1、广州市育才实验学校九年学年上学期第一单元测Few people would even think of beginning a new job of 76, ? one of Americas most famous actists did t. Anna Mary Robertson, better 3“Grandma Moses”, turned to ing because she was too to work on her farm.Grandma Moses was crazy about ing soon after cked it up and广州市育才实验学校九年学年上学期第
2、一单元测Few people would even think of beginning a new job of 76, ? one of Americas most famous actists did t. Anna Mary Robertson, better 3“Grandma Moses”, turned to ing because she was too to work on her farm.Grandma Moses was crazy about ing soon after cked it up and worked hard at it. ed and her wor
3、ks were nice. Sheed only to please , and began to sell her works a little money. In 1993, a _8, Louis Caldor happened to see several of Grandma Moses works in a shop. He liked them and them at once,and set out to look for . Caldor held showroduce theworksof Moses to artists. GrandmaMoses, was world-
4、famous, died December13,1961,A.wouldA.A. A. A.A. A.A.A. A.A. A.A.theofB.wouldB.B.B.B.B.B.B.C.wouldntC.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.D.wouldntD. D. D. D.D. D. D.D. D. D. D. D. D. D. gB.B.B.B.B.B.A. tJackie Chan is a well-know action movie star around the world. He was born April 7, 1954 before he was born.
5、 . His parent a short parents him “Chen Gangsheng”, which means “born in Kong”.They wanted toasafetrip. 19 , Jackies family he French Embassy. In 1961, when Jackie was 20 old, his family moved to Australia. His father got 21 as a he American Later, back , Jackies father sent him to the China Drama A
6、cademy. Jackie and worked 19 hours a day. The students 22 Kung Fu and learned how to do many he early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, 23 he wasnt very sful. He wentto and had great s. Finally, in 1995, Jackie Chan became the United es. Today, Jackie Chan has both millionsofand American fans, and hi
7、s 16.A. B.C.D. A. A. ofA.A.A.A. A.bookA.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.makeC.C.D. D.D.At D. D.D.D. D.takeD. C.C.C.A. A. ofA.A.A.A. A.bookA.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.makeC.C.D. D.D.At D. D.D.D. D.takeD. C.C.C.C.C.singC.B.lABefore he startsperforming,TerryLin(林志炫) israthera shy man, he silently waits tobegin the show. But the
8、 second he starts singing, he owns the stage.The 47-year-old singer started his music career 22 years ago. But his fame(名气isdowntohisperformance on( SongslikeYouveNeverLeft( 没离开过)andOperashowedoffLinsvoice,hiscover(翻唱)of Jay Chous Fireworks Cool Easily(易冷) touched many, including the songs writer We
9、nshan. People say they see sincerity (诚意) in Lin” eyes. Lin values sincerity a lot in both music and family life.Atcollege,LinandhisiJistartedthebandUkulele(优客李林Itwasabuthisparentswantedhimtohelpwiththeiringhouse.ttime,hismotherfell very“Familyandrelikeglassyhands.IfIletthemfall,Icannevergetthemback
10、ece,” said Lin. He decided to hold those balls tightly. He cut his working o halves.Frommorningtonoon,he worksasasalesmanforthe ingheafternoon,worksasa singer.“Ihave bothordinaryandcolorfulrolesinlife,”saidts why a man with such talent still treats people and music in such a 26.WhendidTerryLinbeginh
11、ismusicA.Whenhe wasC.WhenhismotherwasB.WhenhewasatD.Whenhewas25years 27.Inwhichshowdidhe touchtheA. IAmAC.ThebandB.FireworksCoolanTV28.Whatdoestheunderlineword”touched”A.B.C.D.29.Accordingtothepassage,whatkindA.He lovesmoneynB.HethinkssingingismorenhismothersC.Heislazy,soheonlyheinghouseforhalfaD.He
12、treatspeopleandmusicinasincere30.WhichementisA.Heisveryout-.B.Atcollege,LinandhisiJistartedabandC.Whenhismotherwasveryill,hegaveupD.He isshyanddoesntlike todoBTheevidence for harmony may not be obvious in some s. But it tfour out five young people now get on with their B.Atcollege,LinandhisiJistarte
13、dabandC.Whenhismotherwasveryill,hegaveupD.He isshyanddoesntlike todoBTheevidence for harmony may not be obvious in some s. But it tfour out five young people now get on with their parents, which is the ite if the popularly-image(形象)ofunhappyteenagersheirroomafterendlessfamilyAn important new o teena
14、ge attitudes surprisingly t their family life more n it had ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just todays young people seem to be about their famis,” said one number of the research team. “Theyreexpectedto berebellious(叛逆的and selfishbutactually theyhaveother thingson minds: they want a ca
15、r and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving well. Theres more negotiation(商议) and n parents and children, and expect to take So ithe family -making s. They dont want to rock the boat(t thisgeneration ofparentsis oren parentsof30 yearsagotreat their children as friends. “My p
16、arents are happy to discuss things with me and willing listentome,”says17-year-oldDanielLazall.“Il themwhenImgoinglubbing.long as they know what ng, theyre fine with me.” Susan Crome, who is now 21, “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. le,as longasI
