1、Motivating EmployeesChapter9-2Motivating EmployeesChapter9-Case: 问题 Suppose you set up a small company after graduation, there are many works which require your employees to do. How do you motivate your employees?我们的模拟案例中的创业小公司面临的一个眼前的问题,如何招募到员工,如何激励员工为企业工作?152Case: 问题 Suppose you set up a Case: 情形案
2、例 Suppose you set up a small company after graduation, because of the limited budgets you can not provide favorable salary to your employees, however, there are many works which require your employees to work over time with very limited overtime subsidies in addition to a unsatisfied working environ
3、ments. In such a situation, what you will do ?How do you motivate your employees?153Case: 情形案例 Suppose you set up 164What Is Motivation?Define motivationExplain motivation as a need-satisfying process.164What Is Motivation?Define 155MotivationD Motivation 动机Is the process by which a persons efforts
4、are energized, directed, and sustained towards attaining a goal动机是个体为了实现目标而付出的努力的过程,包括努力的产生、指向和努力的持续等。155MotivationD Motivation 动机156MotivationD Motivation 动机Is the process by which a persons efforts are energized, directed, and sustained towards attaining a goal动机是个体为了实现目标而付出的努力的过程,包括努力的产生、指向和努力的持续
5、等。Three key elements: Energy 努力: a measure of intensity or drive.Direction 方向: toward organizational goalsPersistence 坚持性: exerting effort to achieve goals.Motivation works best when individual needs are compatible with organizational goals.156MotivationD Motivation 动机167MotivationQ: Is Motivation a
6、 personal trait? that some people have and others dont? 动机是有人有,有人没有吗?A: Motivation is the result of an interaction between a person and a situation.不,内外交织的结果167MotivationQ: Is Motivation1582. Early Theories of Motivation 早期激励理论2.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs2.2 MacGregors Theories X and Y2.3 Herzberg
7、s Two-Factor Theory2.4 McClellands Three Needs Theory1582. Early Theories of 159Exhibit 151Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛需要层次理论自我实现尊重社交安全生理2.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory159Exhibit 151Maslows Hier2.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory1610Physiological needs - a persons needs for food, drink, sh
8、elter, sexual satisfaction, and other physical needs.Safety needs - a persons needs for security and protection from physical and emotional harm.Social needs - a persons needs for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Esteem needs - a persons needs for internal factors (e.g., self-re
9、spect, autonomy, and achievement) and external factors (such as status, recognition, and attention).Self-actualization needs - a persons need to become what he or she is capable of becoming.2.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Need1511151115122.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory马斯洛 需要层次理论Needs were categorized
10、 as five levels of lower- to higher-order needs.Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs.Satisfied needs will no longer motivate.Motivating a person depends on knowing at what level that person is on the hierarchy.Hierarchy of needsLower-order (external):
11、 physiological, safetyHigher-order (internal): social, esteem, self-actualization15122.1 Maslows Hierarchy of15132.2 McGregors Theory X and Theory Y麦格雷戈X理论和Y理论Theory XAssumes that workers have little ambition, dislike work, avoid responsibility, and require close supervision.Theory YAssumes that wor
12、kers can exercise self-direction, desire responsibility, and like to work.15132.2 McGregors Theory X1514McGregors Theory X and Theory Y麦格雷戈X理论和Y理论Theory XLower-order needs dominated individualsTheory YHigher-order needs dominated individuals.Assumption:Theory Y is more valid than those of Theory XMo
