1、2021(2021作者:_编写日期:2021年_月_日【篇一】2021高考英语满分作文范文Dear Sirs,We have just received the Survey Report from ShanghaiCommodityInspectionBureauevidencingthatalldrumsofapplejuiceweighshortbyform1to5kilogram,totaling300kilogram.As the drums were intact, it is obvious that apple juice wasshortweightbeforeshipmen
2、t.Undersuchcircumstances,wehaveto file a claim against you to the amount of RMB850 plus inspection fee.we are enclosing the Survey Report No. TE(95)115 andlooking for ward to your settlement at an early date.Yours faithfully.Jorn Thomas【篇二】2021高考英语满分作文范文New Day is one of important days for many peop
3、leintheworldduringtheyear.MostpeoplespendtheNewYearsDayinhotels.January1stisconsideredastheNewYearsDay.Most companies, shops, school, and government offices areclosedduringthattime.PeopleprepareforNewYearsDayfromlate December. First, people spend a few days to clean theirhousescompletely.Somefamilie
4、sthenputupsomenewpaintingfrom November to be sent in January. The New meal isalsopreparedfromtheendofDecember.DuringtheNewYearsDay,peopleusuallydonotcookandrelaxathome.OnNewYearsEve, it is common to have a bag dinner with family members orfriends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs uso
5、f the coming New Year. On New s Day, people greet eachother.SomepeoplewearnewcoatsandvisittemplestoprayforhappinessandhealththroughouttheNewYear.Childrenarebusywith getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.【篇三】2021高考英语满分作文范文Itsfinetothankyourmother,butatfirstyoushouldthankyourcountry.Anoff
6、icialinGeneralAdministrationofSport of China said in CPPCCWinter Olympic Champion Zhou Yang said she could make abetter life for her parents after her gaining the champion,which moved many people.But the official said sportsmen should thank their countyfirst. Indeed, the country pays much to cultiva
7、te sportsmen.But is it a must to orally thank the country first?Zhouhasthankedhercountrybybeingchampion.Itsmuchbetter than a word.Some comments, your mother country hug you when you arechampion, but only your mother hug you if you are not.【words from another InChina,thereishotdebateaboutthesystem.Th
8、ecountrypouredalotofmoneytocultivatecertainguyswithgoodtalent.Whatis importantfor the officialsistowinmore goldmedalsin international competition, rather than improving overallphysicial condition of its people.【words from another ZhouYangsmotherland hasover 1.3billion children, buthismothermightonlyhaveonechild.IfZhoudidntthankthemotherland, others would do, but if Zhou didn thank hismother,noonewoulddo.Hismothergavebirthtohimandbroughthim up but didn ask him to express thanks, why does thecountry ask him to do so ?Just because of the culti
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