1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Some students go to school _ foot and others go _ bus.Aon; byBby; onCon; onDby; by2、Amazing China, a film about Chinas achievements, i
2、s a great and makes more people proud of our country.AdoubtBsuccessCresultDdecision3、After winning the match, the players were so excited that they could speak.AprobablyBhardlyCreallyDclearly4、Most people are _ building a paper factory near here. They are worried that the river will get polluted.Afo
3、rBwithCagainstDbeyond5、A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shapeA30-minuteB30-minutesC30 minutesD30-minutes6、That must be Mr. John.No, it be him. I saw him off at the airport half an hour ago.Amay notBmustntCcantDneednt7、The boy saw a bird resting by the window, and he moved t
4、o have a close look.Apolitely Bsafely Cquietly8、I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon. They games with their classmates then.AplayBwill playCare playingDwere playing9、How dirty the river is!But it _ quite clean before a paper factory _ set up there.Awill be; wasBis; /Chas been; /
5、Dused to be; was10、Confucius was a great thinker had many wise ideas about human nature.AwhoBwhichC/. 完形填空11、Mr. Smith was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor 1 and said, “ Well, Mr. Smith, you are going to get some injections(注射), and youll feel 2 better. A nurse will come 3 give you the first o
6、ne this evening, and then youll have to get another 4 tomorrow evening.” 5 a young nurse came to Mr. Smiths bed and said to him, “ I am going to give you your first injection now, Mr. Smith. 6 do you want it?”The old man was 7 He looked at the nurse for a 8 , then he said, “ 9 has let me choose that
7、 before. Are you really going to let me choose now?“Yes, Mr. Smith,” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do you want it?”“ Well, then,” the old man answered 10 , “I want it in your left arm, please.”1Alooked for him Blooked after him Clooked him over DLooked him into2Amany Bmuch Cmore Dmo
8、st3Aso Bor Cbut Dand4Aone Bit Cthat Dthis5AIn the afternoon BIn the beginning CIn the evening DIn the end6AWhat BWhy CWho DWhere7Acomfortable Bhungry Csurprised Drelaxed8Aminutes Bmoment Chour Dtimes9ASomebody Beverybody CAnybody Dnobody10Awith a smile Bin public Cwith tears Din surprise. 语法填空12、根据短
9、文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was 1(give) in the USAPeople of different a2 from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and s3 they got no breakfast at all. Scientist
10、s wanted to see how well 4 (they) bodies worked when they had had different kinds of breakfasts.The results show that if a person 5(eat) a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk b6 going to school, he will learn mo
11、re quickly 7 listen more carefully in class.The results also show that 8(have) no breakfast will not help you lose 9(weigh). This is because people become so 10(饥饿) at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight. 阅读理解A13、Motivated (有内驱力的 ) or Overachievin
12、g?Everyone has the occasional classmate who hands in his work ahead of time with really beautiful handwriting. Some teachers may cheerfully get the homework by saying Of course you did it early.Im sure youve done a good job! Some teachers may feel annoyed because The deadline is not until next Frida
13、y. Behind this students back are tons of whispers from his classmates, Ugh, he is such anoverachiever and its so annoying .If you ask the same student to explain his behavior, he probably says that he is simply motivated. Such students refuse to call themselves overachievers but prefer motivated ins
14、tead. They want to shy away from the unpleasant termoverachiever but choose to embrace the word motivated .Why is the term overachiever used as an insult (侮辱 )? Do we not all work hard to achieve our goals? Why does the motivated student not proudly call himself an overachiever ?In my personal exper
15、ience, being called an overachiever in front of my classmates is not pleasant at all. The word is often connected with an unkind smile or sometimes a hint ofjealousy (嫉妒 ).Overachiever carries the implied (暗指的 ) sense which over lends it - you have done too much and you have gone too far. Anyway, it
16、 is beyond the proper degree and just annoying to those students who refuse to put in the effort themselves and get unhappy with you for doing so.A student would rather think of himself as an excellent student and it is motivation that drives him to do his best. What is the implied meaning of motiva
17、ted ? Connected with positive words like willpower, spirit and determination, the motivated student would appear to be competing in an event of the brain Olympics.Although there are differences in their implications, the student who calls himself motivated could actually be a secret overachiever, go
