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1、【关键字】语文文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支 高二英第次月考题第部英知运(分节满 40 )第一节语音知:从A、B、C、D四选项中出其划线部与所给词划线部分音相同选项,将字母标号写答题纸应的位置(5分每小题1分( ) 1. A. nature B. national C. D. ( ) 2 exactly A. expert B. experiment C. exercise D. example( ) 3. A. daughter B enough C. D. neighbor( ) 4 A. cheap B. break C. D. breath( ) 5 A all

2、ow C. D. town第二节 词汇语法知:从 、BC、 四个项中选可以填入空处最佳项,将其字 标号写答题纸相应位置( ,每小题 分)6. It is the A visit B visited C. visiting D. 7. came into the _ by the others.A. to see B. seen C. being seen D. 8 _ number of people park.A. is B. are C. D. 9. I find it easy with them in A. B. communicated C. communicate D. commu

3、nicating10 there is a will , a .A. where B. C. D. 11. We should A. B. with C. D. 12. It took three the A. B. to C. D. finishing13. _ is _ he the for years.A. It B. It C. That D. 14. Do to for _ ?A B . by C . at D. with15. _ study , know .A Hard The ,the C. D. 16. Lei a good example_us _helping other

4、s. B. for C. D. to17. is _ todays A. something B. important somethingC. important D. 18. _ are B. whom C. that D. 1档来源为从网络收集整理.word 版可编辑.文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支19. mainly(主地 ) an_ .A B. English C. D. English20. She want to A. to B. C. D. on21. on the ,but used left in A. to drive B. drive drivin

5、g C. to , driving D. to drive would get well with A. am sure B. C. am to D. was surely York on May the year.A .leave B.will C. for D. 24 .I will rather than A. prefer to in B. gives C. to D. to 25. I go there not A. to trying to go . C try and go D. try going26.Is he _to a car?A. enough younger B. y

6、ounger C. old D. enough old27. I lot of _ A. do B. did C. doing D.to do28. The boy was seen _near the river.A. playing B. be playing C. play D. play29. How it _, A. on totals B. C. totals D. 30. you _ the window? It is windy A B. not to .C. D. 第三节完形填:阅读下面短文,所给的 A、C、 个选项选出正确答,将其 母标号到答题纸相的位置共 10 分,每小题

7、 )Food very needs to if he a strong body. Our also need a kind of food. kind of food is _32_. We to get even _33_ we Small children are _34_ around them. They _35_ while they watching and When they are , begin _36_ , science books, anything they like. When find something new , they questions _37_ to

8、 find out answers. is _38_ to ? If welearn by , we will get If we _40_ getting answers not ask why learn well. When study in the right way, we will better.31. A. sleep read C. drink D. eat32. A. C. knowledge D. meat33. A. until B. C. after D. so2档来源为从网络收集整理.word 版可编辑.文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支34. A

9、. C. weak D. 35. A. everything something C. nothing D. 36. A. read C. D. 37. A. try C. refuse D. wait38. A. B. school C. way D. road39. A. few C. many D. 40. A. often B. always C. D. something第部篇与汇解共三,分 分阅读理:阅读下列文,从题所给的 A、C、D 四选项中选出最恰当答案,其字 母标号到答题纸相的位置共 分,每小 分)A and twins. They were born in a hospit

10、al in York 1943.When weeks old, their killed in a nobody to after the two they two different children parents.They grew up seeing other When Susan was twenty-one, live but Laura to live New York. Later, discovered that a twin to meet two years, wrote to newspapers, asking for information she found w

11、as living. Laura arranged to to When the sisters after thirty years, a deal about themselves, their lives their families. They discovered(发现) some surprising coincidences ( 巧合的事). They liked same colors, same same clothes, same food and the they they had been trained nurses same time. them doctors;

12、and husbands were tall and black. of had one more strange, got on and their first children born within a days.41. Their they A. years thirty old C. old D. thirty old42. They both had _.A. B. and one C. D. one and two 43. finally her twin A. Australia B. York C. a D. a 44. The didnt meet each _ later

