生效,实施,执行 2.

3、强迫,迫使 preposition n. 介词,NEW WORD,consultant n. 顾问 sword n. 剑 invitation n. 1.邀请;邀请信 2.引诱,诱惑 signature n. 签名;签字 cite vt. 1.引用,引证 2.(军队的)传令嘉奖 awkward a. 1.困窘的,尴尬的 2.难操纵的,使用不便的 3.笨拙的,不灵巧的 edit vt. 编辑,剪辑,校订 delete vt. 删掉,划去(文字) forge vt. 1.锻造,锤炼;使形成 2.伪造,假冒,仿造 dispute n. 争端,分歧 v. 1.争论,争吵,辩论 2.对表示异议,反对,辩

4、驳 passport n. 护照 circumstance n. 情形,情况,状况 static a. 静止的,不变的 bearing n. 1.关系,影响 2.举止,姿态 3.方位,方向 justification n. 正当的理由 heap n. 1.一堆 2.大量,许多 vt. (使)堆起 shed vt. 1.流出,流下,发出 2.去掉,摆脱 3.脱落,脱去 n. 棚,小屋 drawer n. 抽屉,Phrases and Expressions,work out 发展很好;证明是成功的 store away 收起来,储存,储备 insist on/upon 坚决要求 坚持认为 mak

5、e no mistake (about sth.) 别弄错了;毫无疑问 gain in 得到更多的 make/hit the headlines 成为头条新闻 call for 需求,要求 be in line for 即将获得,很可能得到 under pressure 在压力下,在强力下 draw up 写出,制定 (使)停住 send out 发出,寄出 take advice 采纳某人的意见 under sb.s nose 就在. .面前 argue over/about 为争论,争吵 break out 突然开始,爆发 逃离 just about 几乎,非常接近 lead to 导致

6、enter into sth. 开始讨论;着手处理 have no bearing on 与无关 end up 结束,告终 lay bare 揭示,说出,Proper Names,Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 杰奎琳肯尼迪奥纳西斯 Aristotle Onassis 亚里士多德奥纳西斯 American Academy of Marriage Lawyers 美国婚姻法律师协会 Ed Smith 艾德史密斯,Text Analyzing and Reading,Premarital Agreements A future husband wanted to be sur

7、e that if his marriage didnt work out, he could keep his treasuredice-cream collection safely stored away in a freezer. A woman insisted on verifying who would walk thedog. One man wanted the right to get a divorce if his bride-to-be gained more than 15 pounds once shebecame his wife. These are some

8、 of the crazier clauses of prenuptial agreements. But make no mistake about it, whatmost of them are about is money and how financial assets will be divided up if a couple divorces. Anddivorce with its accompanying money problems is common in the United States. Prenuptial agreements or prenups are d

9、esigned to address these problems as they arise.,Difficult Sentence,1、But make no mistake about it, what most of them are about is moneyand how financial assets will be divided up if a couple divorces. But sure enough, most of the clauses are about money and how to divide up their property when a co

10、uple divorces. 但是不要弄错了,大多数婚前协议涉及到的都是钱以及一旦离婚该怎样分配财产。,address v.,If you address a problem, you start trying to solve it. e.g. 有几件事情正在处理。 A number of issues are being addressed. 政府过去在处理全球变暖问题上行动迟缓。 Governments were slow to address the problem of global warming.,bind - vt.(pt., pp. bound),1. hold (peopl

11、e or things) together; unite 连结,联合,结合 It is common interest that binds us together. 共同的利益使我们结合在一起。,2. tie or fasten, e.g. with rope 捆绑或系紧(如用绳) She bound her hair with a handkerchief. 她用手绢把头发扎了起来。,Text Analyzing and Reading,Prenups are negotiated by lawyers for the prospective spouses, and signed bef

12、ore a minister bindsthem in marriage. They have been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s,when more states began passing laws that affected the division of financial assets in a divorce. The lawsare based either on community property (split evenly) or on reasonable distri

13、bution (whatever ajudge thinks is fair). The prenups of the famous make the headlines: lawyers for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis contestedthe prenuptial agreement between her and Aristotle Onassis after his death, reportedly winning $26million in an out-of-court settlement.,Difficult Sentence 2,They ha

14、ve been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s, when more states began passing laws that affected the division of financial assets in a divorce. More and more Americans have come to accept premarital agreements since the early 1980s, when more states started to pass divorce

15、 laws that obliged the couple to divide their properties in certain ways. 自20世纪80年代初以来,婚前协议在美国被越来越多的人接受,因为当时越来越多的州开始通过关于离婚财产分配的法律。,Difficult Sentence 3,lawyers for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis contested the prenuptial agreement between her and Aristotle Onassis after his death, reportedly winning $26