13、tivation is maximized by participative decision making, interesting jobs, and good group relations.1514McGregors Theory X and T1515Q: Which Theory Is More Valid?Comments of the author: No evidence to confirm that either set of assumptions is valid or that being a Theory Y manager makes employees mor
14、e motivated. 1515Q: Which Theory Is More 15162.3 Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory赫兹伯格的双因理论 or Two factor theoryJob satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are created by different factors.Hygiene factors 保健因素: extrinsic (environmental) factors that create job dissatisfaction.Motivators 激励因素: intrins
15、ic (psychological) factors that create job satisfaction.Attempted to explain why job satisfaction does not result in increased performance.The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather no satisfaction.15162.3 Herzbergs Motivatio1517Exhibit 163Contrasting Views of Satisfaction-Dissa
16、tisfactionP4331517Exhibit 163Contrasting 1518Exhibit 162Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory 赫兹伯格双因理论P4341518Exhibit 162Herzbergs M15192.4 Three-Needs Theory 三种需要理论 David McClelland 戴维.麦克利兰There are three major acquired needs that are major motives in work.Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要The drive to
17、 excel and succeedPersonal responsibility, feedback on performance, too easy or too difficult work; nAch manager good managerNeed for power (nPow) 权力需要The need to influence the behavior of othersBest managers tend to be high in the need for achievementNeed of affiliation (nAff) 归属需要The desire for in
18、terpersonal relationships15192.4 Three-Needs Theory Exhibit 16-4: TAT Picturesp435Exhibit 16-4: TAT Picturesp4351521Exhibit 164Examples of Pictures Used for Assessing Levels of nAch, nAff, and nPow投射测试:根据图片写故事1521Exhibit 164Examples of 16223. Contemporary Theories of Motivation3.1 Goal-Setting Theor
19、y3.2 Reinforcement Theory3.3 Job Design theory3.4 Equity Theory3.5 Expectancy Theory3.6 Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation16223. Contemporary Theories 16233.1 Goal-setting theory Goal-Setting Theory 目标设置理论 E.A. LockeProposes that setting goals that are accepted, specific, and challengin
20、g yet achievable will result in higher performance than having no or easy goals. 理论主张设立具体而富有挑战性的,同时又是可以达成的和可以接受的目标,能够取得比没有目标或者有很容易实现的目标更好的成果。16233.1 Goal-setting theory G15243.1 Goal-setting theory Goal-Setting Theory 目标设置理论 E.A. LockeThree researches support the theoryIntention to work toward a goa
21、l is a major source of job motivation. 努力完成工作目标是工作最主要动力Ex: “do your best”; or “to score a 93% to keep your A in the class”Achievement motivation is stimulated by moderately challenging goals 10-20% high achieversAccepted and committed to the goals(2) Participation can improve acceptance of challengi
22、ng goals.(3) Feedbacks have positive effects on motivation 15243.1 Goal-setting theory G1525Goal-Setting Theory 目标设置理论的内容Three factors affect the goal-performanceGoal commitment 目标承诺Internal locus of controlGoals are made publicGoals are self-set rather than assigned Adequate self-efficacy 自我效能Indiv
23、iduals Belief that he/she is capable of performing a taskLow self-efficacy-reduce efforts to respond negative feedbacksHigh self-efficacy-increase efforts to respond negative feedbacksNational culture 民族文化The value of goal-setting theory depends on the national culture.Adaptable in US CanadaMight no
24、t adaptable in some other countries, such as Chilly , Portugal1525Goal-Setting Theory 目标设置理1626Exhibit 165Goal-Setting Theory 目标设置理论P437Conclusions:Intention to work toward a goal is a major source of job motivation.The theory is applicable to employees who accept the goals and have goal commitment.