13、.A. 21 C. D. 1045. is true according to the A. B. same C. Their D. Their husbands short and white.B like to on their yearly holiday. Today, more travelers are spending small houses instead get the night morning.Rooms the night in private homes with with travelers in Europe for In five these bed-and-

14、breakfast places States. Many of s inns are old historic3档来源为从网络收集整理.word 版可编辑.文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支buildings. inns have a are much larger. Some dont provide or television in the a bed-and-breakfast is different a hotel. Usually cost is much Staying inn visiting home. are glad to tell interest

15、ing places Many vacationers enjoy chance to meet locate families.判断下叙述是否正 (正确的用 表示错误的 B 表)46. a holiday trip every 47. The inns have in America for time.48. You can make a telephone or watch TV at all bed-and-breakfast inns.49. It a bed-and-breakfast than in a hotel50. Some now in a home instead of

16、in a hotel.CThe is fast, and mistake, while are slow, and full of s people often say when they computers. For quarter a century, scientists better better computers. a computer a of everyday jobs wonderfully. It is in factories, office airports. A report, control field. Many now thinking of making th

17、e “ ” like With of a write music, with people, and so computer think and feel. you people will be afraid they that the computer too clever to listen serve 51. A is people are _A. B. not C. slow 52. of the do now?A. Draw pictures B. Talk C. new the 53. will happen A. Most work will by B. no longer C.

18、 Computers be talk with people. D. computers prison. 54. The passage is to _.A. warn danger of the computerB. people about the C. tell people about D. show how to use the computer55. The title this passage is A. ComputersB. “ ”C. The Future World D. Talk With ”第二节词义搭:从( B)中选出 A)栏单的正确释,将其字标号写答题纸相应位置(

19、 ,每小题 分)(A) (B)56. benefit A. to somebody that you will or something 57. the of something58. C. a 59. D. length between two or 60. effect E. to job61. purpose F. stop something bad happening62. advantage that something 4档来源为从网络收集整理.word 版可编辑.文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支63. or to a foreign country64.

20、avoid I. to provide with 65. J. to something from your hand through air第三节补全对:根据对话容,从话后的选项选出能入空白处的佳选项将其字母 标号写答题纸相应位置( ,每小 分)A: Hi, what with look _(66) I maths A: I hear that! It difficult. I to up!A: _(67) Don cal I learn it A: listen carefully and as as possible. it help?A: Sure. youd have try you

21、r best. Thank you very much.A: _(70)A. I like B. It bad!C. re welcome.D. Come on.E. What idea?第部语技运(分节满 30 )第一节单词拼:根据下列子及所汉语注释,答题纸相应题号后横线上出该单词。(共 5 分每小题 分)第一节 单拼写:据下列句子所给汉注释,在答卡上相题号后的横上写出单 词共 分,每小 1 )71. the _ (圣诞 ) 72. The tickets 能买的 at the 73. The Great Wall one of the great _(创 ) world.74. May I

22、 know your shoe_ 尺码 )75.These graduated _(职的 ) 第二节 词变换:括号内单词适当形填空,将正答案写答题卡上相题号后横 线上( 分,每小题 1 分76. It learn here .77. The will soon when the warm weather 78 ( general) loves me.79. _(difficult) this 80. A car accident to because of 第三节 改:从 A、B、CD 四划线处出一处错误选项填答题卡上的应题号的 括号内并在横线上出正确案( 10 分,每题 2 分81.I ha

23、ve exercises finish .A B C D82. is a cannot difficult work.A B C D83 for to live when I 5档来源为从网络收集整理.word 版可编辑.文档来源为:网络收集整理word 版本可编辑欢迎下载支A B C D84.The students did nothing but with others online term A B C D85 The that we past week. A C D第四节 书表达( 10 分)作文题: How learn 词数要: 词写作要: 、学习英的重要英语被泛使用,而英语在中是主要学2、下职中生学英语的状3、荐你的习方法答题卡班级姓名第二节词文搭配共 10 ,每题 1 分 、_、_、 61-65_ 、_、 第三节补全对话( 分,小题 2 分66-70_ 、_、第三


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