



1、COMPANYS OPERATION PROCEDURESubject: Chemicals Management ProcedurePurpose 目 的The purpose of this program is to ensure that all employees of Italsofa have the knowledge and skills needed to work safely with hazardous chemicals to prevent injury, property loss and environment contamination.确保员工了解工作场所

2、危险化学品对人员及环境潜在的危害,防止因使用化学品而引发的人员伤害 、财产损失及环境污染。 Scope 范 围This plan applies to all Italsofa employees who work related purchasing, transportation, storage, handling, and disposal. 本程序涉及意特尔所有工作场所化学品的购买、储运、使用、废弃。3. Personnel involved 相关人员3.1 Line manager 管理人员3.2 Purchasing Dept.购买部3.3 EHS3.4 Chemical ope

3、rator 化学品操作人员3.5 Maintenance Dept.维修部3.6 Cleaner 清洁工4. Control point 操纵要点4.1 MSDS清单。4.2 HMIS标签。5. Procedure 程序5.1 Chemical Purchasing 化学品购买5.1.1 Base on purchasing application, purchasing department should to consider EHS demand, priority to select the chemical with the low toxicity, low causticity

4、and low contaminative. 需求部门提出购买申请时,购买应考虑安全和环保要求,优先选择低毒性、低腐蚀性、低污染的产品。5.1.2 During purchase the chemical the buyer should to communicate the company requirements and sign agreement to the supplier with qualification and to get the Material Safety Data Sheet; When purchase the hazard chemical the purch

5、asing department should to get the following certification, such as the productions license of manufacture, franchiser license and the chemical eligible certificate. And ensure all certifications are effective. 购买部在确定购买化学品时,应与有资质的供给商沟通公司的相关要求并签订相关的购买协议,并要向供给商索取化学品安全数据清单 (MSDS);另外购买部在购买危险类化学品时应索要相关证件

6、如:所购化学品的生产厂商生产许可证、.经销商的经营许可证(其经营范围应包含所购化学品)、所购化学品的产品合格证。并确保所有证件在有效期内。5.1.3 After receive all above documentations purchasing dept. send the newly chemical to do test to the outside qualifications department. 购买部在收到所提供的所有以上文件后,对所购买的或是更换了的化学品应送外部检验机构进行检验。5.1.4 The purchasing dept. should to deliver th

7、e MSDS and test report to EHS when purchase the new chemical or instead the supplier. EHS should to keep the report at least 15 years.购进新品种的化学品或是更换化学品供给商后,购买部门应将获取的MSDS及测试报告交于EHS。EHS部门保存化学品的测试报告至少15年。5.1.5 Purchasing department has responsible to communicate all of EHS requirements to the chemical s

8、uppliers. 购买部有责任与化学品供给商进行有关EHS需求事宜的沟通。 5.2 Chemical transport and storage 化学品储运5.2.1 Purchasing dept. should to select the qualified company to transport the chemical.购买部应选择专业运输公司负责危险化学品的运输、押运和装卸。5.2.2 Logistic dept. shall ensure that labels on incoming containers of chemicals are appropriate and no

9、t removed or defaced. 物流部在收货时,应核对并确保化学品桶的标识与所送来的的化学品是相一致的,并确保所有化学品被运抵工厂时是带有标签的并完整的。5.2.3 During loading the driver should to take carefully to prevent the container or package broken, property loss or chemical leak. If have any chemical leak to the ground during transport the driver should to dispos

10、al immediately and report to dept.s manager and EHS. 装运时轻拿轻放,防止包装破损引起的人员伤害、财产损失及化学品泄露引发的环境污染。一旦在运输过程中发生化学品泄漏,应当即处理并报告部门经理及EHS。5.2.5 The logistic dept. should to classify the different chemical, indicate the chemical name and post the MSDS at the chemical warehouse. All chemical storage cabinets shou

11、ld be properly labelled. 物流部门对库房内的危险化学品应分类摆放,标识出各化学名称并张贴MSDS。5.2.6 The chemical warehouse must to keep ventilation and to ensure placed the appropriate fire extinguishers and chemical leak preventive material.库房应保持通风良好,确保有适合的灭火器材及防泄漏装置。5.3 Chemical use and disposal 化学品的使用和处置 5.3.1 Operator should st

12、rict to comply the written information and wearing PPE correctly. 操作人员在使用中严格遵守MSDS和HMIS标签上的要求,并正确使用个人防护用品。5.3.2 EHS provide training and the section manager or supervisor to ensure those workers using or those with potential exposure to hazardous chemicals in the factory have been trained in the ele

13、ments base on MSDS information. EHS提供相关的培训,部门经理或主管确保那些使用或是潜在性的暴露于危险化学品中的工人已接受了,根据MSDS清单内容上的基本培训。5.3.3 The section manager or supervisor to ensure if using department refill the chemical, it ought to post the HMIS label to the to another container and keep accordant with originally. 部门经理或主管化学品需分装至另外的

14、容器时,另外的容器必需贴上HMIS标签, 必需与原始容器上的标签一致。5.3.4 The section manager or supervisor ensures to dispose of chemical waste in accordance with environmental procedures.部门经理或主管对各种化学品的废弃物,部门经理或主管应确保废弃物的处理按固体废弃物操纵程序要求进行。5.3.5 The chemical emergency in accordance with MSDS.化学品的应急响应根据MSDS上所提供的信息。5.3.6 The section ma

15、nager or supervisor ensures all the MSDS are available and effective, so that the worker can refer to all the MSDS information timely. 部门经理或主管保证在本部门内使用化学品的区域存放有相关的MSDS清单,而且所有的MSDS清单都是最新版本,以便于员工随时查阅相关的MSDS清单。5.3.7 The section manager or supervisor ensures that proper personal protective equipment is

16、available, used, and in good condition. 部门经理或主管保证部门内员工使用,佩戴个人防护用品,并处于良好状态。 5.4 Chemical management of EHS 化学品的管理5.4.1 EHS establish and maintain the hazard & non-hazard chemical list.(see attachment) EHS应建立并保存工厂的化学品使用清单及危险化学品总清单(参见附件)。5.4.2 EHS verify all MSDS information and provide method of contr

17、ol.应审阅每一张MSDS清单,并决定适当的操纵方法。5.4.3 EHS Identifies training resources which cover information contained in the procedure, and provide chemical training regularly.EHS确定接触化学品的工作区域及人员, 并安排定期培训.5.4.4 EHS should to meet the chemical requirements, reviews the procedure at least annually for effectiveness and revises/updates the plan as necessary to reflect current regulatory practices. EHS应符合法规的要求,每年回想程序并及时根据工厂的实际状况进行修改。6. Attachment 附件6.1 Chemical Inventory 化学品使用清单6.2 Hazard Material Instruction Sheet (HMIS) 危害物品用法说明书6.3 Material Safety Date Sheet (MSDS)化学品安全数据清单7. Date 1


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