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1、Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 14人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成Just write问ask回答answer吃eat制造;做make想think晚;迟到late班classJust practise问题question积极地actively安静的quiet喧闹;制造噪音make noise积极地问并回答问题安静不要制造噪音不要在课上吃(东西)Listen to the teacher carefully .认真地听老师(讲课)。Dont be late for class/school.不要上课/上学迟到。Lets a

2、ctLets chant i /i/ /ai/Nine little mice are riding bikes.九只小老鼠正在骑自行车。They are riding side by side.它们正并排骑。They are riding to that school.它们正骑向那所学校。The school is on the riverside.那所学校在河边。Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 13人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成高伟是一个好男孩。他非常了解学校规则。他很早来学校。他认真听课并且积极发言。他从不在课堂上

3、制造噪音。他是一名组长。他的小组正在制订一份班级规则清单。 班级规则认真听课并且积极发言。按时交作业。上学不要迟到。不要在课堂上制造噪音。a good boy 一个好男孩 very well 非常好 come to school 来学校school rules 学校规则 class rules 班级规则 listen to 听 make noise 制造噪音 in class 在课上 a group leader 一名组长 a list of class rules 一份班级规则清单 listen carefully 认真听课 talk actively 积极发言 hand in your h

4、omework 交作业 on time 按时 be later for sxhool 上学迟到 ask 对应词 answer active 副词 actively noisy 对应词 quietmake 动名词 making cake、wake、take 形近词makeear 形近词 eat eat 近义词 have(吃) early 反义词lateclass 复数classes glass形近词class class汉意(班 、课、同学)careful 副词carefully do not 缩写dontGao Wei is a good boy.He knows the school rul

5、es very well.He comes to school early.He listens carefully and talks actively.He never makes noise in class.Hes a group leader.His group is making a list of class rules.高伟是一个好男孩。他非常了解学校规则。他很早来学校。他认真听课并且积极发言。他从不在课堂上制造噪音。他是一名组长。他的小组正在制订一份班级规则清单。 Class RulesListen carefully and talk actively.Hand in yo

6、ur homework on time.Dont be late for school.Dont make noise in class. 班级规则认真听课并且积极发言。按时交作业。上学不要迟到。不要在课堂上制造噪音。( )1、school rules A.班级规则 ( )2、class rules B.学校规则( )3、a list of C.认真听课 ( )4、listen carefully D. 一份清单 ( )5、talk actively E.制造噪音( )6、make noise F.积极发言( )7、hand in your homework G.上学迟到( )8、be lat

7、er for sxhool H.交作业( )9、eat in class I. 按时 ( )10、on time J.课上吃东西( )1、Gao Wei good boy. A.is an B.are a C.is a( )2、He the school very well. A.know.rules B.knows.rule C.knows.rules ( )3、He school early. A.come to B.comes C.comes to( )4、He listens and talks . A.careful.active B.carefully.actively C.car

8、e.act ( )5、He never noise class. A.make.in B.makes.in C.makes.in the( )6、Hes a group . A.lead B.leader C.leaders( )7、His group is a list class rules. A.makes.of B.making.of C.making.in( )8、Hand your homework time. A.in.on B.on.in C.on.on( )9、 be late school. A.Dont.for B.Doesnt.for C.Dont.to ( )10、L

9、isten the teacher carefully. A.to B.for C.ofUnit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 16人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成Just write回家go home做家务do housework起床get up去睡觉go to bedJust practise保持房间清洁keep your room clean在床上看书read in bed晚回家go home lateYou should go to bed early.你应该早点去睡觉。You shouldnt read in bed.你

10、不应该在床上看书。You should do(动词原形)sth.你应该做某事。You shouldnt do(动词原形) sth.你不应该做某事。Lets talk Lets chant i /i/This is a picture, Of a big city.这是一幅大城市的图片。That is a picture, Of a little lily.那是一幅小百合花的图片。Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 15人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成彼得在学校是一名好学生,但是有时他在家不是一个好孩子。他不喜欢做家务。他经常把

11、他的房间弄得乱七八糟。他看电视太频繁。他在床上看书,他很晚去睡觉。彼得的妈妈给他写了一些家庭规则:家庭规则你应该:1.帮忙做家务。2.保持你的房间清洁。3.早点儿去睡觉。你不应该:1.起床很晚。2.看电视太频繁。3.在床上看书。at school 在学校 a good stdent 一名好学生 at home 在家 a good boy 一个好男孩do housework 做家务 make a mess 弄得乱七八糟watch TV 看电视 too often 太频繁read in bed 在床上看书 go to bed (early)(早点儿)去睡觉home rules 家庭规则 keep

12、your room clean 保持房间清洁go home( late)( 晚)回家 get up 起床 help to do 帮助做get up 对应短语 go to bed watch 三单形式watches early 反义词late go三单形式 goes write 三单形式writes should not缩写形式 shouldnt第15-16课 固定短语和词类转换Peter is a good student at school.But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.He doesn t like to do housework.H

