我家乡的英语作文My hometown_第1页
我家乡的英语作文My hometown_第2页
我家乡的英语作文My hometown_第3页




1、我的家乡(My Hometown)英语作文我的家乡英语作文(一)My hometown is beautiful, and one of the streams in my hometown is the bestplace to stay in my hometown. In the spring, in the dense forest, the stream clatter and the song goesaway. The little bird was chirping over the stream, greeting the creek sister.See, the spri

2、ng breeze mother-in-law also came, is giving the brook comb thehead! The ripple of the ripples was the brook sisters gauze. Then we came. Webrought a bouquet of beautiful flowers to the stream sister. Summer came, and the brook sang the merry songs to meet her sister. As thered sun shone on the gree

3、n forest, the cicadas were calling in the tree, as ifthey were talking to her sister. The little stream reached the crops and sawthat the little plants were dying of thirst, so they gave a drink of water. Theyoung miao immediately became spirit, have curved waist, be like to give thanksto the little

4、 brook elder sister! The stream happily left. When autumn came, thestream ran through the crops and saw the farmers uncle, who had a good harvestthis year, because she had helped uncle farmer. The stream came to the orchardagain, and saw that we were picking the fruit, and she took a bath for thefru

5、it, and she smiled happily, and looked, and her face was red with laughter.The stream happily went away. In winter, the stream has a thick layer of ice and becomes our paradise.I skate with my friends on it. Look, its snowing! We cried gleefully. Soonthe snow stopped, and we piled a huge snowman on

6、the stream. The snowman laughedso much, so happy to see it, even we smiled happily. The stream in my hometown is like a kind mother, caring for us. I love you,the stream in my hometown! 我的家乡风景优美,其中家乡的一条小溪是最值得家乡人留恋的地方。 春天,在茂密的森林中,小溪“哗啦哗啦”地唱着,欢乐的歌儿流向远方。小鸟在小溪上空“叽叽喳喳”,是在向小溪姐姐问候呢!快看,春风婆婆也赶来了,正在给小溪梳头呀!那泛起

7、的层层波纹,就是小溪姐姐的纱衣。这时,我们也赶来了。我们给小溪姐姐送来了一束束美丽的鲜花。 夏天来到了,小溪又唱着欢快的歌儿,来迎接夏姐姐。火红的太阳照在郁郁葱葱的森林里,蝉在树上叫着,好像在给小溪姐姐说话。小溪流到庄稼边,看见小苗都快渴死了,于是,就给了点水喝。小苗就马上精神起来了,有弯弯腰,像是在给小溪姐姐致谢呢!小溪高兴地走了。秋天来了,小溪流过庄稼,看见农民伯伯今年又是一个大丰收,心里美滋滋的,因为她帮助过农民伯伯呀!小溪又来到果园,看见我们正在摘果子,她淘气地给果子洗了个澡,果子高兴地笑了,看,笑得脸都红了。小溪快乐的走了。 冬天,小溪结了一层厚厚的冰,就成了我们的“乐园”。我和小伙

8、伴们一起在上面滑冰。“看,下雪啦!”我们欢快地叫着。一会儿,雪停了,我们就在小溪上堆了一个大肚子雪人。雪人笑得多开心,看它那么开心,连我们也开心地笑了。 家乡的小溪像一位慈祥的母亲,呵护着我们。我爱你,家乡的小溪! 我的家乡英语作文(二) My hometown, weihai, is a beautiful seaside town that is picturesque allthe year round. In spring, weihai woke up. After a spring rain, the grass peeped out of thelittle head and l

9、ooked at the world curiously. The glittering and translucentdrops of rain gave the beautiful flower a necklace. The willow also seemed tosprout a bud overnight. Springs emissary - the spring flowers added a touch ofshowy and enchanting to the green weihai. In the summer, weihai became active. Most f

10、lowers are open this season. Thesea is the most beautiful of the season. The broad sea of the morning was like achild who had not yet woken up; even the lively fish, who were lazily in thearms of the sea; At noon the sea was like a young man, who had found freedomhere, and the seagulls were hovering

11、 above the sea, and they were flying withthe boats; While the evening the sea like a graceful girl, quiet and beautiful,people came to the seaside, let cool water wash away the fatigue of a day, allkinds of swimsuit, colorful, the arbor dressed the colorful, especiallyenchanting. In autumn, weihai b

12、egins to become colorful and lively. In the field, thesorghum was flushed and the rice was bent. Orchard purple grape agate, goldenpear droplight, people come here to pick, the orchard thronged, farmer unclehappily from ear to ear, the joy of harvest with their faces. Ah! The weihai ofautumn, a live

13、ly and remarkable scroll. In the winter, weihai lost its usual bustle and began to silence. Itsnowed, and weihai became a world of silver. But there were still naughtychildren playing outside, and there was a burst of laughter in the sky. Thewinter of weihai is really a simple ink painting. Ah! Weih

14、ai, I love you. Love your color, love your beauty. 我的家乡威海,是个美丽的海滨小城,一年四季,风景如画。 春天,威海醒了。一场春雨过后,小草探出了小脑袋,好奇地张望着这个世界。晶莹剔透的雨珠给本就娇美的小花戴上了项链。杨柳也仿佛在一夜之间抽出了细芽。春的使者迎春花给绿色的威海添加了几分艳丽和妩媚。 夏天,威海开始活跃起来。大多数的花都在这个季节开放了。这个季节的威海,最美的是海。清晨那广阔的大海像一个还没睡醒的孩子,就连那活泼好动的鱼儿也在海的怀抱里慵懒地撒起娇来;中午的海像一个朝气蓬勃的少年,人们都在这里找到了自由,海鸥盘旋在海面上,跟着轮船尽情地飞翔;而傍晚的海则像一个亭亭玉立的少女,恬静而美丽,人们纷纷来到了海边,让凉爽的海水冲洗掉一天的疲劳,各色的泳装,五彩的凉棚,把大海打扮得五彩缤纷,分外妖娆。


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