16、million in an out-of-court settlement. (L.16) It has been reported that lawyers who worked for Jacqueline, the former first lady of the United States, won her $26 million after disputing the premarital agreement between her and her late second husband Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping millionair

17、e, in a settlement out of the court. 杰奎琳肯尼迪奥纳西斯的律师在亚里士多德奥纳西斯死后拿出两人的婚前协议对簿公堂,据说她后来在庭外和解中得到了2,600万美元。,Text Analyzing and Reading,But prenuptial agreements are also for lesser known, although wealthy folks. Its because divorcehas such great economic consequences, and successive marriages have become so

18、 common, said afamily law lawyer. A typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth,has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems. They want tomake their own arrangements, rather than let a court decide, said the presid

19、ent of the New Yorkchapter of the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers. Protecting children from a previous marriage is a strong reason for prenuptial contracts. Someonemay have an estate of $1 billion and he may not want a second spouse to get a payment of half a billion.,Difficult Sentence 4,A typ

20、ical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth, has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems. (L.25) A man of substantial wealth, who was once hurt by a bitter marriage and who expects no more of such problems in the fut

21、ure, is typically fit for a prenuptial agreement. 典型的想签订婚前协议的人是那些积累了大量财富、曾吃过苦头的男性,他们想减少日后的麻烦。,He may want more for his children, said a lawyer. The effort to shield assets to be passed on tochildren and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and70s who are rema

22、rrying after a spouse has died. Another situation that calls for premarital agreements occurs when a potential spouse has, or is inline for, great inherited wealth or a family business, especially if the future partner has little or nothingat all. But even when both parties have signed such an agree

23、ment, it can be impossible to enforce it incourt if proper guidelines have not been followed. A lawyer is required to write the document, formistakes in language even a misplaced preposition can be disastrous. But never, ever, warnmarriage law consultants, should you use the same lawyer as your futu

24、re spouse does.,Difficult Sentence 5,The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died. (L.32) The effort to protect children and grandchildren by ensuring that

25、assets are left to them is making premarital agreements more common among people in their 60s and 70s, who have retired and are remarrying after a spouse has died. 为了将财产传到自己的儿孙手中,六七十岁的退休丧偶老人在找老伴时,订立婚前协议也很常见。,Difficult Sentence 6,Another situation that calls for premarital agreements occurs when a po

26、tential spouse has, or is in line for great inherited wealth or a family business, especially if the future partner has little or nothing at all. (L.34) Another situation that needs premarital agreements is that a potential husband/wife has, or is going to have, an enormous sum of money or a family

27、business handed down from his/her family while the future partner is poor. 另一种要求签订婚前协议的情况大多是,未来的丈夫或妻子已经或即将继承巨额遗产或家庭产业,而未来伴侣却家产不多或一贫如洗。,Text Analyzing and Reading,Another problem is a prenuptial agreement signed under pressure. To avoid this, some lawyers willnot draw up an agreement once a wedding d

28、ate has been set. I figure theres a sword hanging overtheir head, and thats pressure, they said. Such lawyers counsel their clients never to send outwedding invitations until both signatures are on an agreement. But not everyone takes this advice. A classic example is cited by lawyers: An agreement

29、is stuckunder somebodys nose on the day of the wedding and its usually a she and she signs, but doesnteven read it. Another lawyer recalled one awkward episode where the two sides were still editing thecontract, arguing over what to keep and delete, as 150 wedding guests were arriving for the weddin

30、g. When an agreement could not be forged, the wedding was canceled.,Difficult Sentence 7,Another lawyer recalled one awkward episode where the two sides were still editing the contract, arguing over what to keep and delete, as 150 wedding guests were arriving for the wedding. (L.48) Another lawyer r

31、emembered one embarrassing instance where the bride and groom were still revising the prenuptial agreement, disagreeing on what to keep and leave out on the contract, when 150 guests were arriving for the wedding. 还有一位律师回想起一件尴尬事:男女双方还在修订协议,争论那些该保留,那些该删除,却有150名宾客陆陆续续来参加婚礼。,Text Analyzing and Reading,

32、A dispute can also break out over prenuptial agreements if a couple decides to divorce while livingabroad, or when they have different passports. A lawyer in a London law firm that often handlesdivorces for British-American couples noted that in Britain, prenuptial agreements were just aboutignored

33、by the courts because English law says that circumstances of a marriage arent static, andtherefore a judge should decide how financial assets will be divided. That can lead to court-shopping, since what matters is the law of the country where the couple isgetting divorced. He gave the following example: A wealthy Mr. Ed Smith gets married to Mrs.Smith,and they enter into a New York prenuptial contract. They live in England, and then decide to getdivorced. English lawyers will say to Mrs. Smi


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