



1、广东省揭阳市蓝田中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Jeffery said he to the gettogether the next day, but he didnt.A.had come B.would come C.came D.can come参考答案:B2. I wish for a family _ my parents are treating me like a friend.A. why B. which C. that D. where参考答案:D解析: 定语从句考点。 选B也可选C,而且which /that是关系代词,后面的定语从句是一个完整的句子;在定语

2、从句中that /which 必须充当成分。所以选D , where在这里相当于in which.3. The last few months _ an attractive subject appearing in the news more and more ; the Olympic ,Games A. see B. are seeing C. saw D. have seen 参考答案:D略4. What do you think _solve the problem ?A you can do B can you do C you can do to D can you do to参

3、考答案:C5. strong A. comb B. obvious C. freedom D. front参考答案:B 6. Flight 551 for Dallas _. I must be off now. Have a pleasant trip then.A. is being announced B. has announced C. was announcing D. had been announced 参考答案:A7. _ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order

4、. A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated(在2011年全国18套高考卷中,考查非谓语动词最多的是作状语,共10道题,根据高考题改编。)参考答案:B略8. Never what has happened. What we are supposed to do is whether to change it or to accept it calmly.A .worry about B. care about C. think about D. complain about参考答案:D9. Only af

5、ter he was brought to the police station did the boy _ he had stolen some purses from other passengers.A. participateB. acknowledgeC. realizeD. summarize参考答案:B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. participate参与;B. acknowledge承认;C. realize认识到;D. summarize总结。句意:只有在被带到警局之后,男孩才承认自己偷了其他乘客的钱包。根据“he had stolen some purses from

6、other passengers”可知此处表示“承认”,故B项正确。10. Im not sure whether Ill succeed in persuading her to join us. _, Ill try my best to make it.A. BesidesB. AnyhowC. GenerallyD. Therefore参考答案:B【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我不确定我是否能成功地说服她加入我们。无论如何,我会尽我最大的努力去实现它。A. Besides此外,以及;B. Anyhow无论如何,随便地;C. Generally普遍地,广泛地;D. Therefore因

7、此。第一句中是“不确定”,第二句中是尽最大的努力,两句之间是假设加转折,所以用表示让步的副词切题。故选B。【点睛】Besides既可以用作介词又可以用作副词。1. 用作介词,表示累加,即“除外,还有”。如:Besides advice, he gave her some money. 除了给她建议外,他还给了她一些钱。Did he do anything besides kissing you? 他除了吻你之外,还有什么其他的举动?在否定句中,besides也表示“除之外不再有”,与except 同义。如:No one passed the exam besides except Jim. 除

8、吉姆外,没一个人通过考试。2. 用作副词,其意为“此外”“而且”,可用于分句句首(通常用逗号隔开)或句尾。如,I dont like this dress ;besides, its too expensive. 我不喜欢这连衣裙,而且价钱也太贵。Peter is our youngest child, and we have three others besides. Peter是我们最小的孩子,我们另外还有3个孩子。11. One is expected to behave _ on some special occasions.A. accurately B. Precisely C.

9、appropriately D. rightly参考答案:B略12. Has your father returned from Africa yet?- Yes, but he _ here for only 3 days before his company sent him to Australia.A. was B. has been C. will be D. would be参考答案:A13. Never time come again. Ahas lost Bwill lose Cwill lost Dlose参考答案:C14. The company in our city _

10、 those big investors from the West. A. has a link with B. has a hand in C. is in line with D. is in charge of参考答案:A略15. We are so sorry for thatWell try to determine exactly _ went wrong that eveningAwhere Bwhat Cwhich Dhow参考答案:B二、 完型填空16. I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat

11、of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. So I dance _21_ My dining room is now a _22_ ballroom. Each morning when I _23_ the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on the _24_ and its dance time! I dance alone to whatever is playing.Tango(探戈) is a recent enthusiasm. its a comple