25、Participation can improve acceptance of challenging goals.Feedbacks have positive effects on motivation Summarize自我效能1626Exhibit 165Goal-Setting16273.2 Reinforcement TheoryReinforcement Theory 强化理论 B.F. SkinnerAssumes that a desired behavior is a function of its consequences, is externally caused, a
26、nd if reinforced, is likely to be repeated.行为是结果的函数,行为的原因来自外部,如果行为之后紧接着给予一个积极的强化物,则会提高该行为的重复的比率。Positive reinforcement is preferred for its long-term effects on performanceIgnoring undesired behavior is better than punishment which may create additional dysfunctional behaviors.Research shows that re
27、inforcement strongly affects work behaviors of employees16273.2 Reinforcement TheoryR1628Difference between RT andGST强化理论与目标设定理论的区别The Difference Between Reinforcement Theory and Goal-Setting TheoryRT assumes a behavior is caused by environment 强调环境GST believes that sources of motivation is from per
28、sonal goals 强调内心对目标的追求1628Difference between RT and16293.3 Designing motivating Jobs Job design theoryJob Design 工作设计The way tasks are combined to form complete jobs. 将各种任务组合起来构成完整工作的方法。Factors influencing job design:Changing organizational environment/structureThe organizations technologyEmployees
29、skill, abilities, and preferences16293.3 Designing motivating 16303.3 Job Design TheoryJob Design 工作设计Approaches of job designing to motivate employees Job enlargement 工作扩大化 (scope)横向扩大Increasing the jobs scope (number and frequency of tasks) Ex: dentist, sanitizing and storing instruments Job enric
30、hment 工作丰富化 (depth) 纵向扩大Increasing responsibility and autonomy (depth) in a job. Ex: dentist, schedule appointments, follow up with clients16303.3 Job Design TheoryJob 1631Designing Motivating Jobs (contd)Job Characteristics Model (JCM) 工作特征模型A conceptual framework for designing motivating jobs that
31、 create meaningful work experiences that satisfy employees growth needs.Five primary job characteristics:Skill variety 技能多样性: how many skills and talents are needed?Task identity 任务完整性: does the job produce a complete work?Task significance 任务重要性: how important is the job?Autonomy 工作自主性: how much in
32、dependence does the jobholder have?Feedback 工作反馈: do workers know how well they are doing?1631Designing Motivating Jobs1632Exhibit 166Job Characteristics Model 工作特征模型Source: J.R. Hackman and J.L. Suttle (eds.). Improving Life at Work (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1977). With permission of the auth
33、ors.P439个人与工作的结果1632Exhibit 166Job Characte1633Exhibit 167Guidelines for Job RedesignSource: J.R. Hackman and J.L. Suttle (eds.). Improving Life at Work (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1977). With permission of the authors.P4401633Exhibit 167Guidelines f1634Designing Motivating Jobs (contd)Suggestio
34、ns for Using the JCM 工作特性模式的建议Combine tasks (job enlargement) to create more meaningful work. 创造工作的重要性Create natural work units to make employees work important and whole.工作的完整性Establish external and internal client relationships to provide feedback. 建立客户联系Expand jobs vertically (job enrichment) by
35、giving employees more autonomy. 自主权Open feedback channels to let employees know how well they are doing. 完整性反馈1634Designing Motivating Jobs3.4 Equity Theory 公平理论 J. Stacey Adams 斯达西.亚当斯D Equity theory - the theory that an employee compares his or her jobs input-outcome ratio with that of relevant ot
36、hers and then corrects any inequity.把自己的所得与付出的比较系数与参照系统比较,然后改变任何的不公平。Referents - the persons, systems, or selves against which individuals compare themselves to assess equity.3.4 Equity Theory 公平理论 J.1636Exhibit 168Equity Theory 公平理论P4421636Exhibit 168Equity Theor15373.4 Equity TheoryEquity TheoryIf