18、ing over the top for all his work; while the overachiever is nothing more than a motivated student, driven by the simple desire to do well and willing to put in time and effort. In fact, the choice lies within the student: to overachieve or not to overachieve; to find the motivation to do well and b
19、e driven by it, or to sit back and blame others for overachieving to hide his inability to achieve.1According to the passage, overachieversAare popular with their classmates Bhand in homework ahead of timeCare much loved by their teachers Dlook down on others for being slow2The word embrace in Parag
20、raph 2 probably means _ .Aunderstand Bexplain Cdoubt Daccept3What can we learn from the passage?ATeachers expect students to benefit from their extra work.BStudents compete with each other to become overachievers.CClassmates may laugh at overachievers to hide their inability to achieve.DThe writer h
21、as some pleasant experiences of being called an overachiever.4The writer probably agrees tahatAstudents shouldnt be encouraged to be overachieversBstudents without motivation will become overachieversCmotivated students make better progress than overachieversDmotivated students have something in com
22、mon with overachieversB14、I live in a small town near Xingan in Guilin. You cant see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh(清新的). There are not many tall buildings in our town. The tallest building is in our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teac
23、hers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow(种植) beautiful flowers and plant trees there. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds sin
24、ging everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, Maths and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.1The writer lives .Ain a small townBin the city of GuilinCXinganDin a ta
25、ll building2There is in the front of our school.Aa riverBan orange orchardCa playgroundDa garden3How many students are there in the school?A4025.B425.C245.D400.4Which of the following is TRUE?AThere are many tall buildings in the town.BBehind the school there is a garden.CThere is a river in the sch
26、ool.DPeople can hear students singing everywhere.5Whats the best title(标题) of the passage?AThe GardenBA Small TownCOur SchoolDThe Best BuildingC15、Jack was born without eyes. He was very lucky as he grew up having other kittens(young cats) to socialize(交往) with, and was used to people from the momen
27、t he was born.However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Jack would end up. Thats when I got an e-mail from my friend. All she asked was “Do you still want one of the kittens? Theres one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him.” Without thinking I told her th
28、at I did want the kitten. When we first brought him home,Jack stayed mostly in my room. After about a day he had no issues running around and climbing on everything. At times he gets lost in the house,hell stop. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isnt long before he finds his way back
29、to us. A few weeks after getting Jack, we got a new born cat named Bear. Jack and Bear have become best friends. It doesnt matter that he cant see,.He always knows when Bear is around. Hell run across the yard straight to Bear and wrap his front legs around his neck in a big hug. They run after each
30、 other around and wrestle(摔跤).Theyll lie down in the grass together when tired. Jack is truly an inspiration. Ive owned lots of kittens in my life, but Jack is the happiest and most playful. He doesnt feel sorry for himself. He doesnt need pity. I think Jean,owner of Gumbo, another eyeless cat, said
31、 it best when she told me that cats dont have disabilities, they have adaptabilities适应性.1Why did Jack come to our home?AI cared for an eyeless cat. BI didnt mind whether he was blind.CNo other young cats kept him company. DMy friend begged me to take him home.2What does the writer think of Jack?APla
32、yful and pitiful. BJoyful and inspiringCNaughty but disable DPlayful and unpleasant3Which of the following statements is TRUE?AJack often wrestles with Bear indoors.BJack likes to play with a new eyeless cat.CJack quickly adapts to the new environment.DJack is good at talking and playing with people
33、.4What does the underlined word “issue” in Paragraph 3 mean?ATrouble BFunCLuck DBusiness5What does the passage mainly tell us?AA cat has nine lives. BAll is well that ends well.CGod help those who help themselves. DA good beginning makes a good ending.D16、阅读理解You may not realize it, but you are doin
34、g much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get on well with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just dont like one of your classmates?If you discover that you have problems getting on with your classmates or friends, the
35、 most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do, so it is important to learn to live happily with them.Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know so