12、x and _25_ dance. The first time I went tango dancing I was too _26_ to get out on the floor. _27_, I stayed on the edge of the dance floor when the dancing began. The fancy foot work _28_ me. Don t make a fool of yourself. Just _29_ it. I thought. _30_ my mind, an older woman dropped out of the _31

13、_, sat down beside me, and said she had a secret for me. She _32_, If you do not join the dancing, we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you for _33_. Inspired by her _34_ words, I took up the _35_ of tango.A friend asked me if I was a little too _36_, Tango? At your a

14、ge? You must be out of your mind! On the contrary, its a deeply considered _37_. I seek the sharp scary _38_ that comes from beginning something new, which _39_ all my resources and challenges my body and mind. So, when people say, Tango? At your age? I _40_ answer,“Yes!21. A. crazily B. skillfully

15、C. daily D. casually22. A. private B. formal C. temporary D. grand23. A. pass by B. walk through C. clean D. leave24. A. light B. tap C. heat D. music25. A. dangerous B. terrible C. difficult D. dull26. A. scared B. excited C. foolish D. proud27. A. Otherwise B. Still C. Instead D. Anyhow28. A. amaz

16、ed B. disappointed C. comforted D. confused29. A. watch B. finish C. join D. stop30. A. Occupying B. Reading C. Overlooking D. Entering31. A. class B. show C. dance D. conversation32. A. argued B. admitted C. declared D. whispered33. A. trying B. waiting C. coming D. sharing34. A. bitter B. brave C.

17、 wise D. familiar35. A. talk B. challenge C. task D. duty36. A. careful B. humorous C. practical D. ambitious37. A. decision B. suggestion C. belief D. answer38. A. security B. pleasure C. freedom D. relief39. A. changes B. wastes C. saves D. requires40. A. roughly B. simply C. politely D. possibly参

18、考答案:21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. B年老的作者相信:随着心跳、脉搏以及心中的音乐去跳舞是她的天性。所以作者每天都坚持跳舞。但是周边的人们总是质疑她这个年龄精神不正常,作者总是自信的回应他们:自己现在的目标就是:跳完所有我能跳的舞蹈,今生不留遗憾。21. 考查副词和形容词。A. crazily 疯狂地; B. skillfully 技能熟练地; C. daily 每日的; D. casua

19、lly 随意地。根据I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.得知我相信,随着心跳、脉搏以及心中的音乐去跳舞是我的天性。所以我每天都跳。故选C。22. 考查形容词。A. private 私人的; B. formal 正式的; C. temporary 临时的; D. grand 宏大的。故选A。23. 考查动词短语。A. pass by 经过; B. walk through 走过内部; C. cl

20、ean 干净的; D. leave 离开。根据Each morning when I _3_ the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on the _4_ and its dance time!得知每天早上,在去煮咖啡的路上,我穿过屋子。故选B。24. 考查名词。A. light 灯光; B. tap 水龙头; C. heat 热量; D. music 音乐。根据Each morning when I _3_ the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on the _4_ and its dance

21、time!每天早上,在去煮咖啡的路上,我都把音乐打开。故选D。25. 考查形容词。A. dangerous 危险的; B. terrible 可怕的; C. difficult 困难的; D. dull 枯燥的。根据its a complex and _5_ dance.得知探戈最近很火爆。这是一种很复杂的比较难跳的舞,故选C。26. 考查形容词。A. scared 害怕的; B. excited 兴奋的; C. foolish 愚蠢的; D. proud 骄傲的。根据The first time I went tango dancing I was too _6_ to get out on

22、 the floor得知第一次去上探戈舞蹈课的时候,我非常害怕,都不敢到地板上去。故选A。27. 考查副词。A. Otherwise 否则; B. Still 仍然; C. Instead 相反; D. Anyhow 不管怎样。根据_7_, I stayed on the edge of the dance floor when the dancing began.得知开始跳舞时,我却一直待在旁边不敢跳。前后表示转折,相反。故选C。28. 考查形容词。A. amazed 惊奇的; B. disappointed 失望的; C. comforted 安慰的; D. confused 困惑的。根据