37、 the ratios are perceived as equal then a state of equity (fairness) exists.If the ratios are perceived as unequal, inequity exists and the person feels under- or over-rewarded.When inequities occur, employees will attempt to do something to rebalance the ratios (seek justice).15373.4 Equity TheoryE
38、quity T1638Case:Fair or Unfair ?央企高管降薪正式实施 涉及72家央企负责人 央企高管降薪至8千少壮派老总表示不干了1638Case:Fair or Unfair ?央企高1639Case:Fair or Unfair ?央企高管降薪正式实施 涉及72家央企负责人 从2015年起,72家央企高管工资单上的数字要小了,他们享受的职务消费也将被严格规范。昨天(1月1日),中央管理企业负责人薪酬制度改革方案正式实施。改革首批将涉及72家央企的负责人,包括中石油、中石化、中国移动等组织部门任命负责人的53家央企,以及其他金融、铁路等19家企业。这次改革在业内称为“有一锤定
39、音之效”。人社部副部长邱小平曾表示,“改革后多数中央管理企业负责人的薪酬水平将会下降,有的下降幅度还会比较大”。双重身份,不能双重标准 央企负责人往往具有双重身份,不仅是职业经理人,还同时是具有较高行政级别的公务员。在职务薪酬上往往既有高管工资,又有“高官”待遇。数据显示,2013年我国沪深上市公司主要负责人年平均薪酬水平为76.3万元,全部负责人平均薪酬水平为46.1万元。央企负责人薪酬水平是同期沪深上市公司主要负责人的大约23倍,与职工薪酬差距达到12倍之多,显著偏高。不过,中国社科院人口与劳动经济研究所副所长张车伟说,新规实施后,也并非大多数央企负责人的薪酬水平会普遍下降。张车伟:“从我
40、们看到的情况来讲,央企高管也就是个别人的薪酬水平过高。那么,我想它影响的是那些特别高的人,对大多数人来讲,应该有影响,但不会特别大。过高的薪酬肯定会显著下降,这毫无疑问。”降薪撬动国有企业完善现代企业制度 改革后的央企高管的薪酬结构由基本年薪加绩效改为基本年薪、绩效年薪加任期激励收入。一位央企内部人士分析说,基本年薪将根据上年度72家在职员工平均工资的两倍确定。绩效年薪不超过基本年薪的两倍。而任期激励收入不超过年薪总水平的30%。总的收入不超过在职员工平均工资的78倍。张车伟认为,严格规范央企负责人薪酬,其实不是简单意义上的降薪,更深的意义在于撬动国有企业完善现代企业制度。张车伟:“这并不意味
41、着高管薪酬的改革就只是一个降薪,而是说向着一个更加合理的薪酬体系改革的方向,而且本身就应该是我们国有企业改革的一个重要部分。”1639Case:Fair or Unfair ?央企高1640Responses to perceived inequities Equity Theory (contd)Employee responses to perceived inequities:Distort own or others ratios. 曲解Induce others to change their own inputs or outcomes.Change own inputs (inc
42、rease or decrease efforts) or outcomes (seek greater rewards).Choose a different comparison (referent) other (person, systems, or self).Quit their job.Employees are concerned with both the absolute and relative nature of organizational rewards.1640Responses to perceived in1641Distributive Justice an
43、d Procedural justiceEquity Theory (contd)Distributive justice 分配公平The perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals (i.e., who received what).Influences an employees satisfaction.Procedural justice 程序公平The perceived fairness of the process use to determine the distribu
44、tion of rewards (i.e., how who received what).Affects an employees organizational commitment.Implication of Equity TheoryMotivations are affected by equitySharing informationProcedural justice1641Distributive Justice and 16423.5 Expectancy TheoryExpectancy Theory (Victor Vroom维克多.弗罗姆) 期待理论States tha
45、t an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. 当人们预期某种行为能为个体带来某种特定的结果,而且这种结果对个体具有吸引力时,个体就倾向于采取这种行为。EX: Incentive tour to abroad after completing the goal of work 1642
46、3.5 Expectancy TheoryExp16433.5 Expectancy TheoryExpectancy Theory (Victor Vroom)期待理论Key to the theory is understanding and managing employee goals and the linkages among and between effort, performance and rewards.Effort: employee abilities and training/developmentPerformance: valid appraisal syste
47、msRewards (goals): understanding employee needs16433.5 Expectancy TheoryExp1544Exhibit 169Simplified Expectancy ModelP442目标与个人努力的联接1544Exhibit 169Simplified E15453.5 Expectancy Theory (contd)Expectancy RelationshipsExpectancy (effort-performance linkage) 期望或努力绩效联系The perceived probability that an in
48、dividuals effort will result in a certain level of performance.Instrumentality (performance-reward linkage)奖赏联系The perception that a particular level of performance will result in the attaining a desired outcome (reward).Valence (attractiveness of reward)效价或奖赏的吸引力The attractiveness/importance of the
