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1、Unit 13Text I Euphemism综合英语Book-Unit13精课件Language Points1. A euphemism is commonly defined as an auspicious or exalted termas more down-to-earth term: euphemism(婉转)是辞格之一。把不愉快、悲痛或粗俗的事情用不怎么刺激人的话语来表示。句中词组in place of表示“代替”,又如use plastics in place of wood or metal (用塑料来代替木材或金属)。与place相关的常用词组有:give place

2、to让位于,被所代替。in place在适当的地位;适当的,相称的。in the first/next place第一点/某次。make place for为腾出地方;让位于。out of place不恰当的。take the place of代替。复合形容词down-to-earth是个褒义词,表示practical and honest,意为“切实的,实事求是的”。Language Points2. People who are partial to euphemisms stand accused of being “phony” or trying to hide what it is

3、 they are really talking about:句中who are partial to euphemisms是修饰people的限制性定语从句,形容词partial是个贬义词,表示showing special favour to one person, side, etc., esp. in a way that is unfair,意为“偏袒的,过分错爱的”,常与介词to连用,其反义词是impartial。文中该句的谓语动词是stand,它在此意为“处于某种状态或境地”,其作用相当于连系动词,stand的这种用法比较常见,又如stand ready for battle (

4、准备好战斗);I stand corrected. (我接受指正)。文中该句里的动词hide接的宾语从句what it is they are really talking about表达的意思就相当于what they are really talking about;加上it is,起强调的作用。2. People who are partial to e3. It is obvious that the government, in choosing the name, was trying toan immoral act:句首的it显然是形式主语,真正的主语是位于obvious后的t

5、hat从句。该主语从句里的主语是the government,谓语动词有并列的两个:was trying和committed。句中的in so doing和in doing so表达的意思一样,只不过是so的词性不同:在in so doing里,so用作副词,意为“这么,如此地”;在in doing so里,so用作代词,意为“这样,如此”。句中插入语as I see it意为“在我看来”。3. It is obvious that the gove4. A garbage man is not “really” a “garbage man,” any more than he is rea

6、lly a “sanitation engineer”:词组notany more than表示“并不比多些”,对前后都进行否定。文中该句表达地意思是“正如垃圾工不是真正的卫生工程师一样,他不是真正的垃圾工”。又如Imperialism will not change its nature, any more than a leopard will (change) its spots. (正如花豹不会改变身上的斑点一样,帝国主义决不会改变它的本性)。4. A garbage man is not “reall综合英语Book-Unit13精课件综合英语Book-Unit13精课件7. But

7、 there is some substance to this illusion: 名词substance在句中表示truth,意为“真义,正确”,表示此意时,它是一个非常正式的词语,又如There is no substance in the rumours that the princess is pregnant. (有关公主怀孕的谣传不是真的)。7. But there is some substance8. and that is as good as changing the nature of the thing itself:句中词组as good as不是almost (t

8、he same thing as),意为“和几乎一样,实际上等于”,又如He as good as refused. (他实际上等于拒绝了)。What he said has as good as shown his attitude. (他的话实际上已经表明了他的态度)。8. and that is as good as cha9. It calls attention, for example, to legitimate reasons why such children might feel alienated from what goes on in school:句首的it指代前句

9、中的to call “slum children” “culturally different”,而不是形式主语。形容词legitimate表示reasonable, sensible,意为“合理的”,又如a legitimate inference (合理的推断)。词组call attention to意为“使人注意到”,to在此是介词。9. It calls attention, for exa10. There must be some authentic tendency or drift in the culture to lendeven appear ridiculous:连词o

10、r在该句中表示“否则,要不然”,可接句子,与otherwise同义,但otherwise是副词,而or是连词。又如Lay down your arms or die! (缴枪不杀!)动词lend在文中该句里意为“提供,给予”,短语lend support to表示“向提供支持”;lend sb. a box on the ear表示“打某人一记耳光”。10. There must be some authent11. I have been astounded not only by how rapidly the name “blacks” has replaced “Negroes”as

11、an accompaniment to the change:从这句话可了解到作者十分惊讶有两个原因:一是因为blacks代替Negroes的速度之快;二是因为人们对黑人的感觉和态度大有改观。句中的as an accompaniment to the change中的an accompaniment指的是“人们对黑人的感觉和态度大有改观”,the change指的是“the blacks代替Negroes”,前者是后者的伴随物,这从而证明了作者的观点:人们在使用委婉语时,不仅改变了说法或称呼,还潜移默化地改变了人们的态度、看法。 11. I have been astounded not 12

12、. To ask where the “shithouse” is, is no more to the point than to ask where the “reason” is:词组to the point意为“扼要”,可视为形容词使用,句中用到了它的比较级形式,即前面加more,构成more to the point。词组no more than表示“同一样不”,否定了两者,带有感情色彩;而与之相似的词组not morethan表示“不比更”,描述实际情况。如 I could no more do that than you. (你不能做这件事,我也不能做)。The new edit

13、ion is not more expensive than the old edition. (新版本不比旧版本更贵)。因此文中该句表达的意思是“问shithouse在哪儿不会比问restroom在哪儿更扼要”。12. To ask where the “shithousText IIClutter综合英语Book-Unit13精课件Language points1. Writing improves in direct ratio to the number of things we can keep out of it that shouldnt be there:这个句子的主体部分是W

14、riting improves (作品得到改进),短语in direct ratio to是修饰improves的状语,其中things带有两个定语从句: we can keep out of it和that shouldnt be there。it在句中指代的是writing。短语in direct ratio意为“成正比”,其反义词组为in inverse ratio (成反比)。文中这句话表达的意思是“作品的改进与我们能删掉的多余东西的数量成正比”。 Language points2. He would, in short, be himself:在这个短短的句子里,运用了两个词组:in

15、 short和be oneself。in short意为“总之,简而言之”,常用逗号与句子主体部分隔开,又如In short, we must be prepared. (总而言之我们要有准备)。be oneself在文中意为“显得自然(或真诚)”,它还可以表示“(人)处于正常状态”。2. He would, in short, be hims3. It is the language of the airline stewardess demonstrating the oxygen maskrun out of air: 这个句子不是强调句型。句首的it指前句中提及的pompous phr

16、ase(夸大的言词)。现在分词短语demonstrating the oxygen作定语,修饰the airline stewardess (空姐),但在翻译成中文时,可将它翻译成时间状语从句“在演示氧气罩时”。句中的that will drop down if the plane should somehow run out of air是修饰the oxygen mask的定语从句;词组run out of意为“用完”,又如They have run out of ink. (他们墨水用完了)。文中这句话表达的意思是“这是空姐在演示飞机缺氧时会落下的氧气罩的用法时使用的语言”。3. It is the language of the a4. Being told that something is interesting is the surest way of tempting the reader to find it dull:句首的被动态


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