23、The fancy foot work _8_ me.得知那高超的步法让我眼花缭乱。故选D。29. 考查动词。A. watch 观看; B. finish 完成; C. join 加入; D. stop 停止。根据Don t make a fool of yourself. Just _9_ it. 得知“别做傻事了,”我想,“就看看吧。”这是当时“我”的想法。故选A。30. 考查副词。A. Occupying 占据; B. Reading 阅读,读出,看出; C. Overlooking 远眺; 忽视; D. Entering 进入。根据_10_ my mind, an older woma

24、n dropped out of the _11_,一位年龄比我还大的女士看出了我的想法,她从舞场中退出来。故选B。31. 考查名词。A. class 班级; B. show 表演; C. dance 跳舞; D. conversation 对话。根据sat down beside me得知一位年龄比我还大的女士看出了我的想法,她从舞场中退出来,故选C。32. 考查动词。A. argued 争论; B. admitted 承认; C. declared 宣布; D. whispered 低语。根据 and said she had a secret for me.得知因为是秘密,她低声说。故选

25、D。33. 考查动词。A. trying 尝试; B. waiting 等待; C. coming 过来; D. sharing 分享。根据But if you dance, we will think well of you for _13_. 得知可是如果你跳了,我们就会因为你的尝试而觉得你很棒。”故选A。34. 考查形容词。A. bitter 苦的; B. brave 勇敢的; C. wise 明智的; D. familiar 熟悉的。根据 Inspired by her _14_ words,听了这位女士的这席明智的话。故选C。35. 考查名词。A. talk 讲话; B. chall

26、enge 挑战; C. task 任务; D. duty 职责。根据Inspired by her _14_ words, I took up the _15_ of tango.听了这席话,我接受了探戈的挑战。故选B。36. 考查形容词。A. careful 小心的; B. humorous 幽默的; C. practical 实际的; D. ambitious野心勃勃的;有雄心的。根据A friend asked me if I was a little too _16_, Tango? At your age? You must be out of your mind! 得知朋友说我这个

27、年龄还学探戈一定是精神不正常了,她认为我对探戈的嗜好是不是有点儿太狂野了。故选D。37. 考查名词。A. decision 决定; B. suggestion 建议; C. belief 信念; D. answer 回答。根据On the contrary, its a deeply considered _17_. 得知恰恰相反:作者认为这是她深思熟虑之后的决定。故选A。38. 考查名词。A. security 安全; B. pleasure 快乐; C. freedom 自由; D. relief 减轻。根据I seek the sharp scary _18_ that comes fr

28、om beginning something new, 得知我追寻那种随着新事物而产生的,尖锐而略带惊吓的喜悦。故选B。39. 考查动词。A. changes 改变; B. wastes 浪费; C. saves 挽救; D. requires 需要。根据I seek the sharp scary _18_ that comes from beginning something new, which _19_ all my resources and challenges my body and mind. 得知我追寻那种随着新事物而产生的,尖锐而略带惊吓的喜悦这就要求我全身心投入,对我的心

29、智、身体和勇气同时进行挑战。故选D。40. 考查副词。A. roughly 粗略地; B. simply 简单地; C. politely 礼貌地; D. possibly 可能地。根据So, when people say, Tango? At your age? I _20_ answer,“Yes! 得知所以,当人们说,“探戈?你这个年龄?精神不正常吧?”我便回答:“没有啊,我可不想不正常。”故选B。三、 阅读理解17. At a computer exhibition Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with t

30、he auto industry and stated : “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has ,we would all be driving twenty-five dollar cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.”In response to Bills comments , General Motors announced a news release stating :If GM had developed technology like Mi

31、crosoft , we would be driving cars with the following characteristics :1. For no reason your car would crash twice a day .2. Every time they repainted the lines on the road you would have to buy a new car .3. Sometimes your car would die on the freeway for no reason and you would just accept this ,