49、 performance reward (outcome) to the individual.15453.5 Expectancy Theory (co1546P4443.6 Integrating Contemporary Theories of MotivationExhibit 1610Integrating Contemporary Theories of MotivationFive theoriesGoal settingReinforcementJob designEquityExpectancy1546P4443.6 Integrating Conte15474. Curre
50、nt Issues in MotivationManaging Cross-Cultural Motivational ChallengesMotivating Unique Groups of WorkersDiverse WorkforceProfessionalsContingent WorkersMinimum-Wage EmployeesDesigning Appropriate Rewards ProgramsMotivating in Tough Economic Circumstances1547Managing Cross-Cultural M15484.1 Cross-Cu
51、ltural ChallengesMotivational programs are most applicable in cultures where individualism and quality of life are cultural characteristicsUncertainty avoidance of some cultures inverts Maslows needs hierarchy.The need for achievement (nAch) is lacking in other cultures.Collectivist cultures view re
52、wards as “entitlements” to be distributed based on individual needs, not individual performance.Cross-Cultural ConsistenciesInteresting work is widely desired, as is growth, achievement, and responsibility.15484.1 Cross-Cultural Challe15494.2 Motivating Unique Groups of Workers(1)Motivating a divers
53、e workforce through flexibility:激励多元化的员工队伍Men desire more autonomy than do women.Women desire learning opportunities, flexible work schedules, and good interpersonal relations.15494.2 Motivating Unique Gro1550(1)Motivating a diverse workforce through flexibility:激励多元化的员工队伍Flexible Work/Job schedules
54、Compressed work weekLonger daily hours, but fewer daysFlexible work hours (flextime)Specific weekly hours with varying arrival, departure, lunch and break times around certain core hours during which all employees must be present.Job SharingTwo or more people split a full-time job.TelecommutingEmplo
55、yees work from home using computer links.1550(1)Motivating a diverse w1551Current Issues in Motivation (contd)(2)Motivating ProfessionalsCharacteristics of professionalsStrong and long-term commitment to their field of expertise.Loyalty is to their profession, not to the employer.Have the need to re
56、gularly update their knowledge.Dont define their workweek as 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.Motivators for professionalsJob challengeOrganizational support of their work1551Current Issues in Motivat1552Current Issues in Motivation (contd)(3)Motivating Contingent Workers 激励应急员工(临时工)Opportunity to become a perman
57、ent employeeOpportunity for trainingEquity in compensation and benefits(4)Motivating Low-Skilled, Minimum-Wage EmployeesHigher payEmployee recognition programs, provision of sincere praise1552Current Issues in Motivat15534.3 Designing Appropriate Rewards Programs(1)Open-book management 账目公开管理Involvi
58、ng employees in workplace decision by opening up the financial statements of the employer.(2)Employee recognition programs 员工认可方案Giving personal attention and expressing interest, approval, and appreciation for a job well done.(3)Pay-for-performance 绩效工资方案Variable compensation plans that reward empl
59、oyees on the basis of their performance:Piece rates, wage incentives, profit-sharing, and lump-sum bonuses(4)Stock option programs 股票期权方案right to purchase shares of company stock at a set (option) price15534.3 Designing Appropriate4.4 Motivating in Tough Economic CircumstancesCreativeCommunicationEs
60、tablish common goalCreating a community feel so employees could see that managers cared about them and their workGive opportunities to continue to learn and growEncouraging word16544.4 Motivating in Tough Econom15555. From Theory to Practice: Guidelines for Motivating Employees15555. From Theory to
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