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1、Topic 6: PsycholinguisticsWang LijuanPsycholinguisticsLanguage is closely related to the human mind.(a window of the mind)In the1940s, the term came into being.Psycholinguistics: A Survey of Theory and Research Problems (1954)A milestone, marking the birth of the new sciencePsycholinguistics attempt

2、s to study language as a psychological process.6.1 The biological foundations of languageBy far, human beings are the only species that possess language ability.Our linguistic ability is a biological gift of the speciess gene program.6.1.1 Speech organsThese organs consist of lips, teeth, tongue, or

3、al cavity, nasal cavity, palate, velum, pharynx, epiglottis, vocal cord, pulmonic cavity and so on.Human teethupright, not slanting outwards, the top and the bottom sets can meetLipsmuscles which show more intricate interlacing than those of other animalsmouthrelatively small, can open and shut rapi

4、dlytonguethick, muscular and flexible enough to get in touch with other parts of the oral cavity.6.1.2 BrainNervous system psychological stimulus speech organsWhat is the most powerful part of the human body that controls the process?The human brain. production thoughts in the brain language compreh

5、ension Brain LateralizationHuman brain (1) cerebellum (小脑): responsible for controlling body equilibrium and regulating the function of voluntary movements (2) cerebrum (大脑): important for language psychologyThe surface of the cerebrum: cerebral cortex (大脑皮层) is the information processing and decisi

6、on-making organ and the biological basis of human psychology. Major mental functions under the control of each hemisphereSuch localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called brain lateralization.Left cerebral hemisphereRight cerebral hemispherecon

7、trol the right side of human bodylanguage and speechanalytic reasoningtemporal orderingreading and writingcalculationassociative thoughtcontrol the left side of human bodyperception of nonlinguistic soundsholistic reasoningvisual and spatial skillsrecognition of patternsrecognition of musical melodi

8、esRight ear advantage:Most people report the stimuli heard in the right ear more accurately than that in the left one. How to explain such a phenomenon? e.g. the dichotic listening researchThe majority of normal human beings have speech located primarily in the left hemisphere.Language centersVerbal

9、 information processing is realized mainly through a number of language centers situated in the left hemisphere.1) Brocas area (布罗卡区) anterior language area It lies in the frontal part of the left brain.2) Wernickes area (韦尼克区) posterior language area It leans behind Brocas area.3) Angular gyrus (角形

10、脑回) It lies further behind the Wernickes area. It is by this part that human beings match a spoken form with a perceived object, name the objects and comprehend the written language.Brocas aphasia (布罗卡失语症)Paul Broca, French doctor, 1861 Any lesion of the anterior part of the left hemisphere will lea

11、d to speech production difficulties. (expressive aphasia)e.g. Yes ahMondayDad and Peterhospital and ah Wednesday, nine oclockand ah doctors twoerteethyah. Symptoms: poor articulation express a single word at a time omit articles, conjunctions, omit grammatical inflectionsWernickes aphasia (韦尼克失语症)Ca

12、rl Wernicke, German physician, 1874 Any lesion in another area of the left hemisphere will lead to speech comprehension deficits. (receptive aphasia)e.g. Colorless green ideas are sleeping furiously. Symptoms: fast and fluent speech good intonation, pronunciation inappropriate content even nonsense

13、6.2 Language productionA process of conversion from thoughts to speech. Easy or difficult to study? Why? Difficult to study. It is almost impossible to observe the internal ideas or the involved processes. Now, language production can only be studied through indirect evidence:1) the analysis of paus

14、es in spontaneous speech2) the analysis of instances of speech errors (slips of the tongue)6.2.1 Pauses or silenceAround 40%-50% of an average spontaneous utterance consists of pauses.Types of pauses: breathing & hesitationReasons for pauses: (video watching)1) to take a breath2) to organize his tho

15、ught3) to find a proper word4) to wait to see the effect of his speech on the listenerFinding: Speakers do not normally pause between clauses; they pause inside them.Conclusion: There is overlapping in the planning and production of clauses. That is, we begin to plan the next clause while still utte

16、ring the present one.6.2.2 Speech errorse.g. You have hissed my mystery lectures. I saw you fight a liar in the back quad. In fact, you have tasted the whole worm.Eight types of speech errors (Psychology of Language, D. W. Carroll, 1986)TypeExamplesShiftThais so shell be ready in case she decide to

17、hits it.ExchangeFancy getting your model renosed.AnticipationBake my bike.PerseverationHe pulled the pents up.AdditionI didnt explain this clarefully enough.DeletionIll just get up and mutter intelligibly (un-intelligibly).SubstitutionAt low speeds its too light (heavy).BlendThat child is looking to

18、 be spaddled (spanked/paddled).Speech errors石头把玻璃没打碎。 黄飞鸿 (hui)这个电影真可怖。 他在柏林一天工作三星期。TypeExamplesShiftThais so shell be ready in case she decide to hits it (decides to hit).ExchangeFancy getting your model renosed (nose remodeled).AnticipationBake my bike (take my bike).PerseverationHe pulled the pen

19、ts (tents) up.AdditionI didnt explain this clarefully enough (carefully).DeletionIll just get up and mutter intelligibly (un-intelligibly).SubstitutionAt low speeds its too light (heavy).BlendThat child is looking to be spaddled (spanked/paddled).The process of language production:1) the constructio

20、n of a thought to be expressed2) the formulation of the thought into linguistic terms3) the construction of a motor command for the utterance4) the execution of that motor command6.3 Language comprehensionSpeech thoughtse.g. He said he would resign if nothing changed.1) perceptual level: perceive in

21、dividual speech sounds coming in a continuous string.2) lexical level: activate our internal lexicon and retrieve the lexical representations of the words that have been stored in our long term memory, and then integrate them into the ongoing linguistic context.3) sentential level: use our syntactic

22、 and semantic knowledge to build in our short-term memory.4) discourse level: rely on preceding context to identify the person that he refers to.It must be noted that the four levels operate at roughly the same time upon language input and may influence the operation of other levels. They are mutual

23、ly dependent.Lexical accessMental lexicon: We store a great deal of information about the properties of words in our mind.e.g. renewable (How to pose?)a novel word morphological rules several times later store and access it as a unit or worde.g. Her face was in the shadow.phonological rules phonemes

24、 activate a set of word candidates shallow / window the proper candidate is chosenVariables that influence lexical access1) word frequency: low-frequency more monitoring times2) phonological variables3) morphological complexity: e.g. reestablishmentality4) lexical ambiguity: e.g. The jealous husband read the letter. The antique typewriter was missing a lette


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