1、Word 托福108分考生心得 转托福108分考生心得, 托福高分并不难,今日我给大家带来托福108分考生心得,盼望可以关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 转托福108分考生心得 托福高分并不难 TOEFL考试,对每一个考生来说,都是一种急躁和坚持的过程。我参与托福考试的体会是:取得高分不是很难的事情,但是,你必需具备坚实的英语基础和勤奋刻苦的学习态度和肯定的技巧,在加上老师的细心指导就可以做到。 在备考初期,要多背单词,加大词汇量的把握,强化对词汇的记忆。同时,通过做题来积累更深层次的词汇。在做阅读和听力联系时,将文中不熟识的词汇摘录下来对比背诵,这样既加深了对词汇的印象,同时也
2、提高了阅读和听力练习的质量。 口语方面,首先确保模板烂熟于心,其次是要仔细倾听,将内容安进模板中。我的方法就是肯定要张开口,上课时尽量用英语与同学和老师沟通,在学校里遇到留同学,主动与他们用英语沟通,提高自己“说话”和“听话”的力量。 对于听力,我的阅历是,熟能生巧。听力的优势在写作和口语中能起到重要作用,因此练好听力是事关全局的大事。抓住宅有可利用的时间,以听原题为主,反复听,选一些对话和段子进行背诵,提高耳朵的敏感性和大脑的反应速度。有时间也看一些原声电影,原声电影大都带有字幕,在训练听力的同时还可以顺便练一下阅读。练习听力时要留意力高度集中,让自己完全沉醉在那个语言环境中,这样才能提高效
3、率。 语法方面,语法是抓分的,也是简单丢分的。以语法老师的笔记为学问点基础,反复背,反复记,将基础的学问点把握到烂熟于心,看到题目立刻就能反应。多做练习题目,然后把自己全部做错的题目都汇总,反复“回放”,强化记忆。 至于阅读,先看题再看原文的方法及种.种技巧是很有用的。反复讨论如何快速从原文中找关键词和答案句有利于提高阅读速度。其次,必需要在电脑上练习,而且要循序渐进地提高速度。由于题型很固定,通过不断地练习,可以总结出做题技巧,见效很快。 最终是作文,要早一点开头预备。先把题库里的题目进行分类,自己将每一类大体都做一个“模板”,开头、结尾最重要,中间举例可以考前多想一些。固定文章格式(如开头
4、,结尾,主题句)是很有效的节约时间的做法。更重要的还是多练习,多改正。肯定要在最终根据考试速度写。 无论是勤奋练习还是娴熟技巧都是对英语实力的提高,缺一不行。只要你拥有良好的英语基础和实力,加上勤奋和刻苦,再把握一些学习方法和技巧,就肯定能够取得好成果。 以上就是上我为大家带来的托福考试108分阅历,大家有没有从中学会些什么?大家可以依据自己的状况,找到自己的不足,然后有针对性的进行练习,以此来提升你的托福考试成果。最终,我预祝大家托福考试能取得抱负的成果。 托福阅读真题原题+题目 The most thoroughly studied cases of deception strategie
5、s employed by ground-nesting birds involve plovers, small birds that typically nest on beaches or in open fields, their nests merely scrapes in the sand or earth. Plovers also have an effective repertoire of tricks for distracting potential nest predators from their exposed and defenseless eggs or c
6、hicks. The ever-watchful plover can detect a possible threat at a considerable distance. When she does, the nesting bird moves inconspicuously off the nest to a spot well away from eggs or chicks. At this point she may use one of several ploys. One technique involves first moving quietly toward an a
7、pproaching animal and then setting off noisily through the grass or brush in a low, crouching run away from the nest, while emitting rodent like squeaks. The effect mimics a scurrying mouse or vole, and the behavior rivets the attention of the type of predators that would also be interested in eggs
8、and chicks. Another deception begins with quiet movement to an exposed and visible location well away from the nest. Once there, the bird pretends to incubate a brood. When the predator approaches, the parent flees, leaving the false nest to be searched. The direction in which the plover escapes is
9、such that if the predator chooses to follow, it will be led still further away from the true nest. The plovers most famous stratagem is the broken-wing display, actually a continuum of injury-mimicking behaviors spanning the range from slight disability to near-complete helplessness. One or both win
10、gs are held in an abnormal position, suggesting injury. The bird appears to be attempting escape along an irregular route that indicates panic. In the most extreme version of the display, the bird flaps one wing in an apparent attempt to take to the air, flops over helplessly, struggles back to its
11、feet, runs away a short distance, seemingly attempts once more to take off, flops over again as the useless wing fails to provide any lift, and so on. Few predators fail to pursue such obviously vulnerable prey. Needless to say, each short run between flight attempts is directed away from the nest.