32、restart and drive on .4. Only one person at a time could use the car , unless you bought “Car95” or “CarNT” . But then you would have to buy more seats .5. If you tried to get your car to a mechanic , youd make a long distance call , be put on hold for three or four hours , when you finally got the

33、mechanic , youd to told how to fix it yourself , and the mechanic would hang up before you even tried his or her suggestions .6. People would get excited about the “new” features in Microsoft cars , forgetting completely they had been available in other cars for many years .7. The airbag system woul

34、d say: “Are you sure”? before going off .8. Every time GM introduced a new model car , buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car .9. Microsoft cars would have a special radio/cassette player which would only be

35、 able to listen to Microsoft FM, and play Microsoft Cassettes .10. If you couldnt afford to buy a new car , then you could just borrow your friends and then copy it .11. Youd press the “start” button to shut off the engine .53The purpose of writing this article is . Ato state the advantages of Micro

36、soft in making cars Bto inform that Microsoft will make cars in the future Cto compare cars made by GM with those made by Microsoft Dto make fun of the disadvantages of Microsofts products 54It can be inferred from the passage the airbag system of the new car . Awould be more safe than the old one B

37、would become useless in case of an accident Cwould not surprise the driver by going off suddenly Dwould remind the driver of the danger ahead of time 55What does the writer really mean by saying “Youd press the start button to shut off the engine”? AThe design of Microsoft is very funny and strange

38、. BIt is better to control the engine like a computer . CThe engine control system requires to be improved . DIt is impossible to shut off the engine by pressing the “start” button .56The best title of this passage would be . ACharacteristics of the New Cars BGM Should Learn from Microsoft CIf Micro

39、soft Build Cars DNew Cars to be Made in the Future 参考答案:DBAC18. Resume (简历) writing is a skill, but not everyone is born with it. Fortunately, on , you will find free resume samples for different job needs Apart from giving you ready-made samples for the various posts; we also provide information an

40、d tips on how to write a particular job resume so that you can draft your copy on your own.By providing you with career tips and job information along with samples of resumes and application letters, we have made an attempt to make you an effective Writer, who can comfortably write his job summary,

41、skills and experience in the most appealing way. You may be an Accountant, Fashion Designer, Doctor or any other imaginable professional, and our writing team has made sure that you have a resume that is tailor-made just for you.Every job has different requirements, and that makes every resume diffe

42、rent. If you are looking for a sample for a specific job, see the categories and click on the particular section to view the examples for management, nursing, sales, medical, lawyer, and others. Remember that correct and effective resume is the key to getting the interview call.Writing a great resum

43、e is far from following specific rules and advice you hear from others. Some common beliefs like, it should just be a page long, are misleading. Resume is a tool to sell your skills to the potential employer. Thus, it should be appropriate to the post applied for. Use the samples provided here to de

44、scribe your skills, personality, and experience effectively. Let your creativity flow through you to make your summary of personal and professional history look unique. If you attach a brief application letter along with it, you can have yet another great selling point up your sleeve!Since a resume

45、has the power to make or break your chances of earning an interview call, you probably would have a lot of questions in your mind. To ease out the tension and answer all the questions, we have listed a list of FAQs, which are sure to make your life easier.8. Which of the following can help you get a

46、 job interview according to the text?A. Previous working experiences.B. An appealing resume.C. Your communication skills.D. Your creativity and personality9. What do you have to do when writing a resume?A. Copy-paste some parts from this website.B. Strictly follow specific rules.C. Make it one page

47、long.D. Make sure it is appropriate and unique.10. What do you think the letters “FAQs” in the last paragraph stand for?A. frequently asked questions.B. first aid questions.C. factory automation qualities.D. fair average qualities.11. What is the purpose of the text?A. To ease people of their tensio

48、n in life.B. To make people an effective writer.C. To recommend job-hunters a website about resume writing.D. To give job-hunters ready-made samples for their posts.参考答案:8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C【分析】这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了简历写作不是与生俱来的,而是可以通过学习去完善和提高的,目的是向求职者推荐一个关于简历写作的网站。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据文章内容及最后一段中的“Since a resume has


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