36、meone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep atemperateand open mind.You need to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated”. If you tolerate something, it does not mean that
37、 you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.It is important to practice tolerance, because it will make everyones life easier. Learn to accept people fo
38、r their different abilities and interests. The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.1This passage is trying to tell us_.Awhats important for a studentBwhat students should do at schoolChow to treat people different from usDhow to ge
39、t others to do things in the right way2From the first paragraph we know that at school _.Aits easier for someone to hate othersBgetting along with others is not a great dealCmost students are getting on well with each otherDstudents are learning other things besides studying3What is tolerance accord
40、ing to the passage?AAccept people as they are.BBelieve you are always right.CExpect everybody to be the same.DChange yourself to please other people.4Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 3?AgentleBimpoliteCactiveDresponsible5The last paragraph suggests that_.Atolerance
41、 can only be learnt at schoolBliving with people of the same interests is easierCpracticing tolerance at school can help make a better worldDpeople in different countries have different interests and abilitiesE17、 I would almost rather see you dead, Robert S. Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphi
42、a, shouted when his twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an artist. In the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not. And when the young ladys family ranked (位列) among the best of Philadelphia
43、s social families, such an idea could not even be considered.That was how Mary Cassatt, born in 1844, began her struggle as an artist. She did not fear before her father s anger. Instead, she was against him with courage and at last made him change his mind. Mary Cassatt gave up her social position
44、and all thought of a husband and a family, which was unthinkable for a young lady in those times. In the end, after long years of hard work and perseverance( 坚持), she became Americas most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the time.1What in fact was Mr
45、. Cassatts main reason in opposing his daughters wish?ADrawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those days.BHe did not believe his daughter wanted to work seriously in art.CLadies of good families simply did not become artists in those times.DHe believed an artists life would be t
46、oo hard for his daughter.2What made Mary Cassatts “fight” to become a leading artist especially hard?AHer father was against her.BShe was a woman.CShe had no social position.DShe did not come from an artists family.3What do we know about Mary Cassatts marriage?AShe never married because she did not
47、want to be just a wife and mother.BHer marriage failed because she never gave a thought to her husband and family.CAfter marriage she decided to give up her husband rather than her career.DShe didnt marry because for a lady of her social position to marry below her was unthinkable.F18、Recently, Chin
48、a Dream has been the subject of a public topic. Although it is quite common for Chinese people to dream of a developed China, most people also have their own dreams. I interviewed several young Chinese students with higher US educational backgrounds. They all had their own dreams for their native co
49、untry.Fred Wang, an MBA student in the US, said, “I dream of equal chance for the young in China. Equality means all young people can compete fairly, based on the rule-of-law no matter whether they are rich or poor.”Yujie Zhao, another MBA student in California, said, “I dream of having the best edu
50、cation for my children so they will not lose at the starting line, and I dream of being able to take good care of my parents after they return home from work.”Yiqiong Zhang, an MBA graduate from the US, shared her dreams. “I have a dream which I have been holding for many years, that is after workin
51、g hard for about 20 to 25 years, I can have enough money to build and manage a bookstore or a flower shop. Besides working hard, I am able to enjoy life, to play the piano, to hike and to enjoy a two-month-long vacation every year. This may be a common dream among young Chinese students.”There is no
52、 doubt that all of these young students have their own China Dream. They all love chasing their dreams. The beautiful China Dream requires everyones hard work. Everyone should work hard to make their dreams come true.1Which is TRUE about the three young Chinese students?AThey receive higher education in their native country.BThey receive education of all levels in California.CThey have their own hopes and dreams for China.DThey have their own hopes and dreams for the US.2W
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