17、d done all ,I could go out ona Saturday night.But Ithink grandparentswerealotstricterwithmynMaybe itive view mily life should not be unexpected. It t the of teenage rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments(评论),“Our teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes becaus
18、e of a brief period in our tlhistory when teenagers were regarded as different beings. t idea of rebelling and away from their parents really only happened t one he 1960s when rebelled.The normalsituationthroughout history has been asmoothchangefrom hel the family business to taking it over.”Whatist
19、hepopularoftheteenagerTheyworryaboutTheydislikelivingwiththeiroutC.Theyhavetobe oavoidD.Theyquarrelalotwithotherfamily32.The studytteenagersdontwanttoA.sharefamilyC.goboatingwiththeirB.cause heirD.makefamilysComparedwithparentsof30yearsago,todaysparentsgotoclubsmoreoftenwiththeiraremuchstricterwitht
20、heircarelessabouttheirchildrensgivetheirchildrenmoreAccordingtothewriter,teenagerebellionA.maybeafalseB.iscommonD.resultedfromchangesinC.existedhe 35.WhatisthepassagemainlyA.NegotiationinC.HarmonyinB.EducationinD.TeenagetroubleinCIt was a er morning, just a couple ksA.maybeafalseB.iscommonD.resulted
21、fromchangesinC.existedhe 35.WhatisthepassagemainlyA.NegotiationinC.HarmonyinB.EducationinD.TeenagetroubleinCIt was a er morning, just a couple ks before Christmas 2005. While most were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to tide his bike kilometers away from home to work.
22、On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as usuallydoes.uttingin10hoursoflabor,hereturnedtofindhisbike The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to puttingin 60-ksto support his young family. And the bike wasalso used to get (食品杂货savingusfromhavingtow
23、alkalonglongfromwhereweI was so t ould steal our t I wrote to the r and told our story. Shortly t, several people in our area offered to onderful evenboughta bike,thencalledmyhusbandtopickitup.Once yhusbandhada waytoto and from his job. It really is an someonetheyhavenevermett a complete stranger wo
24、uld go out of their way People t a can be passed from to another, but acts of kindness strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because strengthenedour faith in humanity(人性) asa whole. And s influenced us to be more of wayswe,too,can share with others. Noma
25、tter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows t someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.36.WhywasthebikesoimportanttotheA.TheyuseditforworkanddailyC.Itwasa niceKona18B.Itwastheir.D.Themansjobwasbike37.WecaninferfromtheA.thecoupleworked60hourskB.peoplewerebusybeforeD.lifewashardforthe
26、youngC.thestrangerbroughtoverthe38.Howdidpeople gettoknowthecouplesA.Froma C.FromTV39.WhatdothecouplelearnfromtheirA.StrangersareusuallyoflittleC.Newsreportsmakepeople40.Fromthisstory,wecansee humanityisB.Froma D.FromradioB.OneshouldtakecareoftheirD.Anactof kindnesscanA. B.lC.D.cold-DElizabeth Black
27、well was born in England in 1821, and moved York City when was ten years old. One day she t she wanted e a t was sible forahemiddleofthenineteenthcentury.Afterwritingmanylettersfor to medical schools,shewasfinallyaccepted byadoctor inPhiladelphia.Shewas tshetaughtschoolandgavemusic lessonstogetmoney
28、forthecostofIn 1849, after graduation from medical school, he decided to further her education in Shewantedtobefor to medical schools,shewasfinallyaccepted byadoctor inPhiladelphia.Shewas tshetaughtschoolandgavemusic lessonstogetmoneyforthecostofIn 1849, after graduation from medical school, he deci
29、ded to further her education in Shewantedtobea surgeon,butaseriouseyeproblemforcedher togiveupthe Upon returning to the United es, she found it difficult to start her own practice she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along nother doctor, managed to open a new hospital, f
30、or women and children. Besides being woman physi 41.Whyn and founding her own hospital, she also set up medical school izabethBlackwellrealizeherdreamingaShecouldntgetadmittedtomedicalShedecidedtofurtherhereducationinAseriouseyeproblemstoppedD.ItwasdifficultforhertostartaheUnited42.WhatmainA. Shewas
31、a)almostdestroyedElizabethsingaShewrote toomanyShecouldntgraduatefrommedicalShecouldntsetupher43.HowmanyyearspassednhergraduationfrommedicalschoolandtheopeningofA.EightB.TenC.NineteenD.Thirty-six44.Accordingtothepassage,allofthefollowingarehe lifeofElizabetht she A. becamewomanB. was womanC.andseveralotherwomenfoundedhospitalforwomenandD. setupmedicalschoolfor45.ElizabethBlackwellspentmostofherlifeinA. B.C.theUnitedA:Whoisyourfavoritesinger? B: G.E.M.A: 46 B:Shewasbornin1991inShanghai.Shemovedto A:Sosheistwenty-fouryearsoldnow. B: 47 .A:Doyouknowwhere shewithherfamilywhensheB:Yes
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