12、1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The nest-building techniques of plovers (B) How predators search for plovers (C) The strategies used by plovers to deceive predators (D) Why plovers are vulnerable to predators 2. The word merely in fine 3 is closest in meaning to (A) often (B) only (C) u
13、sually (D) at first 3. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage about plovers? (A) Their eggs and chicks are difficult to find. (B) They are generally defenseless when away from their nests. (C) They are slow to react in dangerous situations. (D) Their nests are on the surface of the groun
14、d. 4. The word emitting in line 10 is closest in meaning to (A) bringing (B) attracting (C) producing (D) minimizing 5. In the deception technique described in paragraph 2, the plover tries to (A) stay close to her nest (B) attract the predators attention (C) warn other plovers of danger (D) frighte
15、n the approaching predator 6. The word spanning in line 19 is closest in meaning to (A) covering (B) selecting (C) developing (D) explaining 7. According to paragraph 4, which of the following aspects of the plovers behavior gives the appearance that it is frightened? (A) Abnormal body position (B)
16、Irregular escape route (C) Unnatural wing movement (D) Unusual amount of time away from the nest 8. The word pursue in line 25 is closest in meaning to (A) catch (B) notice (C) defend (D) chase 9. According to the passage , a female plover utilizes all of the following deception techniques EXCEPT (A
17、) appearing to be injured (B) sounding like another animal (C) pretending to search for prey (D) pretending to sit on her eggs 10. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage ? (A) A description of the sequence of steps involved in plovers nest building (B) A generalization
18、 about plover behavior followed by specific examples (C) A comparison and contrast of the nesting behavior of plovers and other ground nesting birds (D) A cause-and-effect analysis of the relationship between a prey and a predator PASSAGE 63 CBDCB ABDCB 托福阅读真题原题+题目 What unusual or unique biological
19、trait led to the remarkable diversification and unchallenged success of the ants for ever 50 million years? The answer appears to be that they were the first group of predatory eusocial insects that both lived and foraged primarily in the soil and in rotting vegetation on the ground. Eusocial refers
20、 to a form of insect society characterized by specialization of tasks and cooperative care of the young; it is rare among insects. Richly organized colonies of the land made possible by eusociality enjoy several key advantages over solitary individuals. Under most circumstances groups of workers are
21、 better able to forage for food and defend the nest, because they can switch from individual to group response and back again swiftly and according to need. When a food object or nest intruder is too large for one individual to handle, nestmates can be quickly assembled by alarm or recruitment signa
22、ls. Equally important is the fact that the execution of multiple-step tasks is accomplished in a series-parallel sequence. That is, individual ants can specialize in particular steps, moving from one object (such as a larva to be fed) to another (a second larva to be fed). They do not need to carry
23、each task to completion from start to finish for example, to check the larva first, then collect the food, then feed the larva. Hence, if each link in the chain has many workers in attendance, a series directed at any particular object is less likely to fail. Moreover, ants specializing in particula
24、r labor categories typically constitute a caste specialized by age or body form or both. There has been some documentation of the superiority in performance and net energetic yield of various castes for their modal tasks, although careful experimental studies are still relatively few. What makes ant
25、s unusual in the company of eusocial insects is the fact that they are the only eusocial predators (predators are animals that capture and feed on other animals) occupying the soil and ground litter. The eusocial termites live in the same places as ants and also have wingless workers, but they feed
26、almost exclusively on dead vegetation. 1. Which of the following questions does the passage primarily answer? (A) How do individual ants adapt to specialized tasks? (B) What are the differences between social and solitary insects? (C) Why are ants predators? (D) Why have ants been able to thrive for
27、 such a long time? 2. The word unique in line 1 is closest in meaning to (A) inherited (B) habitual (C) singular (D) natural 3. The word rotting in line 4 is closest in meaning to (A) decaying (B) collected (C) expanding (D) cultivated 4. The word key in line 7 is closest in meaning to (A) uncommon (B) important (C) incidental (D) temporary 5. According to the passage , one thing eusocial insects can do is rapidly switch from (A) one type of food consumption to another (B) one environment to another (C) a solitary task to a group task (D) a defensive to an offensive stance 6
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