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1、医学英语构词法中心注射室 吕正梅 2016年8月22日学习内容 1.医学英语的组成 2.前缀 3.后缀 4.小测验5.常用英语表达 医学英语的组成1 word root(词根)2 prefix(前缀)3 suffix(后缀)at the end of the word rootan element added at the beginning of the wordbasic foundation of a wordExample Cardiologist -specialist Cardiology -subject Carditis -inflammation Cardiac -relat

2、edcardi(o)word root词根Example Endocardium -心内膜 intracardiac -心内注射的 pericardial -心包的cardi(o)Exampletachycardiatachypneabradycardiabradypneadyspneaapnea?Combining forma word root +a vowel=combining formFor example:cardiomyopathy(心肌病 )cardi + o + my + o + pathyrootvowelrootvowel1.Pertaining to location在

3、腹腔内子宫内膜炎脓胸,积脓症1.Pertaining to location心包炎 宫外孕1.Pertaining to location心后的鼻后的肋间的皮下皮下3.pertaining to negation不发热麻醉(无感觉)抗毒素(抗生素antibiotics)4.pertaining to amount or comparison单核细胞双侧4.pertaining to amount or comparison多发性神经炎经产妇,多产妇偏瘫意识模糊4.pertaining to amount or comparison低血压高血压4.pertaining to amount or

4、comparison心动过速心动过缓5.pertaining to color白细胞红细胞5.pertaining to color紫绀黑色素瘤5.pertaining to colorcolorgrayglauc(o)glaucoma青光眼rederythr(o)erythrocyte红细胞blackmelan(o)melanoma黑色素瘤whiteleuk(o)Leukemia白血病bluecyan(o)cyanosis紫绀yellowcirrh(o)cirrhosis肝硬化greenchlor(o)chlorosis叶退绿病6.pertaining to size and positio

5、n左位心右位心7.pertaining to miscellaneous items恐水症呼吸困难suffixes1.pertaining to diagnosis2.pertaining to operative procedures3.pertaining to symptoms1.pertaining to diagnosis胃膨出(疝入了胸腔)白血病低血糖1.pertaining to diagnosis血管扩张肾结石2.pertaining to operative procedures卵巢输卵管切除术胆囊切除术纤支镜检2.pertaining to operative proced

6、ures结肠造瘘剖腹探查术3.pertaining to symptoms牙痛脓原性的3.pertaining to symptoms溶血流血小测验1.ramuscular常用英语表达一、接待患者Good morning!What can I do for you?/Can I help you?Do you want to see a doctor?Please wait a moment,Ill inform your doct

7、or.常用英语表达This is the doctor incharge of you.This is our head nurse.The toilet is over there.We supply hot water next to the injection room.常用英语表达二、收集资料Do you have any drug allergies?Please write down your name and age/date of birth.Please put the thermometer under your arm.Ill take your tempreture/BP/feel your pulse.常用英语表达三、辅助检查Ill take some blood from your arm now.Dont take anything by mouth after midnight until the blood is drown tomorrow morning.常用英语表达四、治疗与护理Im going to give you an intramuscular injection/intravenous injection.Ill give you oxygen now.Im going to do a skin test


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