13、e often makes a mess in his room.He watches TV too often.He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.Peter s mother writes some home rules for him:彼得在学校是一名好学生,但是有时他在家不是一个好孩子。他不喜欢做家务。他经常把他的房间弄得乱七八糟。他看电视太频繁。他在床上看书,他很晚去睡觉。彼得的妈妈给他写了一些家庭规则:Home RulesYou should:1.help to do housework.2.keep your room cle

14、an.3.go to bed early.You shouldnt:1.get up late.2.watch TV too often.3.read in bed.家庭规则你应该:1.帮忙做家务。2.保持你的房间清洁。3.早点儿去睡觉。你不应该:1.起床很晚。2.看电视太频繁。3.在床上看书。( J )1.go home A、太频繁 ( E )2.get up B、弄得乱七八糟( I )3.do housework C、保持房间清洁( D )4.go to bed D、去睡觉( H )5.read in bed E、起床( C )6.keep your room clean F、看电视( G

15、 )7.at home G、在家( B )8.make a mess H、在床上看书( F )9.watch TV I、做家务( A )10.too often J、回家( B )1.Peter a good student school. A.is.in B.is.at C. are.at( B )2.He like to do housework. A.dont B.doesnt C.isnt( C )3.He TV too often. A.watching B.watchs C. watches( C )4.He reads bed. A.at B.in the C.in( A )5.

16、he bed very late. A.goes to B.gos to C,goes( A )6.You should housework. A.help to do B.help do C. helps to do( B )7. he a good boy at home. A.does not B.is not C.are not( B )8.Peter s mother writes some home rules him. A.in B.for C. of( C )9.You should: A.get up late. B. read in bed. C.help to do ho

17、usework.( C )10.You shouldnt: A.help to do housework. B.keep your room clean. C.get up late.Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 18人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成Just write等待wait拿;乘坐take年轻的young孩子child孩子(复数)children人;人们peopleJust practise帮助老人help old people不让进入草地keep off the grass照看好儿童take good care

18、 of young children在街道上玩耍play on the street 摘花pick flowers乱丢杂物litterYou must wait for the green light.你必须等待绿灯。红灯时,你不能过马路。Lets make and talk Lets chant ir /:/The first girl wears a new shirt.第一个女孩穿着一件新衬衫。The second girl wears a new skirt.第二个女孩穿着一条新短裙。Today is the first girls birthday.今天是第一个女孩的生日。She i

19、s as happy as a little bird.她像一只小鸟一样开心。Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Lesson 17人教精通版小学五年级英语下册执教者:讷河市讷南小学 梁吉成当心!你现在禁止过马路。你必须等待绿灯。你禁止随地吐痰。你禁止乱丢杂物。你不要进入草地。你禁止摘花。你必须照看好儿童。固定短语help old people 帮助老人 keep off the grass 不要进入草地take good care of young children 照顾好儿童 pick flowers 摘花 play on the street 在街道上玩耍 w

20、ait for 等待 cross the street 过马路 look out 当心 green light 绿灯 spit on the ground 随地吐痰 talk about 谈论词汇转换want形近词wait young 对应词old take现在分词taking child 复数 childrenmust not 缩写musnt Look out! You mustnt cross the street now. You must wait for the green light.You mustnt spit on the ground.You mustnt litter.Y

21、ou must keep off the grass.You mustn t pick the flowers.You must take good care of young children.当心!你现在禁止过马路。你必须等待绿灯。你禁止随地吐痰。你禁止乱丢杂物。你不要进入草地。你禁止摘花。你必须照看好儿童。( )1、help old people A. 帮助老人 ( )2、keep off the grass B.照顾好( )3、take good care of C.在街道上玩耍( )4、pick flowers D.过马路 ( )5、play on the street E.当心 (

22、 )6、spit on the ground F.不要进入草地( )7、cross the street G.摘花 ( )8、wait for H.随地吐痰( )9、look out I. 等待( )10、green light J. 绿灯( )1、Look ! 当心! A.out B.for C.at ( )2、You mustnt the street now. A.crossing B.cross C,to cross( )3、You must wait the green light. A.on B.at C.for( )4、You spit on the ground. A,must

23、nt B.must C.can( )5、You must keep the grass. A.of B.off C.on( )6、You mustn t pick the flowers. A.flower B.a flower C.flowers( )7、You must take good care young children. A.of B.off C.on( )8、child 复数形式( ) A.childs B.children C.childes( )9、 You mustnt cross the street when the light is . A.green B.yellow C.red( )1、( )2、( )3、 ( )4、 ( )5、( )6、( )7、( )8、( )9、 ( )10、班级规则Listen carefully and talk actively. 认真听课并且积极发言。Listen to the teacher carefully . 认真地听老师(讲课)。Ask and


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